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Everything posted by isshinryu5toforever

  1. That's fairly soon before 4th of July. A lot of people make plans around that time or year. They have to travel for family reasons, etc. What if we went sometime in mid July or Early August? It's between 4th of July and Labor Day. Instead of going right before a major grill out, camp out, shoot of dangerous exploding stuff holiday.
  2. Have to go with the Green Bay Packers, raised in WI what can I say?
  3. If you neglect the snap back part of your ordinary kicks, your hook kick will suffer. Because as you know, the snap back part is actually what makes a hook kick. Flexibility helps, but a hook kick doesn't have to be executed to the head. Sure, it's nice, but not everybody has flexibility. You can execute a hook kick anywhere on the body as long as you have a powerful "snap back" motion.
  4. The American Marines learned different forms of Isshin-Ryu as well. Master Shimabuku changed Isshin-Ryu depending on the week. You can see in some of the films how his punch drifts more toward a 45 than verticle. My question is about the three who were there with him til the end. His two sons and Angi Uezu. I have heard great things about Uezu, not so great things about Kichiro, and just a few things about Shinsho. I was wondering who should be the man amongst those three. From what I have heard, Shinsho has been a black belt longer, Kichiro is older, but Uezu is the best practitioner. Very confusing situation, and I bet the family get togethers are very fun.
  5. You're missing a very large number of bands my friend. m-flo (Japanese) is good. songs: miss you Astrosexy Se7en (Korean) is good songs: Passion The Notorious MSG from NYC's Chinatown are absolutely hillarious song: Dim Sum Girl A lot of people love Hyolee and Boa too. Then there's Led Zepplin, Black Sabath (Crazy Train), AC/DC, etc., etc....
  6. I can't say I am absolutely positive as I am not a science major, I believe though that it has to do with changing the amount of a certain type of pigment within the mixture. Blue has a chemical or pigment in it that reflects blue and absorbs other colors. Yellow has a pigment that absorbs yellow, but reflects all others. By mixing these two, you are creating a pigmentation mixure that will land somewhere between yellow and blue and that just so happens to be green. Thus, the new pigment reflects green and absorbs all other colors. It has to do with the visible light spectrum. If you look up the visible light spectrum you will notice that red is on your far left and violet on your far right. As you move from left to right you notice that red becomes yellow, and on the other side moving left, violet becomes blue. They meet and create green. It is just the way that our eye happens to pick up the reflected light.
  7. "JC Penny $3.95." Couldn't resist. Black belt since November 1997. That makes me feel old, and I'm only 19.
  8. It's a belt factory. You don't really learn anything from them, they just keep promoting people because it pays ($$$) to do so. People don't really want to work toward things, they want to be able to coast through and take the easy way out. A McDojo allows them to say they are a black belt without having to put in the real work to become one. A lot of people who are in this situation however, don't necessarily realize it.
  9. Yes Isshin-Ryu Karate has a cat stance. We actually use it fairly often in kata.
  10. The karate they teach is basically the same. The same 8 empty hand katas, the same weapons katas, same basics, same karate code and creed. The only things that are different are the people they endorse as the head of the style, and they may have possibly created their own code for their branch.
  11. I had heard the death bed story before. Of the three I have heard that the order as far as best on down would be Uezu, Shinsho Shimabuku, then Kichiro. I'm not sure who endorses who anymore. I wonder which assosiation endorses whom. Because as I said before Master Advincula endorses Shinsho. I know a few people endorse Uezu and likewise with Kichiro. Anyone here practice Long-Shimabuku Isshin-Ryu or come directly from Mitchum, Armstrong, or Nagle. I'm not trying to begin a major argument I just want to know who endorses who.
  12. Shinsho Shimabuku, Kichiro Shimabuku, and Angi Uezu have all been endorsed as the one that Shimabuku passed the torch to. Anyone care to take a stab at who it is? Becuase, I have no real clue. I know that master Advincula supports Shinsho Shimabuku. This would make sense, because although he is the second son of Master Tatsuo Shimabuku, he achieved his black belt before Master Kichiro Shimabuku. I have heard stories of both Master Angi Uezu and Master Kichiro Shimabuku being told that they were to be the head of the style. I have heard many good things about Angi Uezu and many not so good things about Kichiro, however without actually training with either one, I can't make any judgements. So, anyone have an answerto the wo is the head of Isshin-Ryu question?
  13. Does anyone know of a place that may teach Pa kua chang and Pa kua chuan in lower Manhattan. I would like to learn either one or both. I guess that Pa kua chuan would probably be closest to the martial arts I do or have done already, Isshin-Ryu Karate, Aikido, Judo. Any suggestions or advice would be welcome.
  14. I like: Learning more about my heritage (Korea), K-Town (food!!), great friends like my friend Bronte, Korean and Japanese pop music, waking up early to watch the sunrise with someone you have feelings for, doing something good just to do something good, that Asian girl with the cute English accent in my Bio class. I usually have a penchant for attracting girls who have boyfriends already.
  15. uh try asking ShotokanKid or someone else on here who speaks Japanese.
  16. I like the traditional cut gis the most.
  17. Bubble tea is great too!!!
  18. "The life expectancy and the IQ of the average American just passed eachother going opposite directions." - George Carlin "I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally." - WC Fields (I don't agree with it, but it's still funny) "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day." - George Carlin "I am" is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language. Could it be that "I do" is the longest sentence? - George Carlin "If a man is sitting in the woods talking, and there is no woman present, is he still wrong?"
  19. I got kicked in the legs a ton, and I got hit with a shinai a ton. That's why I can take a leg kick.
  20. "It is a brave act of valor to condemn death, but where life is more terrible than death it is then the truest valor to dare to live." - Sir Thomas Brown "I dislike death, however, there are some things I dislike more than death. Therefore, there are times when I will not avoid danger."--Mencius "Victory is reserved for those who are willing to pay it's price."--Sun Tzu "He who hesitates, meditates in a horizontal position" - Ed Parker "The way of the sword and the Way of Zen are identical, for they have the same purpose; that of killing the ego." - Yamada Jirokichi "You may train for a long time, but if you merely move your hands and feet and jump up and down like a puppet, learning Karate is not very different from learning a dance. You will never have reached the heart of the matter; you will have failed to grasp the quintessence of karate-do." - Gichin Funakoshi
  21. Oh yeah, just float me an e-mail on where. I'm not real picky. It's a lot easier for me to do e-mail with my class and MA schedule.
  22. Since I'm still young and in college, I would have to discuss it with the parents. If we did it sometime following 4th of July it migh work though.
  23. I drink basically only three things, water, Gatorade, and milk. Good ole' regular whole milk is great.
  24. I don't think it's a problem to have a significant other as long as they realize what they are getting themselves into. Being in a relationship with a pro fighter is a bit different than normal. As for being physical, there is medical evidence to prove that the old addage isn't true. It doesn't affect your performance in the long run.
  25. they can also be affective for striking pressurepoints. You don't realize how much it penetrates until you get hit with one.
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