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Everything posted by isshinryu5toforever

  1. instead of stepping into seiuchin, we start in a neutral stance basically a heiko dachi. We position the hands the same, but use no chamber for the downblock. It's best if it's demonstrated. I think you can get the jist though. If you're ever going to be in NYC just tell me.
  2. I've never liked seeing pushups used as a measuring tool in martial arts. I do know that my sensei used them in some black belt tests to see how much the person really wanted it. Everything else was gravy. They should know all that stuff, and they did or he wouldn't have tested. It was just up to seeing how much they really truly wanted to be a black belt.
  3. ah, the hidden fist. I have seen this openning in the Brooklyn school and I have seen it in Canada. Our openning is a bit different. If anyone has a chance to be in NYC on some weekend just let me know, and we might be able to get together to train a little. It'd be fun to explore the differences a little.
  4. Okinawan karate is known for the highter seiuchin, but in a few schools from the Nagle lineage use muh deeper more Japanese seiuchin
  5. I see everyone else doing it. I'd like to know who on here is in Isshin-Ryu Karate. I see it on several people's profiles, but maybe it would be advantageous for us to get to know eachother a little. I know that my brand of Isshin-Ryu is very different to the people out here on the east coast. The chinese aspects of it are very Chinese. The stances are a little more Okinawan than the deep Japanese stances I've seen, and our techniques are a little more compact. So, where is everyone from? If you know, it would be cool to see which marine your karate goes back to Mitchum, Long, Nagle, or Armstrong. If it goes to Shinsho, Uezu, or Kichiro that would be awesome. And if you feel like putting up your rank that's fine too. Here is my info, I am from Wisconsin, my lineage goes back to Long via my master's original instructor, however if I am not mistaken he has trained with Angi Uezu. I am currently in New York City's east village due to attendance of New York University
  6. people who quit smoking are those that want to quit not those that are pressured into it. To play devil's advocate here, you aren't going to die anytime soon from second hand smoke. It takes a very long time, so quit overreacting. If your grandmother really does want to quit smoking she will. Also, 4 cigarettes is nothing. If it was a whole pack or more then you might have something, but 4 a day is very little. Put things into perspective a little more. And as SS said all of those little emoticon things are annoying.
  7. In Isshin-Ryu you get a red and white belt at 6th dan and then a solid red belt at 9th dan. Those are the general guidelines.
  8. I'm only going to be in the city until May. I am going to New York University but I live win Wisconsin.
  9. Does anyone know if there are any karate tournaments open or traditional that are going on in New York City any time from now until early May?
  10. Thank you, I have a mac so quicktime is already installed. The video is good quality, a bit small in window size, but you can clearly see everything. Comparatively I would have to say that the bo kata he performed is more power based and choppy than the one that I have seen in Shimabuku's videos. I have been able to remember all of Shi Shi No Kun No Dai from the video, so I will confer with my sensei when I make a trip home this summer. I think the length of both Shi Shi No Kun no Dai and Chatan Yara No Sai are what make them difficult. The Bo kata does get a little complicated in places with hand switches, but other than that it is fairly easy to learn.
  11. Yeah, I saw that, if it was just a half size bigger I would have hopped on that one instead. I have a nice Satori gi already, but when I saw the Tokaido for $80 I jumped at it by impulse. The deal seemed valid, but I'll have to let you know for sure when it comes in.
  12. The problem is that I need these mainly for a refresher. I already learned most of them. I figured out the rest of Shi Shi No Kun based on the extremely old grainy 66 videos which was quite difficult, but I don't know if I can do that with Chatan Yara No Sai. I guess I'll have to see.
  13. We'll see for sure when the package arrives, but I just bought a heavy weight 12 oz, Tokaido uniform off of e-bay for $80. Some store was closing down, and had to sell out of all their inventory, Tokaido uniforms included. You could still check, they may have some just go to e-bay and type in Tokaido.
  14. no real motto to live by. I have seen a few that are interesting though. "Hard work beats talent that hardly works." of course, "Pain is just weakness leaving the body." This one by Michael Jordan may be one of the best: "I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that's why i succed."
  15. If we want to get into specifics on looks, I'm thinkin black hair (highlights if they look good), deep brown eyes, athleticly built, 5'-5'6. Petite works too. For some reason I like either light tan skin or fairly pale skin. Don't ask me, I know they're pretty opposite. I just think most people look better tan, but a woman with pale skin and dark hair can look great. Zhang Ziyi is fair skinned. A lot of people think she's pretty, even though she may be a bit of a diva according to my friends from Hong Kong.
  16. I was thinking in the lines of easy to talk to, fun to be with, can hold an intellectual conversation, but talk about sports a little too. Doesn't have to do martial arts, but at least understand that i do them, and will do them until I die or my body gives out. Has to be at least a little intellectual as stated above. Kind and caring personality, definitely a matronly type (at least eventually). As for looks, I will admit that I am partial to Asian women. I am Korean, so give me a little break here. I love a woman with deep, dark eyes, that look into your soul. Since I am from Wisconsin though and I was the only Asian in three counties, I have never dated an Asian girl. I would like a woman who's a little shorter than I am. I'm 5'8" so I'm not too short. I don't have an issue with height though. She has to be at least a little athletic. No couch potatoes they have to love the outdoors, or they are never going to see me. They have to think I'm at least a little crazy, no jacket in 35 degree weather for me. They have to be a little crazy themselves.
  17. thank you very much
  18. we have some where a few of us are lined up and we're all doing a side split. Then we have some pictures that are fun of it looking like I'm kicking someone hard and they're flying the opposite direction. They actually look pretty real.
  19. I was wondering if anyone on here knew where I could get free clips for Shi Shi No Kon No dai and Chatan Yara No Said. That is, besides the grainy 1966 videos of Tatsuo Shimabuku. I have those. This is more of a refresher for me than an actual learning tool. I remember the first half of each kata, but the second half is a little sketchy. Sometimes Shimabuku's techniques are hard to follow because they are abreviated for the film.
  20. I think it is good to know where your style comes from. Lineage isn't everything, but I believe it can be an important thing.
  21. You have to lower your overall body fat content to get a six pack. You can't spot train for better "show muscles".
  22. After class try to get as far in a straddle (side split) as you can. Push it to the point where it hurts a little. Then try to go a little farther each time. Do butterfly stretch. Stand in a side kick or roundhouse chamber with your side against a wall and have someone push your leg toward the wall and up. You know what I mean? Then do the same stretch with the leg extended. It takes a long time to see results as far as flexibility is concerned.
  23. The Korean heavy weight at the olympics was 6'2" I think. I know I'm short 5'8". I used to think that height was kind of a big thing in TKD especially olympic TKD. Then on Saturday I beat a guy who's about 6'4" 230ish. I'm 5'8" 185ish. So it proves that short and extremely quick with powerful strikes can beat big and lumbering.
  24. I have a very strong Karate background, so apparently my kiyup makes me sound like a tiger when I am fighting someone.
  25. We put stripes on the belts. I think it's just something we've always done.
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