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Everything posted by isshinryu5toforever

  1. I really just want a girl who understands me, doesn't judge me, and is willing to put up with what little quirks I might have, because I do the same for her. Someone who I can fall asleep talking to late at night. Someone who I want to wake up first thing in the morning, just so mine is the first voice she hears. Someone who will enjoy the sunrise just as much as the sunset (it's hard to see in NYC, but back home it's gorgeous). Someone who can be laid back and just wear jeans, but if the need arises dress up and be a lady. Someone whose not affraid to call me on my crap. And lastly, someone who is willing to wait until marriage, because believe or not, girls get around just as much as guys now a days. I'm probably the biggest hopless romantic you'll ever meet. With what I just said, I think I must be dreaming if I am going to find this combination. A guy can dream though, can't he?
  2. lol Shaun of the Dead is kind of odd though. In a dark way, it's funny.
  3. hey, there's nothing wrong with that. I have to take a homework break somehow.
  4. I posted on this question in the chinese MA forum.
  5. That depends on the practitioner. I have seen extremely fast people in Kenpo, Ba Gua Chuan, Isshin-Ryu, Tae Kwon Do, etc. I have even see people speed up Tai Chi like a million times and use it to devestating affect. So, it depends on the who, not the style.
  6. When you get custom martial arts decals for your vehicle.
  7. You would feel like such a jerk after that. And now that it's six it's even better. How can you really argue with someone that came back from an illness that gave him less than a 30% chance of living to win 6 straight Tour de Frances and be at the top of his sport? And who is now dating Sheryl Crowe lol.
  8. I thought it was kind of strange too. Why limit yourself?
  9. "Bring out the holy grenade!"
  10. I don't have a TKD uniform, but the coach has been encouraging me to buy one. How do those fit compared to a regular karate gi?
  11. I know where the belt tradition began. I also know a few Japanese black belt that feel washing your belt would be like washing the knowledge out of your mind. It is representative of what you have learned. A black belt that is frayed and worn is something to be revered and respected, it takes a very long time for a belt to get that way naturally. Just my belief.
  12. I never really liked hemming up things. I just never really thought it looked right. I found that I fit almost perfectly in a traditional cut size 4 1/2. I am muscularly built, so although I weight 190 ish I look and have proportions of someone who weighs about 165. I am lucky to be just a shade above 5'8" which means that a 4 1/2 won't be too long, but a 5 will. So no more size 5's.
  13. I don't think you can truly learn from a video or book.
  14. I dunno, I know that I practice martial arts 7 days a week. Now most of that is on my own time, but at least 4 days a week I am in an actual dojo in full uniform. I have never washed my belt. My black belt is a few years old, just because I outgrew my first one. If I still fit it, I would still be wearing it, and that would never be washed either. I guess it's just the traditionalist in me.
  15. The Barker vs Gilmore fight is so funny. I think him playing hockey is pretty good. When Chubbs goes to meet him and he's taking the fastballs in the chest, and then he leaves and that kid steps in and gets taken down, that's pretty funny. Sick, but funny.
  16. The Holy Grail movie is funny, but I've seen it far too many times. I think it depends on the type of humor you like, dark, gross-out, dry, etc. I know people that love some of the dry British humor, and others that despise it. Likewise I have friends that will argue Animal House as the greatest movie ever. I don't think I've seen a truly memorable comedy that I wouldn't tire of.
  17. I know some guys that are in our TKD league that won't date a girl that is doing TKD that isn't a black belt. I think it's comical. Oh well, that leaves it open for those who aren't that picky.
  18. I think it comes down to tradition more than superstition. I have never washed a single belt.
  19. That's another truth, doing XMA is expensive, because you need the necessary training and equipment. You can't throw people who have never done it onto a wood floor, they have to have proper pads and mats.
  20. From what I have seen, taller players have an advantage in fighting. Forms, that's all subjective, whoever has the best technique and the cleanest tecchnique should win forms. In fighting though, a shorter player must be very patient and he must be very quick to fight a taller opponent. Usually a shorter player will be able to even things out if he can work angles and use his cover punch. This involves being quick and strong though. However, if the taller player is as quick as the shorter player, this can create problems for the shorter guy. I have seen extremely quick short people have some success against taller opponents who can't move as fast, but then I have seen those same people step in the ring with taller opponents who are as quick, and they get smoked. Maybe not true in all cases, but from what I have observed a shorter player must always find a way to compensate. If the taller player is his equal in these areas, things get difficult.
  21. Our school meditates before class. It doesn't have to be taken as a religious exercise. We use it to focus on the task at hand, and try to put all the problems of that day in the back of our minds. Meditation can also be helpful if you need to concentrate on a specific thing, even a Bible passage you have just read, which I have done. I sometimes gain a better understanding of what I have just read by meditating on it for a little while.
  22. Deeply rooted stances, that are firm and strong are difficult to sweep, but this means that the person who is doing it must also be very strong.
  23. xtreme martial arts, it's basically martial arts mixed with massive doses of gymnastics. And to answer the poster's question, no my sensei does not teach XMA, because he finds it irrational.
  24. I like being able to share information and ideas with large groups of people, and compare variations within a single style.
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