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Everything posted by parkerlineage

  1. Oh, I see. Thanks. Why can't we just call it that, again?...
  2. MIME is the only power you'll ever need...heck, I'm terrified of them.
  3. Most definitely. My brown belt had frayed a little bit, because I had it for about three years (we have three levels of brown); you'll see some wear, soon.
  4. I think it's the utter lack of punctuation and grammar; sorry, the English major in me just boils at that sort of thing.
  5. That's cool. If you figure it out, let me know, 'cause I'd like to see that!
  6. Well, that's a decisive poll...hehe...(50/50) What's that?
  7. Those are some good points! I plan to do a little something or other at the "Fall Fling" bit in October to raise money. I'm just going to go very informal, in terms of gi and sparring equipment, or at least until I can get enough money or enough people interested in buying their own gi. I'm hoping to get some good bulk deals on equipment, anyway. They do have some gymnastics mats, but no striking bags - I'm still not sure how I'm going to solve that problem, other than use one another's hands, which doesn't sound like much fun for kicking... Thanks for your help!
  8. You just want to take off your shirt... Oh, I totally forgot how awesome I am! hahaha...yeah, right. Anyway, my Sensei spent like 20 minutes with me one time, teaching me how to pull a nunchaku out of someone's hand while they're spinning it. You have to wait for the down-swing, then be really fast, grab the cord, and jerk it down and out. Eventually, I got it. So, there's a weakness of it. 'course, when you mess up on that, it hurts like crazy.
  9. No, sorry...I could look it up, though. I do remember thinking that it was a terrible name for a ninja... *later* Oh, I'm so good. Glen Levy. (See, told you. Bad name for a ninja. "Matsumoto-san! You must run! Glen Levy is coming for you!" *all laugh* "Glen? What kind of a name is...*dies*)
  10. Is that 'cause of his avatar? I always thought that, too...that's a symbol of American Kenpo, unless I'm mistaken.
  11. Thanks for the ideas, lordtariel...I may have trouble with that, for now, though. Basically, it's not to benefit the community - it's to give bored college students something to do. And I don't exactly have a dojo - we're just going to move chairs in whatever classroom we find available, and go there. I will think about it, though - I'm sure I'll figure something out from your ideas. As for doing it for credits, I brought it to the PE director, and apparently, they had some guy doing that like 5 years ago who was awful, and he was very against doing it again. I'd like to find that guy and give him a piece of my mind, but in any event, that option is down the tube.
  12. Welcome to the martial arts, and karateforums! What you've asked could actually be a rather political question, that I'm going to do my best to answer without offending anybody. Generally in the US, TKD schools are very sport oriented. Wushu is always a sport art. Boxing is also a sport art. Basically, anything where the main goal of the art is competition rather than hardcore self defense makes it a sport art, as far as I'm concerned. Fencing, or kendo, for example, are not to learn how to kill opponents with a sword - rather, it's about scoring points by striking in a controlled environment - wheras Iajutsu (sp?) is about killing your opponent (not that they actually do, in practice) (as far as I know) On the other hand, any art can be used for self-defense, if applied correctly. Fast, high kicking TKD artists, if they put power rather than just speed, behind their kicks, can be very effective fighters. If you gave a real sword to a Kendo practicioner, or a piece of pipe long enough to be a sword or staff to a wushu artist, I'm quite confident they could defend themself. This said, the arts I've mentioned, as well as others, are more competition oriented. That's what makes it sport. Hope that clarifies a little bit...
  13. I actually fight interchangably and randomly between my front hand (left) extended almost all the way, palm out with my right fist by my face, or with my right fist chambered high, like right under my armpit. Because my front arm is extended, and my arms are so long, and I block punches and kicks with my legs or dodge them, I can keep my hand chambered for powerful reverse punches. Unless I'm fighting a really tall or really fast person.
  14. Don't know much about UFC, but that's how I'd fight...for now.
  15. Hope everything's good with you, too, Sohan. Man, it's hilarious how frequently we injure ourselves and one another, and we love it...and keep doing it. Over and over.
  16. That's an interesting way of doing it...I haven't thought too much about it, but I think we're probably 7/8 or just all the way turned by the time we hit.
  17. I will pray for him, and I hope everything works out.
  18. Does anybody know if there's any chance I could find a company that would be willing to donate money or equipment for the college MA club that I'm opening next month? Thanks!
  19. We do 1 month and 6 month contracts at my sensei's dojo. I'm not sure what I'll do in mine - probably, while I'm at college, I'll do it for free anyway; college students have no money, from what I hear.
  20. I concur completely. Bluetulipx, I like those ideas. Very sci-fi...you could totally make a movie.
  21. That's awesome. You'll pull through, no doubt. Good luck!
  22. I find girl scout cookies work better for people, but it's the same concept, yeah.
  23. You guys' kata are so different from mine, it's crazy! Why did I never know this...I like that one, though.
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