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Everything posted by parkerlineage

  1. This is a bad thing? (THAT WAS DISGUSTING! I CAN'T BELIEVE I SAID THAT!) (Okay - yes I can)
  2. I have to put in my word for the dao and double dao, here. Great maneuverability and slicing capabilities, and quite light, too.
  3. I'd love to try this in the gym, but I'm terrified that: a) I'll hurt myself, because I won't have anyone to spot me. b) I'll hurt myself, because I've never had proper training on how to bench. c) I'll end up with a really low weight and be horribly ashamed and never be able to post on this site again. I will say that lifting weights - other than bench pressing - has made me faster and stronger in terms of MA, so I disagree with whomever that was that was saying we should do pushups instead. Done lots of pushups in the last 12 years, and I've seen more improvement in the last three months (strengthwise).
  4. That's exactly why I don't agree with the concept of it being good. Which then brings me back to, if it exists, from where does it come? Perhaps I'm being too narrow minded?
  5. Wow. That guy is an idiot.
  6. Sweet picture. I must not be a true ninja, because I'm not so good at the dating thing, thus far.
  7. I take my hat off to that, and hope someday to return to that sort of thing...but don't tell the people who currently oversee me!
  8. I think that applies to pretty much anything in life. Nobody has immediate mastery of anything; so yes, I agree.
  9. Oooh...I really like that combo!!
  10. Darn. I was just going to show off my Japanese skills and say that.
  11. But if God created it, why doesn't he reference it in the Bible? Or does he?
  12. Thanks, HG. That makes a lot of sense. I'm not terribly fond of the spear myself, but I figure to beat something, one must understand it, so I try to train with it anyway.
  13. As much support as a faceless person whose words are merely letters on a screen can be, we're here for you! Good luck, and you can do it!
  14. Cool!
  15. Besides, there's no organization to oversee that all organizations within a a system are legit, and then there's no organization to oversee the organizations that oversee the organizations within all the systems, and of course you'd have to have an organization that oversaw that organization that oversees the organization that oversees the first organizations...*bang!*
  16. You have written novels? Can I find them somewhere? I'd love to read them. Yes, you can find them in my room. I currently have a 650ish page novel that I'm sending out to agents in an attempt to get it published, a 500 page sequel to that novel, and 100 pages of the third book in the series, which is in progress. Hopefully, you could find them in a year and a half or so.
  17. Interesting - so I guess I was wrong. No wonder I'm good at MA - I have Asian heritage!!!
  18. Wow! That gave me a headache for a second, and then I understood...and it makes sense!
  19. I agree with bushidoman. In the heat of conflice, I'm not going to go digging around people's forearms to find pressure points - I'm going to break their elbow and be done with it.
  20. Yeah, but they're all Chinese. I want to show the difference when I do demos and the like.
  21. Please tell me it wasn't the stripping one...
  22. it's not out here in the us yet Thank goodness.
  23. WHILE IN THE SHOWER?!?! I follow your logic, imr1212, but space and slipping may be issues. Dunno, though - perhaps it's worth a try.
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