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Everything posted by parkerlineage

  1. Drinking = lowered inhibitions = thinking, "What the heck - I've been close, I'm sure I can do the splits all the way down while holding a table on my back and curling 60 pounds with one arm." = severe badness In my humble, under 21, and very prohibitionist opinion.
  2. Deindividualize whomever you are working on your technique with (wow, I can't phrase that sentence right no matter how hard I try). The tiger does not think about that conversation he had with his prey, or about the prey's looks or family, the tiger sees only prey. You don't have to be mean - you have to be apathetic, in terms of seeing your partner as an individual. If you're working on a body, that is.
  3. I'd like to emphasize Killer Miller's second point: You've got an outline(ish), now go to it, and just beat your way through. Then, go back and redo it. It's how I wrote my novels.
  4. Goodness...I rather recently had an argument similar to this with my best friend's room-mate while I was in DC. I said something about Israel being in Africa, and she said, "No, it isn't." So, what, then? It's in Asia? Europe? Australia? Perhaps we would be more correct to say the conflict in the "Near East?" It just doesn't ring, sorry...
  5. It's quite unfortunate that money is such an issue, but such is the world in which we live. Good luck in April, by the way, bushidoman!
  6. I have self confidence I know I wouldn't have, coordination and reflexes superior to my friends - and way more than when I started, physical and mental toughness, and the drive to make and achieve goals. Of course, I accredit my parents with some of those, but not all, and karate helped.
  7. I frequenly write out bunkai or kata in musical notaiton for my students that read music. I think it's very helpful.
  8. I've got absolutely no problem putting a bunch of tape on kids' belts to keep them training. To me, tt's worth it to keep the few that actually stick with it and get good. And we don't have to pay $200 to get black belt certification. But the author does make some good points - I'm all for a no-belt system, or at leat breaking it down to white-brown-black.
  9. When I was a junior black, I fought this hardcore shotokan guy who would scream his head off every time he moved. The guy was good - he won 3-0 the first two fights - mostly from intimidation. However, he fought in a left foot forward stance with his hands down. I got up there, hit him as soon as they said go with a flying 360 heel hook to the head (2 points), and then imitated his kiai (I knew this guy and we were tourney buddies, so it wasn't like I was being really mean). I'm always good for an amusing fight, at least.
  10. I'd actually love to know how to say "The Art of Being a Dirtbag" in Japanese or Chinese, because I know a lot of people who are very high rank in that art.
  11. I am not sure where you got that from but you have unfortunetly been misinformed. Give him a break; he's a lawyer from Illinois, and from the mid-to-late 1800s, afterall.
  12. My own bile is frequently what I have. I'm great with nerves...
  13. I don't know this kata or style, but this guy does it more than justice!
  14. Now that I don't do. Fight with your hands down?! Isn't that asking for it?
  15. Took me 7 to get my junior, and 11 to get my full fledged.
  16. No, not like a gentlemanly fighter - because there is no such thing. Like a scholar. As lordtariel pointed out. A gentleman and a scholar, eh? Not seeing the relevance, but, yes. Agreed, but that wan't my point.
  17. Sounds psychological to me. I would take a deep breath, calm yourself down, and then start again from the beginning. Maybe you're having trouble "sensing" because you think you should.
  18. Escrima/Arnis is different from Kali, but they are rather similar. Either one would be good for you in the terms you specifiy; I believe Kail does work with knives and other bladed weapons as well.
  19. You may have to look elsewhere (as in a different style), but definetely look!
  20. I thought that as soon as he pulled it out. But the actual sword guy was wearing a shirt. We can't have that!
  21. Proper breathing is more important, in my opinion, but I have noticed that my instructor and I are always all over the kids saying, "Kiai!", and then he and I fight one another for five minutes, and the loudest sounds you get are impacts and the occasional loud exhale while striking. Do as I say, not as I do?
  22. Frankly, a black belt isn't what it used to be anywhere, anymore. And it's comparing apples and oranges - no one style is better than any other, no matter how long it takes to get a black belt.
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