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Everything posted by yamesu

  1. visited This thread again for ideas while shadow-boxing At my kickboxing school we're taught that generally speaking, after you punch with left you kick with right and after punching with your right you kick with your left. Is that just for beginners? I notice your combos don't follow this, and I've seen plenty online that also don't. The instructors are mostly kyokushin-based I think, or at least have their base in some form of karate. When I try to kick with one leg after punching with the same hand I only manage to do it with any power if the punch is a feint. Also, any idea how I can work combos that start with a kick into my shadow boxing? nowadays I follow my kicks through, which means that when I don't have a target I can't follow a kick up with a punch, only a spinning kick or side kick. Sorry for the delayed reply, totally missed the reply tag on this thread. Hawkmoon has raised some pretty solid points. As far as leading in with kicks, I would say just do it. Go back to basics and work it slow before trying full speed/power. I tend to like starting with a low inside thigh kick or front kick to the stomach and then follow on with punches. Just me personally. You know, I have been doing the same side kick/punch thing for so long now it just seems normal. I thought long and hard about the "why" aspect, and to my, it is simply getting more bang for your buck energy-wise. I have seen some kickboxing instructors who tout the lead punch rear kick thing (and vice-versa) based on the turn of the body the punch gives to lead into a fully cocked kick, but I tend to disagree. Particularly if you are sparring a more skilled opponent. Also (get ready for big ancient secret).... when you throw a right hand punch, and can throw the right leg low kick straight after, the punch almost puts the kick in a "blind spot" of sorts, so it is not being telegraphed as much and is much easier to land. Just my 2 cents.
  2. At the moment I am just west of Ballina NSW, and me and my partner own a place in the Blue Mountains. We regularly (well, at least once a year nowadays anyway, which is less frequent that I would like) travel to asia (thailand, vietnam, japan and india) due to work and having family over there.
  3. Great article, thanks for sharing! Looks strikingly similar to the Sikh battlefield techniques of Shastar Vidiya. http://www.shastarvidiya.org/index.html While I have no formal training in Angampora, at a young age my father did tech me a single sword and small shield style of fighting which is imbedded in bhangra dancing (and which started my fascination with all things weapon related). Looks similar, but as these martial arts are extremely hard to find outside of india/srilanka, its hard to say really.
  4. I agree 100% If they increase in skill, they will have more to bring to the table and will be a bigger asset to the dojo. If they end up leaving, they were probably not getting what they wanted from the first instructor in the first place. They may be students, but they are still people and have free right to train as they please.
  5. Usually because their muscles will be burning like crazy before exhaustion. Also in the EP (Exercise Physiology) world we tell clients to stop when their form starts to drop. And that is irregardless of what exercise their doing Off thread topic, but- Which is why it is not a bad idea (though some may tend to disagree) to use weights, as it makes form a much more conscious thing. The same could be said for pushups/pullups/kicks/punches to exhaustion though, but it is those last few reps after your body wants to give up (and when you have to make your mind push through the barrier) that increase skill and endurance and push past plateaus.
  6. 30 July 2014. -Pullups to exhaustion. -35min med-high intensity bodyweight and cardio circuit. -20min drilling hand combinations (shadow boxing) for speed and technique. -100 jodan hiza geri switch kicks followed by 100 chudan mae geri switch kicks (focus on cardio to keep the blood pumping and increase my VO2max). -Mae keage to warm down legs. -Pushups to exhaustion. -5min Warm down.
  7. 29 July 2014. -120min Kyokushin class. Fairly high intensity throughout, had just about my whole body burning at the end! After class: -Pushups to exhaustion. -Punch/kick kumite combinations, 10min. And for :-Goblet squats (25kg kettlebell) to exhaustion. 1min rest, -Squats with 12kg dumbbells racked at shoulders to exhaustion. 1min rest, -Goblet squats with 8kg medicine ball to exhaustion. 1min rest, -Bodyweight squats to exhaustion. -Stretch down, 5min. My legs are on fire! I am off for a warm shower!!!!
  8. :D Good point! I will do this tomorrow! 28 July 2014. Working to increase my VO2 Max. Session of high intensity circuits including the following without rest (repeated for 10min): -Weighted overhead lunge, 20kg kettle bell for 10reps each leg. -Kettlebell swings, 25kg kettlebell for 10reps. -70com Boxjumps alternated with star jumps each round, 30seconds. -Chinups, 10reps. -Pushups on knuckles, 20reps. Rest for 2min, onto circuit #2, three rounds in total, no rest: -Weighted burped with pushup (12kg dumbbells) 10reps. -Mountain climbers, 50reps. -Skipping 45sec. -Squats, 25reps. Rest 2min, drilled kicks: -Front kicks, including dynamic stretching, 100reps. -Knees to face 100reps. Might do quick abs after dinner
  9. I am big on circuits, can do them in the lounge room, and they can be as intense or varied as you want them to be. Start with cardio (1min on, 30sec off), then body weight (5x 1min consecutive with 1min off), then onto weights or abs, then back to cardio to finish. Look up "P90X" or "Insanity" for starters. I have just been developing circuits with an 8kg medicine ball utilising whole body movements and coordination exercises which has been great! I also incorporate karate into the circuits, such as 1min of switch kicks/knees, 1min kicking combination drills etc etc.
  10. Loving this!!! 24/7 All kihon to shodan! Me too! Did it again last night after class, my wrist collapsed twice during the set due to pure fatigue... 24 July 2014. -120min Kyokushin class. -Pushups to exhaustion to finish and a quick 2min stretch.
  11. 23 July 2014. -Warm up, 5min. -Kicking drills, 30min (focus on technique). -Weights and bodyweight circuit, upper body and arms focus, 20min. -Finish with pushups to exhaustion. -5min stretch down.
  12. To me "snap" relates to elastic collision. It is pretty well proven that elastic collision coverts directly to kinetic energy more efficiently than inelastic collisions - well, inelastic collision does not conserve kinetic energy anyways... Ie) Flowerpot analogy. If a flower pot falls on my head, does it hurt more if it bounces off, or if it smashes? The answer may surprise most people.... Hope this gives you something to go on?
  13. Im luck enough to have a little dojo at home with a 6-foot heavy bag, kick shields, thai pads etc etc, so a lot of my training focuses around using this as well as doing cardio/weights and bodyweight circuits. Other than that, I try to drill basics as well as technique every other day. Kata is a big one. I do a lot of weapons related training at home, specifically Arnis training and some kobudo. I do some running, but its winter now so no swimming for me (can't wait for summer!)
  14. Im going to have to aim to be more diligent in posting my day to day on here... 18 July 2014. -90min MT/Kickboxing (including partnered thai-pad work). - 20min Bo (staff) forms. 20 July 2014. -10min warm up including dynamic/active leg stretching. -45min high intensity heavy bag work for speed and power, working shadow boxing as well as some combinations. -20min arnis single knife work. 22 July 2014. -60min Kyokushin Class, pretty much just drilled kihon with a good warm up. -20min kicking drills for technique. -Pushups to exhaustion. -Medicine ball workout, 8kg ball 20 reps of each: ----Circles; ----Woodchopper, reps each side; ----Russian twist; ----Squat press; ----Situps; ----Sitting twists; ----V-ups (ball to toes); ----Oblique static twists; ----Suitcase crunch; ----Shoulder press (on swiss ball, it surprised me how much coordination this actually takes!); ----Modified cross sit up.
  15. That sounds like a lot of fun Bushido! 14 July 2014. -30 min cardio, bodyweight and dumbbell circuits. -30 min kicking drills, focus on side kicks and roundhouse. -5min stretch to warm down.
  16. 8 July 2014. -Bo staff training (15min). -Partnered kyokushin training. Focus on kicking technique, hand/feet combinations while moving (range appreciation) and partnered takedown work. (90min). 9 July 2014. -Interval running (15min). -Core conditioning (15min). -Weights, arms - kettlebell and dumbbells (15min approx, 4 sets each exercise at 10-12 reps). -Saburi training, slow cutting techniques with bokken (15min). -Stick and machete drills (15min). 10 July 2014. -Kyokushin class (90min).
  17. Unfortunately, I have not personally trained in Melbourne, sorry. I did find this through a quick google search: http://mssd.com.au/ Might be worth checking out?
  18. 6 July 2014. -Longarms training. 7 July 2014. -25min HIIT, cardio and bodyweight. -Kicking drills, focus on front kick and knees (15min). -Shadow boxing (5min).
  19. This was my favourite answer through the whole thread. I feel the same. I will practice outside if I feel like it (though not in my Dogi), when and where I want to. Its none of anyone's business. I don't tout being a "fighter" or anything like that, nor would I bring it up randomly in conversation, but I certainly don't shy away from martial arts being a part of my life if it comes up in conversation.
  20. Through kobudo: Bo, chucks, san-setsu-kon and Sai. Through Presas Arnis: Single and double sticks, single and double machete, double and single knife, knife/machete. Long and short firearms as a personal hobby.
  21. Happy 13th to Karate Forums! Thank you for the kind words Patrick, I much appreciate it, and this place has done more for me than I have for it, I assure you.
  22. 20 May 2014. -Light warm up, 5min. -Heavy bagwork, 20min: ---Bareknuckle boxing combinations. ---Low/middle/high roundhouse kicks, and front kicks. ---Punch to elbows. ---Free bagworm for power and speed. -Kata: All pinan, gekusai dai/sho, tsuki-no, sanchin, tensho, yantsu. -Abs, 15min. -Cool down, 5min.
  23. Welcome to the club! I am glad you enjoyed it, and as Safroot has noted, and I can concur, not a single lesson goes by (after 23 years) where I don't learn something new about the style or myself. Happy Training. OSU!
  24. Osu Thanks for your post .. I am bit worried as I am new to karate (started training mid January) & it's good to know that it's normal feeling at the beginning of your journey I am planning to go to a tournament to watch everything live I have done only 2 sparring sessions till now and for this reason I am still bit confused with techniques and so no confidence yet. Just a simple question: Are all Kyokushin tournaments Knock-outs ?!!! No, many tournaments have a light or no contact portion. Also, I am not sure of your age, but under 18's are required to wear headgear and full pads. Hope to see you at a tournament in the near future! Osu.
  25. "This is Karate" and "Advanced Karate" by Mas Oyama are both amazing too. Great reference materials, though you might struggle to get them for less than a few hundred dollars each nowadays. Mine are some of my most prized books, and the only books I don't lend out to people (one has had the inner pages signed by Sosai! ).
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