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Everything posted by yamesu

  1. Thank you so much everyone! I only hope I can contribute here as much as I gain from the forums and all of its members.
  2. This is interesting, and while I agree with some of what you are saying, I want to add that this carries over to RBSD largely too. Why? Because there is no pressure testing. No tests when the actual threat of being seriously hurt by someone who wants to injure you being done. No learning to act under adrenaline dumps. To me, and many others who face sticky situations on a daily basis, this is why practicing in a full contact environment is the only way. Learning nice sequences where "if they do this, then you do this" simply does not work unless pressure tested against someone really trying to hurt you. I think that about sums it up for all styles IMO.
  3. 26 Oct 2013. -5km hike, followed by a rock climb up the largest granite monolith in Oz. Circuits, 20min: -Shadowboxing. -Mountain climbers. -Leg lifts. -Windscreen wipers. -Skipping. -Crunches w' punch (rocky style) -Mae Keage. -Bicycle crunches. -Static stretching to warm down.
  4. Is an apple tastier than a banana? It comes down to a mix of personal taste, as well as manufacturing processes nowdays I think. There is no longer a need for modern manufacturers to do 1000 folds, as we use a higher quality steel than was used 500yrs ago. Japan is a relatively new country geologically speaking, and so steel from Sweden and other aged countries has already been naturally tempered. You do get what you pay for though. I have personally had my first Katana for over 10 years now, and practice tameshi giri (practice cuts) regularly. A manual sharpen every now and again and it still cuts as well as the day I got it. As far as sword comparisons go, I am biased. Take a look at this:
  5. 25 Oct 2013 -Dynamic stretch warm up, 5min. -3min shadowboxing warmup. Circuits (30min): -Lunges, -Twisting lunges, -V sit ups, -Leg raises with static hold, -Bicycle crunches, -Goblet squats, -Hindu squats, -Squats with static hold, -1min shadowboxing rounds.
  6. 22 Oct 2013. Circuits (30min): -Pullups, -pushups, -dips, -leg raises on roman chair. Rinse Repeat. 23 Oct 2013. -Warm up, active stretching (5min). -Kicking drills (5min). Circuits (60min): -Lunges, -Twisting lunges, -V sit ups, -Leg raises with static hold, -Bicycle crunches, -Goblet squats, -Hindu squats, -Squats with static hold, -1min shadowboxing rounds. -Shadowboxing (5min). -Static stretching (5min)
  7. But I have seen people dropped/winded with a single punch to the solar plexus. One key reason to strengthen and tighten the abdominals. Though i agree that for 99.99% of the time doing Karate is the best way to get better at Karate
  8. -Plank (hold for at least 30sec, or until failure). -Reverse plank (feet and shoulders 6 inches off floor - same hold time as above). -Kettlebell swings. -Burpees. -Kicks.... lots and lots of kicks engaging the abs. Twice a day is too much for abs. Your not getting in good recovery time. I only do dedicated abs max twice a week... I do this or similar as dedicated abs workouts: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgS_4XkKyo4
  9. 1 Oct 2013. Not much today, just a few sets of pull ups and chin ups alternated with some kicking drills.
  10. 30 Sept 2013. Missed out on kyokushin class tonight, so did some circuits to fill the void. Rocky #2 - STAIR WORKOUT (set of 35 stairs). Warmup --Run up and down staircase at 75% for 5 sets. Circuit #1 (no rest between exercises): -20 pushups. -Sprint 5 flights. -20 decline widearm pushups (feet on 3rd step). repeat x2- rest 60sec and straight on to #2... Circuit #2 (no rest between): -Standing jumps to highest star possible, x10. -Jumps base to first stair, to base, to second stair to base. x10. -Mountain climbers up stairs, x30. repeat x2- rest 60sec and straight on to #3... Circuit #3 (no rest between): -Bulgarian split squat, 10 each leg. -Sprint 5 flights. -Split squat jumps, 40 reps alternating legs. repeat x2- rest 60sec and straight on to #4... Circuit #4 (no rest between): -15 pushups on flat. -10 pushups feet on 1st stair. -10pushups feet on 2nd stair. -10 pushups feet on 3rd stair. -8 pushups (failure) feet on 4th stair. -last sprint x1 flight at 100%. -5min walk to cool down. -Dynamic leg, hip and back stretching to finish.
  11. I think there is a big difference between children's and adult classes here. For kids, its always a judgement call. For adults, let them bow out. It is only their own progress that is hindered if they are doing it for a rest.... Just means they wont make the cut at promotions etc. Genuine injuries do need attention however, and that is why EVERY dojo and gym should have a certified first aid person in house at all times.
  12. 27 Sept 2013 -1hr kyokushin class (arvo). -Heavy bag work, 10min. -2hr kyokushin class (evening). -Pushups competition with training partner.
  13. But this can change dependent upon the scenario, positioning, height and weight? A boxing instructor will tell you how to throw a perfect hook punch, but not everyone that gets KO'd via hook punch is hit with the perfect form. Often it will be the one that connects that makes execution proper, not following strict technique. Im not saying that we should not train for and strive for perfection in technique, but effectiveness to me encompasses adaptability. You are not wrong, yamesu. Being able to hit increases effectivness, and adjustments have to be made at times. However, training proper technique will help to assure that when you have to adjust, its an effective adjustment. I agree 100%, if that is, one is doing the right kind of training as preparation. I think a lot of the younger competitors these days doing more "extreme" type katas, and who have near perfect technique execution in mid air would struggle immensely if put into an altercation with an amature kickboxer who had sloppy technique but real fighting experience. This kind of remids me of a self defence seminar I was at not too long ago on knife work. Both my brother and I attended, and both of us have Isa (black belt) grades in Arnis, though we kept this relatively quiet at the time. the instructors came in an were trying to tech us defences if someone had a kinfe to our throats. The technique looked very good when demonstrated on compliant attackers, but we both walked away in dismay as there is little to no chance that if someone actually tried this, they would end up with a slit throat very quickly....
  14. Hitting a heavy bag will also make you stronger in the way of actually increasing bone density.
  15. This has been an iffy issue for some time now, and is down to different Local Government Areas. Some Councils will make you pay for the right to use a public space to make money (no different to PT work or setting up a food stall as far as business goes). I have a personal gripe with this too. Nothing worse than going down to use the fitness equipment in my local park only to find some Crossfit instructor with their gear strewn everywhere and using ever bar in sight! Worse is, they are using our public space to make a buck, and pushing other people out. Other than that, anyone would have to be a fool to be teaching without having a registered business, with the right levels of both Professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurances.
  16. Standing triangle is a no-gi winner. Cross lapel is a great gi finisher.
  17. 26 Sept 2013. -Kyokushin. -Drilled kihon: hand tech, blocks and kicks (30min). -Sokugi taikyoku ichi (x1), sono ni (x2), sono san (x3), sono yen (x4). -Heavy bag work, x3 rounds focus on mawashi geri (roundhouse) finishers. -Kicking combo's, focus on mid-high level combinations (30min). -Stretch down (5min).
  18. nice tips. The problem, which almost everyone I know suffers from, is that because improvements can be minor you tend to not notice them as readily yourself. This is why it is an excellent idea to have training partners and those around you embark on the same fitness / health journey. I have also found it useful to take progress photos and video, every six months or so. That way I can watch myself now versus the past to actually see my long term jumps in improvement.
  19. Congratulations, and its never too soon to start focusing on the next level and training towards it!
  20. 25 Sept 2013. -Warmup, active, dynamic and static stretching. -P90X cardio. -Partnered kick shield work. Low roundhouse, mid roundhouse and switch knees from clinch. -Kicking drills (kihon).
  21. 24 Sept 2013. -Stretching, 5min. -Light warm up, 5min. -Tyre flips, 10reps. -Focus mit work, 5min. Circuits, 21 rounds of 1min with 15 sec rest inbetween: -Starjumps. -Clinch knees (right). -Clinch knees (left). -Punch combo: left, right, left hook, right uppercut. -Mountain climbers. -Squats. -Punch combo: left, right, left, right hook. -Full power heavy bag round, 5min. -Focus mit combos, 2min. -Stretching, 5min. -Walked my puppy (cool down), 5min.
  22. I would simply explain it to your Sensei, and take a lesson or two off. Better to recover fully than to exacerbate an injury and damage your body long term. Its a paradox all MA'ists need to face, and it sucks, but it is all part of training! Heal well, and good luck. OSU.
  23. Exactly what I thought, as have tried the others and they are really not that great. The superheroes one is pretty fun, but only because I have always wanted to actually throw Hadouken.... Oh also - its really only training, there is not any sparring section as such, save shadow boxing and being able to kick the virtual "bag".... Haha Ready to take on the challenge CredoTe
  24. But this can change dependent upon the scenario, positioning, height and weight? A boxing instructor will tell you how to throw a perfect hook punch, but not everyone that gets KO'd via hook punch is hit with the perfect form. Often it will be the one that connects that makes execution proper, not following strict technique. Im not saying that we should not train for and strive for perfection in technique, but effectiveness to me encompasses adaptability.
  25. That was my inital err with the whole thing. The older games on both Wii and Xbox were quite poor with recognising body movement. But I am quite impressed with this! Even in the free-bag mode it tracked every punch and kick I threw no matter how fast! If you do end up giving it a go, I would be keen to hear what you think!
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