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Everything posted by yamesu

  1. I think the main reason is because what was originally Kalaripayattu is not the same as what it is today. I think that what it was is probably gone, and there is an attempt to resurrect it because of the stigma of being "the oldest style," which I doubt is the case, unless he was the first man of the first civilization to do any fighting, which would be really hard to trace. I'm not trying to put the style down. That's not my point. But I don't think there is a hard and fast way to trace back what the practitioners of today are doing to what it was orginally. The art has mainly been taught to specific persons chosen by the instructors. It has never really been an art that allows people to simply "sign up". This is likely, IMO, the main reason it is not widely available outside of India.
  2. Great! I am fled you are enjoying it so far. I have completed the 30day program and quite enjoyed it. It can get a little repetitive, but all in all is a really good program! Hope your teen enjoys it also
  3. I completely agree with this. To me the person is the limiting quality. The MA is an endless journey, which will be limited only by ones own commitment to and end goal. The human mind is an extremely powerful thing, and individuals can achieve great things as evidenced by some extraordinary feats, if they have belief in their own abilities.
  4. Welcome! I hope yo continue to enjoy your Martial Arts journey for years to come I personally do a lot of Circuits, including high-intensity-interval-training, known as HIIT. This, i feel, augments my base as a martial artist generating maximum power and carido/endurance output over short timeframes coupled with short periods of rest (like in a 20 or 40 man kumite). It has also worked wonders for my weight loss. I do this because I personally dislike long periods of endurance exercise and can only stand getting on a treadmill for 30min max at a time - short attention span i know. Unless its hiking in the wilderness, Id rather be doing straight karate or strength training.
  5. 5 Dec 2013. -Stretching warmup, 5min. -15min heavy bag work, focus on roundhouse and working into combinations with elbows - close to med range. Supersets: -Pullups; -Bicep curls. Kettlebell supersets (25kg to 12 kg - 60s rest between sets): -Swings; -Press; -Clean and press; -Leg passes; -Curls. Repeat. Pushups to exhaustion.
  6. Funny thing is, not only have I used the with students in the dojo, I have also used this same tactic with staff at work, and it gets the same outcome. Reenforcement + advice = better progressive outcomes.
  7. I can't agree more here!
  8. 1 Dec 2013. -Knuckle pushups to exhauston. -Muscleups to exhaustion. -Pullups to exhaustion. -Roman chair leg raises (x10). Circuit: -Tuck jumps. -Mountain climbers. -Super-Burpees. -Squat thrust. -Spiderman pushups. -Kettlebell swings. -Kihon, all punches (x30) all shuto (x30) for speed. All level front kicks (x30 each) for technique. All level mawashi geri (x30) for technique. -Drilled butterfly sweep, 5min. -Single machete form work, 10min.
  9. Seems to me like people are trying to cash in the same way people do in Karate franchises. Kru usually denotes instructor in Thai, and here "rank" is proven by actual ring fighting experience, or conversely, training successful ring fighters. There are no belts and to infer that a five day course would cut it is as much of an insult as a five day course in mastering Kyokushin.
  10. These do sound like organisation specific combinations. Ive done these and similar throughout my training, but never called them anything other than ido geiko, particularly when moving in various stances.
  11. :D Me too! Unless its Stan Lees show on amazing people, or fight quest type shows that showcase MA's!!!
  12. 27 Nov 2013. -Kettlebell sets: curls, clean and jerk, swings. -Chinups. -Pullups. -Muscle ups. -Bo staff (20min). -Kicking kihon (10min). -Kicking combinations (10min). -Pushups to exhaustion. -Single machete/short sword work (10min).
  13. I've never trained Seido, but if its the same as Kyokushin, the self defence can differ from dojo to dojo, which is why you may have trouble finding info on the web?
  14. To me life is about the positive impact we leave on those around us, both those we love and those we have an effect on (either direct or indirect). I life well lived is one that will be remembered for fortitude of soul and strength of character.
  15. 12 Nov 2013. Dynamic stretching to warm up. Circuits (60min total - 1min rounds, 15 sec breaks): -Mountain climbers. -Pushups. -Leg lifts. -Windscreen wipers. -Arnold press. -Lateral shoulder raises. -v-ups. -twisting crunches with punch. -goblet squats. -tricept press. Heavy bag, 5min round at 100% intensity. Stretch to warm down. 13 Nov 2013. Dynamic stretching and Shadow kick-boxing (3min round) to warm up. Circuit (40min, 1min rounds 15sec rest): -Squats. -Mountain climbers. -Pushups. -Plank. -Arnold press. -Posterior shoulder raises. -Shadow kick-boxing. -Weighted lunges. Stretch to warm down.
  16. I think it could work, particularly if you have a good and proven amount of skills, knowledge and experience to back up the programs teachings. As far as the content, I would think about dividing it up into certain body functions as opposed to too many types of training, for example: 1-BODY CONDITIONING IN DOJO and HOME: Core, upperback, arms, legs etc etc. 2-EQUIP CONDITIONING IN and OUT of DOJO: Core, upperback, arms, legs etc etc. 3-GYM CONDITIONING: Core, upperback, arms, legs etc etc. 4-PARTNERED CONDITIONING: Core, back arms, etc etc etc..... Make sense? As for your questions: 1) I can see its worth and how it could be a great tool for many, but I would not personally buy into it, only because of Kyokushins heavy conditioning focus that is there already. 2) As above, basically conditioning to me covers endurance, strength and flexibility to prevent injury under different strenuous circumstances. That is what I think sould be in there as staple. 3) In person, and only then followed up with written materials and video.
  17. Awesome! I am keen to hear what you think of the program! Only advice I can give is that during the inital fitness test, GO HARD! That will be your benchmark for the programs from there in. You can of course re-take the test, but its worth setting a good benchmark from the beginning I found.
  18. Sorry I know not the right thread, but had to say I do like Tsuki-no. Great kata. Me too, its pretty underrated I think. I disliked it at first, but its a great kata for perfecting kihon and moving with speed from deeper stances. I've not seen a lot of bunkai that rivals other kata, but its the intricate simplicity that I love! 5 Nov 2013. Circuits (90min, legs and abs focus - 2min rounds, 20sec break between rounds. 5min break at 45min): -Mountain climbers. -Leg raises. -Windscreen wipers. -Weighted lunges. -Skipping. -V-ups. -Speed bag. -Heavy bag round, punching. -Kicking drills (mawashi). -Kicking drills (front kick). -Bicycle crunches. -Goblet squats. -Kicking drills (spinning back).
  19. Thanks D! You've been great through my time here, and your experience shines in your posts.
  20. This cracked me up. Tallgeese literally twisted your arm to join Seriously though, I have learnt a lot from you here, and hope to converse more with you into the future! Thank you.
  21. Thanks everyone! It really has been a pleasure being a part of this online community!
  22. 27 Oct 2013. Circuits - bodyweight and dumbbell, 40min: -Lateral arm raises (shoulder target). -Mae keage. -Mountain Climbers. -Shadow kick-boxing. -Leg lifts. -Bicycle crunches. -V-ups. -Pushups. -Arnold press. -Anterior arm raises (shoulder target). -Bicep curls. -Triceps extensions. Kyokushin training 80min: -Standard warm up. -Kihon, rilled all basic kihon up to Shodan. Kata: -Pinan 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. -Gekusai Dai and Sho. -Yantsu. -Tsuki-No. Moving combinations (in moro-ashi-dachi, or natural fighting stance): -Oi tsuki, Gyaku tsuki, Kage tsuki, Shita tsuki. -Oi tsuki, Gyaku tsuki, Hiza geri, Mawashi geri. -Gedan mawashi, Oi tsuki, Gyaku tsuki, Gedan mawashi, Ushiro mawashi geri. -Gyaku tsuki, Oi tsuki, rear leg Ushiro mawashi geri. -Shadow boxing, 5min. -Warm down. Pushups to exhaustion.
  23. Sorry Hawkmoon, I was addressing the OP, didnt mean to offend! I do agree that one can, most of the time, not go that way in the first place! Its about social and environmental awareness. However, for the small minority (some of whom are on here) such as those working in Law Enforcement, it is an unavoidable occupational hazard.
  24. Thanks for sharing, and for the kind works! Looking forward to sharing and gaining more with/from you into the future.
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