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G Money Slick

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Everything posted by G Money Slick

  1. I've never talked to him but i saw him in New york years back at an autograph signing at this martial arts school. He's shorter than I thought, like 5'9". He's pretty built but not anywhere near Arnold Schwarnegger.
  2. dude just edit it. Enter the Dragon was pretty good. Bloodsport pales in comparison.
  3. Probably kung-fu. Especially when an elderly asian man with a long beard and funny clothes is doing it!
  4. damn, poor guy. that's gotta hurt the ego. Van Damme's martial arts backround isn't exactly strong...some shotokan training when he was like 10. He's just really really flexible, built, and looks good on camera. that's why he's an action star and not an international karate competitor. I'm sure if he punched you in the face, it's gonna hurt either way.
  5. Toris, Seagal's kicks are terrible! Van Damme is just flexible. I'd say Bruce Lee has the best kicks of all time. So quick and mechanically perfect.
  6. Naw, I don't think we'll see any of his movies in the theatres any more.
  7. The name for the newest Van Damme movie. In case anybody cares. Got the information from allmovie.com Here's a link to the poster for the movie....... http://www.thezreview.co.uk/posters/posterimages/wakeofdeath.jpg
  8. I was wondering if working out often on the bench and curling weights to enchance bicep strength would noticeably factor in when it comes to punching power. Same with kicking power and leg exercises.
  9. Great for fitness and endurance. Most would consider world class boxers more worthy opponents than Karatiests.
  10. They used his Kumite stories for a Movie Plot because it would be a big money maker. Jean-Claude himself doesn't know much about karate other than the basic strikes which he doesn't bother to use in the movie. Did you see his initial scene where he was working out on the speedbag doing those ballet kicks? I knew right there this movie would be hilarious.
  11. Mats are supposed to be cleaned every single day to prevent rashes and fungus problems.
  12. Goju Ryu is an excellent style for self defense. I find it more so than Tae Kwon Do or Shotokan.
  13. Look, I'm not from Southeast England or wherever (Southeast US) but I'm sure that you have phone books over there. Just do a little research man. Go on a search engine and type in your town and "Muay Thai" and you might find something...I mean they want to advertise their gym right?? I'm sure you'll find something if you look up the word "Muay Thai" on the internet or simply consult your phone book.
  14. Could any knowledgable martial artists enlighten me on Daito-Ryu Aiki Jujitsu??
  15. lol, i hope you learned something. nice story.
  16. I don't provoke anybody into fights and try to avoid them period. I'm not a violent person by any means and find martial arts to be great for combining mind, spirit and body. I've gotten into only 2 fights in my life and I can't say I really lost either one.
  17. Hmm...a fitness and health question. 1. Go by twos. 2. Drink diet coke if you want, as it won't significantly hamper your work out, but it won't provide any vitamins and might slow you down. Some people with weight problems give up cola period and that's just fine. 3. I drink Red Bull and the caffeine will give you a boost so why not? Just don't live off the stuff, drink no more than 5 a week.
  18. You only needed to post one topic. 1. The Knee Cap area (The Weak point of the leg) 2. Your second question is confusing since your spelling and wording is all wacky. But I'll try to answer the best I can. A straight punch aimed where the defense is at it's lowest point, like the face or body and a hook with the opposite hand is a handy and simple combo in kickboxing.
  19. Man Jean-Claude was the man back then!! I use to love nothign more than kickin back and watching bloodsport. He's just old now and washed up, but just watching Bloodsport makes me want to work out every day just to get that kind of build!
  20. http://www.cyberboxingzone.com/boxing/wilde-j.htm Jimmy Wilde...considered by many analysts the most talented and toughest Pound for Pound fist fighter of the 20th century. Defeated 100 men in his first 100 professional fights. As a short and gangly teenager (of 16 years old), he was known for his stunning KO upset of local Welsh heavyweight miner and street fighter Jonah J. Clatworthy.
  21. Martial Arts is great for promoting esteem and confidence, as most sports do. When I trained in Hapkido, I felt empowered, like I could take out anybody in a fight.
  22. In the Central Florida area, I know of seven martial arts training facilities, including two of which teach my respected Hapkido style. I'm not too familiar with the San Antonio area but I'm sure you can look up anything in the phone book....I mean a dojo is a place of business where money is made just like any other business, so you'd probably find them there.
  23. Many. The weight classes include... Flyweight Featherweight Bantamweight Lightweight Super Lightweight Welterweight Super Welterweight Junior Middleweight Middleweight Light Heavyweight Cruiserweight Heavyweight Super Heavyweight
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