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Everything posted by Jiggy9

  1. What exactly do you mean by Martial Arts Sneakers Sai?? Could you give me any examples?
  2. I always find his words very wise and inspiring. Out of interest, which book is this from? I also found that he says : Act in accordance with time and change. Techniques will occur when a void is found. interesting...but; I'm not suprised.
  3. Intresting i'm reading this now, because I just read something Jet Li wrote to a fan a couple of hours ago. Let me find it for you guys : Dear Mr. Li I study Kung Fu and I believe not to use it outside the school. But people now are taking advantage of this knowing that I will not fight back. This has now escalated into me getting beaten up. Have you any advice on when it is ok to use martial arts and do you know any good techniques on avoiding confrontation? Yours Sincerely Alex Griffiths Aberdeen, Scottland Jet's Response: Fighting, or seeking revenge, is a self-defeating process and the escalation of retaliatory violence can have very bitter consequences. For example, let's say that you fend off three attackers. That's fine, but when those people recover they'll come back to attack with six or eight. Even if your physical training and condition has improved, there is a point in which the outcome is worse than you had bargained for. In the end the potential for harm is unimaginable. You have to ask yourself what is the benefit of fighting back -- what is the emotional reward? Happiness? Will you be happier if you fight them? What feelings will that situation promote? When you seek conflict, there is no end -- it continues until someone breaks the law, or even worse, death or injury. You use a fist, then maybe they get a knife. Then you get a sword, and they get a gun, and it escalates .. and the anger and potential for irreparable damage increases. Where does it end? You can't imagine at the beginning of this cycle what the end will hold. But if you don't fight back, then you are not allowing them to control your response. When you refuse to take revenge then you are in charge. They beat you up once. Then what? They beat you up a second time? Okay .. they already beat you up ... what do they want to prove? That they can win? They already proved that. Fine, they're "better" than you. Congratulations to them. What's next? After once or twice they'll lose interest in beating you up again, then it's finished If you don't give in to the urge to fight back, you control the outcome. If you take revenge, the outcome controls you. I'm proud of your decision not to fight back. When you learn martial arts, it's not just a physical endeavor -- it is also internal -- and your actions show an understanding of some of the highest levels of martial arts. Many masters of martial arts would have conducted themselves the same way as you. And, of course, one day those people who beat you up will have regrets that they hurt you -- they will feel guilty. So perhaps their outcome, even though they won in the short term, is not so kind in the long term. The goal with any conflict isn't to kill the other person. The goal is to win their heart. Turning one from enemy to friend is the highest level of martial arts. You win the battle without throwing a single punch.
  4. hello
  5. haha...some intresting voting going on there! gumby better watch his back.
  6. umm.... Hapkido Kalari Ju - Jitsu JKD.. and many many more!
  7. ahaha...no! not a handbag
  8. Hello...
  9. A hello from more distant shores...
  10. I have a bag which straps around my shoulder and hangs by my side, if need be; i carry my nunchucks in there..It's easy to pull out quickly and conviently, and it's not uncomfortable to carry around.
  11. I dont read in there....and I cant stand people who do- lol (no offence). Just the thought freaks me out, it's icky...and unhygenic at that! Oh well - maybe its just me.
  12. Hey second time round - you better have hit him real hard...several times....right where it hurts.
  13. A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. - Walter Bagehot Vision is the art of seeing things invisible. - Jonathan Swift If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else. - Marvin Gaye We are shaped by our thoughts. We become what we think. - Buddha If you think you can or if you think you can't, you're right. - Henry ford "To stay in places and to leave, to trust, to distrust, to no longer believe and believe again, . . . to watch the snow come, to watch it go, to hear rain on a tent, to know where I can find what I want."
  14. I can understand what Angus, Yoda and Jack are saying; and though id agree 99% of the time, i think you have to take into account the environment in which this occured. It was at school...if anyone got hurt then the consequences could be serious in terms of teachers' perspective e.t.c If Crucio had hit hard and injured the guy, there could be more problems. I think he did a good job; he prevented himself from getting hurt whilst standing up for himself, and clearly told the guy that he can mean business...and most importantly avoided a big scene. [ This Message was edited by: Jiggy9 on 2002-03-22 11:02 ]
  15. I'm joinin this club!
  16. Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich. - Tao Te Ching "It's counter to common sense, but common sense is only based on a very small subset of the universe." -- Ian J. Davenport In theory there is no difference between theory and practise. In practise there is.-Yogi Bear There are two things that are infinite; human stupidity and the universe. and I'm not sure about the universe. - Albert Einstein "A fool's brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry. Hence University education." -- George Bernard Shaw "Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint." -- Mark Twain (1835-1910) "Don't talk unless you can improve the silence." -- Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986), Argentinean writer "I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers." -- Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931),
  17. Umm...What is St.Patricks day? =)
  18. Hey that still comes out here! good stuff that...
  19. Yup! Love to hear more Yoda!
  20. and how old is mr.Angus ? (hope you had a good un)
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