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Everything posted by SaiFightsMS

  1. I do believe point sparring is something we occidentals have done to ancient and nobel arts. It is however, one of the few ways for students to test their skills. And It has proven to be a crowd pleasing form of entertainment. Where would the arts be today if it werent for the point fighting matches in the 60's that exposed many to the arts for the first time.
  2. What a thought Chriss. Seriously I will remember that and I hope think about it every time I put my belt on.
  3. Honarary belts are fine given certain situations. But I totally agree that an honarary black belt should neither teach nor give orders in a class. Were I to be given an honarary belt it would definately become a display not something to be misused. I see a black belt as something earned to be earned and treasured.
  4. That is a good point Joanne. Actually I think the best weapon is ultimately the brain. For, without it we cannot apply correctly any defense. And by the way Joanne I am starting to really enjoy reading your posts. Sai
  5. Thanks Tobias we learned the first 2 under the name Fyukyu. And I have seen them under the names ten no and chi no as well.
  6. :???:Shouldn't learning each new kata be a new and unique challange? The old masters thought some of the katas required a lifetime to truely master. If we are honest with ourselves we should allways have room to learn and improve.
  7. Good luck to anyone entering. Sai
  8. Hey I will be quiet happy to see karate included as an Olympic Sport period.
  9. :spitlaugh:I had someone once growl at me at the hajime. Since it was someone I had sparred with for at least a year it didn't bother me. :nod:But I don't know how a good growl might affect someone you have never sparred with before. :brow:I'll have to remember the blowing a kiss. Allthough it might be difficult to do with a mouth piece in.
  10. Hi Regray and welcome. This is a great site. And, it sounds like you will have a lot to offer. I look forward to seeing your postings. :nod: And by the way we aren't all young. Sai
  11. In the prehistoric days logs were added to fires so people could stay warm. Logon to them meant adding a log to the fire. These people were obviously not computer literate. Some found that funny. Okay no more funnies about noncomputer useres. How about: What is a computer's first sign of old age? Loss of memory.
  12. Our dojo Holiday party consists of a Holiday carry in dinner. The club provides ham and plastic silver ware, paper plates and soda. A sign up list circulate after class for a bit of time beforehand attempts to ensure that the other food items that are brought round out the meal instead of eveyone just bringing brownies.
  13. Training solo is difficult. With transportation difficulties I too train solo much of the time. I am fortunate in that I have acces to an excellant gym with with really great strenth and aerobic training equipment. I have my own heavy bag. It does help when working on forms or kicks to begin with a routine similar to the one you are used to in class. Mental preparation is also crucial. The frame of mind we are in has a lot to do with the quality of the training. Or even wether or not we continue to train.
  14. Yes the pros have something we don't always have. A training partner or coach to hold the pads. For those of us who spend training time solo a heavy bag is still a valued tool.
  15. Yes look them in the eyes. Many of us have a bad habit of telegraphing our moves by looking where we intend to strike.
  16. I did forget one useful stretch that is very useful for inner thigh stretchin. Now, this may sound a bit silly. Get close to a wall. Skooch up to the wall while laying on your back. You want to be perpindicular to the wall with your rear right up against it and your head away. Now to the splits (as close as you can). Gravity will give you an assisst you would not believe possible. This is an old stretch that has also been taught by physical therapists for years.
  17. Jiggy I like your attitude. You can be very eloquent. The day the thought of learning something new about my art does not excite me is the day you have my permission to take me out back and shoot me.
  18. It is possible to encounter things in the maritial arts and eastern philosophy that are designed to make you think. To make you think in new ways. To open up a receptiveness to new learning and new concepts. Sounds like you have found your first experience. What seems to you lilke the ideal answer one day will seem a bit shallow down the road. We should never stop learning.
  19. Maybe karate would be much better for you than say TaeKwondo or something like wushu with a lot of acrobatics or jumping. My thing is Shotokan karate. Ish-in ryu and Shor-in ryu both use high stances and require less flexibility. This may be more of what you are asking.
  20. I kind of think maybe there is something wrong with those who think they are learning martial arts and never experience these feelings. "I am the tiger." "My sai are my claws, and my tonfa are my paws poised for the strikle."
  21. Hello again Dragon. You will find that most serious martial arts students have a training program. The length of time it involves varies a lot depending on the other time requirements of the person involved. When you begin to develope your routine concentrate on the basics and start gradually.
  22. Hello Dragon. First it is nice to meet you. Anyone who would have a problem with your inhaler has a serious problem themselves of an even worse kind (between the ears). By the way I too, have asthma and have been known to use my inhaler right before class. You said nothing about your age but it is generally true that someone in your situation will regain flexibility faster than someone who never had it to start with. Finally do what you need to right after class. And Jack gave you good advice. Despite his youth Jack is full of wisdom. Do what you need to after class. I look forward to seeing more of your postings. Welcome to KarateForum. Sai
  23. It all depends on what your goal is. Do you want to increase cardio, speed, or endurance?
  24. Well I have notices something with the ball bearings with the chains - they dry out and the nunchakus dont swing well. If your cord breaks it is not that difficult to restring. For the record I use the traditonal octagonal wooden nunchaku with a cord.
  25. Thanks Karateka, I appreciate your response. I am extremely interested in how different people and different groups do things. Some groups that work with a lot of younger children have inserted katas even before the Taikyoku's. And yes most Okinawan styles call the same katas Pinan as Japanese styles call them Heians. And sometimes the order of the first and second katas is different.
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