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Everything posted by kempocos

  1. Thats what happens , his rank was in the old school not the new. He just should be allowed to test and hold the rank he qualifies for.
  2. I am 44 still training, I have train differant styles. So relax you are still young just train. Do not worry just train. It will click one day.
  3. CsrCrz88 - All comments so far have been right on.The college is one of the best, for business knowledge as well as a backup plan. Also do not be in a hurry at 15 you have at least 10 years to get your schooling in the MA and in Life. Keep your focus and work your plan. Good Luck
  4. This is not a slam on Larry or AMERICAN KENPO just this technique and clip. I do not see why he did not show the version this person claims he was part of. I still have to say that it proves nothing to the qualitiy of the technique if you slam someone who is moving that slow. I also stand by saying as Larry does " Just use your stand up techniques" is misleading becuase he does not mention in the clip the variuos things that change such as the abiltiy to angle the body and to use the whole body to deliver movement or strike, how to set a base for locks. I know well what KEMPO teachs I have been studing OKINAWIAN KEMPO for over 20 years and in OKINAWA ground work was always part of it. I stated that it takes pratice with resisting partnersw to learn what it takes to use your techniques to work on the ground. Larry simply states just use your stand up techniques and it is not that simple.
  5. Well Larry DOES say this is what to do during a mounted ground and pound. Then shows a ineffective mount. Plus what is with pounding the uke the way he does. He has the guy throw slow punchs that would never land due to angle and distance then slams the guy. My take is he is arrogant and misleading on what it takes to apply standup techniques on the ground.. For all those who think that you can just apply the standup techniques on the ground, it takes alot of adjustment. If you do not practice the techniques without both sides resisting they will not work. Larry seems to be the only one allowed to go full out, His uke was standing there taking abuse , I would like to see someone really mount and throw punchs and see that technique work.
  6. nobody mounts that way, both shins need to be on the ground. That technique would not work if the mount was coerrect.
  7. "Don't block with my arms when it comes to kicks. I usually parry them or try to. " The kicks must be more fast than powerful, Try jamming with the legs or you will end up with a broken hand.
  8. Full contact and Full power does not have to be the same thing. you can go full contact and gage the power. Both are very important in training.
  9. The trouble would ocme when there are no gloves on. The arms would take the shots for a while then they would start bruising and geting stiff, this will slow you down keep you from striking back and even keep you from covering correctly.
  10. NO martial art can truely be learned from a book, video , website. There must be a knowledable person who will be able to see and correct flaws in movement, stance, breathing, intent. The media such as books can help but can not replace a instructor.
  11. "First, you shouldn't be using a kick that you're not proficient in. A proper round house will not be caught with a proper stance and good crisp snap back... " I find most snap type kicks although fast lack the power it takes to drop a person. Note the devastating Mauy Thai version does not snap. " A knee to his head, he is already supporting some of your weight spring of your base leg and as your going up clinch and knee him in the jaw. It works perfectly." I think this looks pretty in training , try it elsewhere you are getting hurt bad. His other arm is free and will block the knee and he will slam you down on your back and head. "either way I guess you're going to the ground " At last some sense is made, if he has your leg you have little choice drop and work the ground. If your school does not address ground fighting learn some. It was a main part of most OKINAWIAN systms when the were created.
  12. If all of them were from the same line of SHOTKAN then your comments have merit. The kata names can be found in most Japanese and Okinawian styles yet they do not look the same. The founder changed them to suit his style. This so even in the SHOTKAN katas the ones that they inherited were changed from the original. So when in doubt holding your tongue is always best, you did the right thing only speaking to your instructor.
  13. Threads in this forum and others boards have been mentioned fear. Some will say " I fear nothing " they do not understand fear that well. Fear is a natural response, it happens before the brain reacts.Afraid is Fear plus doubt. Fear can be denied but is always there, some turn it into arrogance, some aggresstion, some into doubt. However when you say fear is weakness is spoken from the ego and not the mind or heart. I find most arrogant MA of which I have seen many in the 20 plus years of my training are not nearly as good as they believe and will not perform as they believe they do when the time comes. Though most train hard however they do not see thier own weak areas therefore never address them. They are sure to become a victem due to this The aggressive ones train better, harder is not always better. They accept thier weak areas and aggressivley work to correct them they are wise enough to understand that in combat the other person also trains hard and can be better so they do not allow them the chance and aggressively destroys them. The ones who doubt are called victems. There is great information found on the subject of BODY ALARM REACTIONS. These studies date back to around 1928 and alot has been discovered over the last 80 years. It address's adreniline, blood flow, muscle response , stress levels , tunnel vision. I feel any true MA who trains can beneift greatly from training with this conditions in mind. If not when the sh1t hits the fan reactions will not be the same as when in the training hall. All IMHO __________________
  14. Fear is always going to be there, even after you get good. If you only sparred three times they should not be going to the head/face with any technique. Have spoken to your instructor about getting hit in the head. Remember you are there to learn , If he tells you suck it up or gives you grief about your concerns find another school because that one is not giving you what you need at this point of your training. what style /rank are you.
  15. Fred Villari offers a video program that states you can get all belts even black from home. This is the stuff that causes those do not train to make jokes about Karate.
  16. "why practice the grappling techniques though kata? why not practice them on partners? i'm not sure how realistic or effective practicing them in the air would be." KATA was a sort of text book , it kept the movements known in a time when many did not write. The movements are interteded differantly by each style. To practice the KATA is to train in a traditional manner. Of course the techniques need to be trained with resistance.
  17. belive aiki jutsu I believe it is DIATO RYU AIKIJITSU
  18. My comments were against using a X block as described. I will give you the brush grab type trap, I study Okinawian Kempo and Filipino Arnis. Makes a world of differance once explained further.
  19. kempocos

    Kata List

    many styles have the same KATA, and from style to style they are not the same. Some by small amounts some no even close. I am too lazy to list. most Okinawian
  20. disable the punch block or parry , counter strike or kick . then apply the lock during the lock take them off balance and to the ground, facedown if possable. KSN DOUG I have no doubt during drills that is very pretty. I do not think it would work when intent and aggression are added. xblock a small fast moving target and main maintain don't you learn to retract a punch and the other hand is going to smack you fast.
  21. "Have no way as way, no limitations as limitation". Bruce Lee created Jeet Kune Do to emphasize using what works. Not mixing every style and every thing. He used what works. The same applied to fighting. You want to use exactally what will work best and only that. After all, "...you must be like water". OKINAWIANS were doing that for years, many of the styles were pieces of many other systems. The things that worked best for the creator. The problem is what worked for the creator may not work ofr others , hence " make the art your own " or " learn to apply the art now that you know the techniques" "Lee said that JKD is not about accumulating, but about stripping away the excess." And when you srtip away excess and keep what works and move from fighting system to fighting system are you not accumulating. He trained very hard , never really learning any one style and died before we could really know what he was able to accomplish. In JKD circles that Bruce Lee is respected , however not held in the same god like view many folks do. Perhaps it is because many others took the concepts and put many more years into appling them than Bruce ever did. "
  22. try not to turn your hand so much have the fist in more of a 45 degree angle. Let your hand hang with the fingers touching your leg raise your arm and make a fist without turning it paralell with the floor. this is the natural positoin and will push the two main knuckles foward , support the arn, elbow and shoulder thru proper alignment. I find this works well.
  23. IMHO JKD is a concept not a style. They rake from other styles and learn how to apply it with a nice flow. Many other older styles also do this. It was mainly the Japanese and Chinese stubborn TMA'S who had trouble with the thought thier training mayhave weak points.
  24. Mirko Cro cop in my book Mike tyson has been a losing slug for a while. Bruce Lee please there is NO eveidence of any fights he had other than rumor. His for sight in training was great.
  25. SORRY forgot which forum I was on.
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