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Everything posted by jakmak52

  1. Just kidding mate, I love to laugh myself
  2. In my last dojo, USA Karate in St. Pete, Fla. teaching ITF TKD style, anywhere between 3 - 5 yrs depending on the students abilities and attitude, I've seen a student get his/hers 1st degree in 18 months, (exception to the rule), I'm a black belt candidate after 10 years, but with the school closing down and injuries, well, there you have it, as long as it takes.
  3. Great job people, keep it up
  4. Even though I'm Roman Catholic, my martial arts is spiritual rather than a religous endeavor.
  5. I'd love to spar with you, and I promise, cross my heart, I won't look into your eyes one time
  6. Isn't that what Mr. Steven Seagal takes ( Combat Aikido), he's a tall dude too
  7. Welcome and have fun
  8. Congratulations Patrick, excellent job and thank you
  9. Time, effort, attitude, a little blood from time to time, Time, practicing the Tenents of the martial arts in my personal and professional life, Time, a little cashola,practice up the ying -yang (Not THE ying/yang of course), Time, and a great sense of humor
  10. Thank you all for letting me share my thoughts and opinions, that's why I love being an American so much, Honorary Black Belt, Hmmm, I can't help but to chuckle and yet feel sick at the same time!! You cannot teach what you do not know
  11. Oh KickChick, I know the pain well, [ This Message was edited by: jakmak52 on 2001-11-28 17:41 ]
  12. Oh my goodness, what's next
  13. Thanks Angus, I like the whole kit n kaboodle, except for that necessary evil that entails STRETCHING...
  14. Kata/forms/poomse/hyungs etc,etc are good for my stamina and endurance building, along with focus and concentration to those little details those picky judges look for..
  15. When I blew my left knee out, I went to physical therapy and they MADE me stand with my freshly stiched up leg on this 3 foot diameter fiberglass disk with 5 inch diameter dome underneath and off center.....Boy oh boy let me tell you how F__king FUN that was..But I'll tell you it was unbelievable good stuff for balance and agility...I think they sell them at Physical Rehab shops?? Another trick they used to teach us in the dojo was to put a chair in front of you, step up onto it, then do a round house into the open air..that helped too
  16. I believe sometimes those belts are given due to parental politics and the right amount of moolah
  17. Welcome and enjoy
  18. I actually do practice the art of ITF TKD, I have references upon request and challenge anyone to disprove my claim http://community.webshots.com/user/jakmak521 I'm currently a white belt in Couch Karate I only express my OWN opinion, thoughts, comments, and sometimes foolish questions, and I thank you all for letting me do this, if you agree or disagree, well that's the good ole US of A Hmmm [ This Message was edited by: jakmak52 on 2001-11-28 16:54 ] [ This Message was edited by: jakmak52 on 2001-11-28 17:59 ]
  19. Yes, he's a film actor martial artist who trained with B. Lee, tall white guy with a beard. Cheers
  20. Updated and new free photo web posting http://community.webshots.com/user/jakmak521
  21. Welcome Joanne
  22. I practice the older style ITF hyungs
  23. Welcome aboard
  24. 1st Degree Brown (Black Belt candidate), 10 years training so far, ITF TKD..
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