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Everything posted by Judodad_karateson

  1. I was just a child when TKD was added, and frankly, I can't even imagine what non-Olympic TKD was like!
  2. Well, before we go any further, we need to figure out the souse of your relaxation? Are you nervous about losing? Scare to get injuried? Scare of injurying your n opponent? Too pumped up from the thought of fighting? Do you put too much thought into your next move? What is the cause of the lack of relaxation?
  3. Agreed. I hate to be one of those "you can't use that in a cage" but guys, but it seems to be seems between the corporations and the militaries of the world, someone would have militarized this by now. Dim Mak, and chi in general, would be an extremely useful tool for many reasons. Why hasn't someone monetized this?
  4. There is no scientific consensus on the efficacy of Acupuncture/pressure, but its pretty much a fact that chi is nothing more than ancient superstition. How can there be scientific research on something based on falsehoods? Even if acupressure were more than just Kyusho jitsu, and was effecting "chi" energy, there is zero evidence for the existence of the death touch itself.
  5. Thats the way I've alway seen it. I know guys who awear by it, they claim "its physics" but it sounds more like cartoon physics to me. Id rather spend time improving power and accuracy than working on getting the timing of my wrist rotation right.
  6. Good post. But it seems like now the question is What constitutes adequate stretching in the first place!?
  7. How do these compare to the WKF mits? They both seem ti have a boxing look with an open palm, but the WKF gloves look like they cover morenof the finger.
  8. Every striking art I've seen touts twisting your wrist for extra punching power. What are you thoughts on this? Has wrist torsion for power ever been studied in a lab? At what point should the torque end to provide maximum power? At what point does it become ineffective?
  9. Even then, all the public would see was "punching and kicking in a gi." We are talking about an organization that in recent years has tried removing wrestling ffrom the games. WRESTLING, an achient art practiced in virtually every culture that was part of the Orginial games played by the ancient Greeks! With that low a regard for combat sports, I doubt Karate will get a fair chance at being an olympic sport for at least a generation.
  10. While there is precident for a strong enough blow to the chest effecti g heart rhythms, the Dim Mak is a myth with no backing. Pressure points effecting the chi energy flow? Come on, brother, really?
  11. Im in Texas, but way further North, in Tyler.
  12. I agree with this idea, but it has to be kept in context, though. Its good to learn lots of different things, but its also good to try to get a good grasp on a concept first, experiment with it, and if you don't think it works for you, then look at moving on. Overloading with learning for the sake of learning isn't always a great idea. Agreed. You need structure, otherwise its just a collection if techniques. You can have all the nuclear warheads in the wirld, but without a delevery system fir that payload, whats the point? Some of these modern "street self defence" schools have this issue. They teach various movements and techinques without concern for context or flow. You could know the freaking "Dim Mak", but if you dont have the fundamental combat skills to delevery the moves, at Junior Golden Gloves boxer will deflect it like any other body shot and knock you in thr jaw for your trouble.
  13. Thank! What brand do you use? Do these style of gloves have a specific name? Only way I've been able to locate them is searching for "MMA training gloves" and sifting through all the fingered gloves until I find them.
  14. Yeah, that is what I'm use too. Guess we are just old school, need to get with it, haha. I have been stretching with my son before heading to class. I may just start waiting till after class for a cool down or something. So where does Yoga fit into all of this? Static or Dynamic? Or a little of both?
  15. Fancinating. I'll have to read more about this! The warm up certianly does involve qiute a few stretching kicks and similar movements.. .
  16. Its not out of the ordinary for a school to do this. A lot of businesses make more money selling the accessories for their products than they do their product itself. You think its REALLY that hard for a cell phone provider to use a phone from a different cell service, for example? In addition, if the school is competition focused, they make be requiring this gear for that reason, which is perfectly reasonable. But $170 for a set for a 10 year old who just started the art? What kind of sparring gear is this? We talking chestguard, mouth guard, cup, gloves, shins, headgear, the works? We talking 2 colors for tournament reasons? Plus the insurance thing? I don't know, its not uncommon for sports to require these kinds of things,but the way you put it raises some red flags with me. I'd shop around for other schools, if they aren't too far out. Be sure to let us know what your insurance buddies tell you about it!
  17. I'm not the world more experienced MA. I've boxed, I've done Judo, and I've sat in on some other MA classes of various styles. The currently Karate class my son and I attend is great, good people, a solid instructor with a proven tract record, etc. But, they don't stretch before class. Normally, the first 5 minutes of any activity of this nature I've been involved in is spent stretching. I don't even see students stretch on their own before class. Is this abnormal? We DO have a warm up period, but not so much as a 30 second handing hands. Thoughts?
  18. Hey, when former KGB President of Russia wants something, you give it to him! Remember THIS INCIDENT? Just give the guy his Dan, already! WTF HQ is way to close to Russia for comfort as it is!
  19. Sadly, I don' think we would ever see this. Maybe as an exhibition art, but never as a main art. TKD got there first, and it looks too much like Karate to the untrained eye to be placed side-by-side as different sports. Between Boxing, Wrestling, Judo, TKD, and fencing, I'm not sure there is any more room for another combat sport in the Olympics. Combat just isn't as popular (or at least not a recognized) as traditional sports. Though, as a side note, if Judo keeps up this practice of creating rules that favor Nage waza over nawaza, they might be able to make a good case for BJJ, submission wrestling, or MMA.
  20. Its all part of the "the belt color signifies the belt getting dirty with more training" myth. I wash my belt just once when I first get it to get the stiffness out. But I wouldn't hesitate to wash again it if it starts getting raunchy. You can only take tradition so far, and I draw the line at a dirty uniform. Nothing you can do to your belt would be more disrespectful than coming to class looking like what my mother use to call "a ragamuffin"
  21. Everyone in my karate school uses MMA gloves for sparring, to allow for limited grappling. Honestly, I'm not a big fan of the JKD/Kempo-style gloves used in promotions like the UFC. I'd like to get a pair of the fingerless Boxing-style gloves (see image below) used in Shooto events instead. As an old boxer, I feel like these would be more familiar to me, and less restricting on the fingers. I don't know anyone who has a pair, so haven't had a chance to test them out for myself. Has anyone used these gloves before? How do they stand against typical MMA gloves? How would they do for Karate sparring compared to traditional MMA gloves? http://i57.tinypic.com/2vvqh7d.jpg[/img]
  22. I'm honored! Thanks guys! Not just for selecting me, but for all the great advising and answers. This is a great forum to be a part of!
  23. ANY Dojo in a Gary Sanchez Production is a Mcdojo.
  24. hahaha, what kind of classes you teaching!?
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