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Everything posted by Judodad_karateson

  1. This is a BJJ school, but I wanted to get everyone opinion on this. 16 year old Blue Belt given his own certified school. Should Teenagers be given schools? What about Non-Dan ranks? "After an unsuccessful search for a Shaolin Kempo school in Jackson, Cottrell saw a bumper sticker advertising Gracie South and trained there for two years. After an almost two-year process, Cottrell became a Gracie Academy-certified instructor in July 2014 and opened his own training center, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Madison in January." http://www.mixedmartialarts.com/news/453526/16-year-old-blue-belt-run-Mississippi-Gracie-Academy/
  2. Yeah, I've been playing some older releases lately on Steam. Right now I'm playing through Mafia II, good game. I'll look you guys up later. Anyone Play DOTA? And since this is a MA forum, any suggestions for good fighting games?
  3. There is nothing "ancient" about the belt system of Karate. It was stolen from Judo less than 100 years ago, where it developed between the late 1880-1900, and stole it from, of all things, Japanese competitive swimming.
  4. Isn't a big part of MA about self improvement? A skill that uses multitasking is sure to increase the multitasking ability of anyone willing to work at it. Sure, not everyone will be the next Chuck Norris, but I strongly disagree that MA isn't for everyone.
  5. After a 9 month hiatus, Enter the Dojo has returned!!!
  6. I agree because the MA is personal; no need to advertise. Yeah, we look like LARPers when we wear Gis in public. Unless you're going to Comicon as Ryu. Plus Gi's are not cheap. Work out clothing outside the Dojo, maybe an old pair of Gi pants, thats cool, but I wouldn't do a jacket or belt. At least, thats my take.
  7. It's just a framing device, don't take it so literally! If you could create your own MA, what would it look like!? Ok, for sesnei8, if wanna be difficult: if Captain Picard and the Doctor teamed up the bring you to a planet that needed a Martial Art, hand-to-hand and melee weapons, for reasons they have not elaborated on, and gave you everything you need to teach the people of this planet your own MA style, what would you teach them?
  8. For me, I think it would be a Karate-looking system with a LOT of throws, locks, and sweeps. Uniforms would look like BJJ, maybe slightly thinner and very open to customization. The Sports would be Gi pants and tees, mostly standing, with points for clean hits, take/knock downs, and limit time on the ground (judo ground rules). Weapons would be practical, Bo, jo, stick, foil/Epee/Saber, knife, and Bokken/Katana.
  9. Here is a fun little hypothetical: if you were dropped into a parallel Universe with no Martial Arts, if you basically had a blank slate to create you own MA for a world with no combat systems, what would it look like? How would you train? What would Street Self-defense look like? What would the sports form look like? What weapons would you teach? What kind of uniform? What kind of philosophies or spirituality would you focus on?
  10. Westerners in General have a "fat people are funny" mentality. Just look at youtube for "fat people falling" or "fat people running" or just visit the people of walmart site. Sumo are true athletes, strong, fast, technical, dedicating their life to their sport, but good luck convincing people outside of Japan/Hawaii/Samoa that. To most of us, it's just fat guys slapping beer guts.
  11. For me, outside training is No-Gi training.
  12. Small joint manipulation is legal in the wrist and above, but between the wrap and the gloves, good luck getting a wrist lock!
  13. I would say generally no, not unless they make and effort to apply their medical knowledge to Martial Arts. To some extent, maybe, but their skill set is quite a bit different. I was a paramedic for a while, and more than anything else, it helps me call garbage I hear some guys regurgitate from their McDojo instructor. It's kind of like being a mechanic vs being a Mechanical Engineer. How helpful is advanced understanding of Thermodynamics going to help you replace a spark plug? It may come in handy in understanding new automotive technology and help troubleshoot on occasion, but in your day to day work, it would be mostly useless. Same with being a fighter. Advanced medical knowledge may come in handy at times, but you know enough to know how to put someone in an armbar, advanced knowledge of every tissue you are putting under pressure isn't going to be a great deal of help.
  14. That's possible but my main point it that these grappling techniques and drills are karate and it's not martial arts heresy for practitioners to go back to their roots in order to compete. In dojo's that operate as a business (and not a hobby) they must compete and they must market a competent martial art that works in various situations. I think dojo's that are basically a hobby should look at this too, but they might not fail economically due to not providing a comprehensive self defense system. I don't think we are always providing a similar comprehensive self defense system in todays Karate like the one the Okinawan's brought to Japan. I know too many instructors that are deathly afraid to do something new, because they think they are just turning on their original style of karate. I want to comfort them into realizing that their Karate has much more in it's tradition than what may have been taught to them. It's ok to go deeper. I would not mind seeing grappling in tournament. We dont have to turn it into MMA, but allowing for controlled takedowns counting ad a point would, in my opinion, do tons for the world of Karate.
  15. I'm done boxing competitively and dabbed in Thia Boxing, but I found Judo and BJJ exp to be just as effective if not more so in actual combat. Sorry your one experience with this known-McDojo has soiled your diaper for traditional arts as a whole, but there is no truth to your claim. I was forced into several scuffles when I was a Paramedic, and Judo was what ended up saving my butt, not boxing. What exactly is your basis for this claim here?
  16. Glad you did, it was very informative!
  17. The main Leadership of my Karate style are strongly against posting videos online. I mentioned looking up a new Kata on youtube, and classmate told me I'd never find anything because of this. Someone in this forum told me the same thing a week later. The question is, WHY? Fear the techniques will be stolen? Concern that people won't attend class with online resources? Or is it simply that their generation isn't always the biggest fan of new technology? I respect their wishes, but I question the wisdom of this. 2-3 nights a week just isn't enough for someone serious about Martial Arts. Solo training is a must, and online videos can be a wonderful way to supplement that training. Thoughts?
  18. I would resew it, but frankly, that gi is pretty much done. Invest in a cheap Judo gi in the future. Karate gi's, even heavyweights, are just not made to handle that kind of abuse.
  19. All the karate I have see includes, at the very least, some kind of joint locks, take downs, and throwing at the higher levels, and sweeps and break falls taught normally to lower ranked students. Its my understanding that tegumi was historically taught to karateka, But not as much as today. How would you feel about introducing more grappling into the curriculum of modern karate?
  20. I'm going to stop you right there. Are you happy with your wife? If yes is the answer, then its over with the TKD babe. If what you are doing is making your wife uncomfortable, and you don't want your wife uncomfortable, the answer is simple. Hard, but simple. Sorry buddy, but you will be happier in the long run if you abide by her wishes on these types of things.
  21. I'm a huge Sumo fan. Love watching it, enjoy using it as a drill for training standing control, its just fun. I always tell people Sumo is the Yin to Judos yang. Judo is often described using the analogy "move like water around a rock in a stream." Sumo is all about being that rock. In fact, many of the moves you find is Sumo have analogous waza in judo.
  22. This might be incredibly dorky of me, but I just want to share some thoughts on fashion I've had for a long time now: I've always wanted to see GI pants hit the main stream as normal clothes. Like Board shorts, yoga pants, tennis shoes, and track suits, these pieces of apparel are popular, even by people who don't engage in these activities, because they are comfortable and look cool. Well, Gi pants are pretty comfortable, and they look really cool, don't they!? Any thoughts?
  23. Thanks! I've been really thinking about this topic a lot lately. There are so many different interpretations for the adage. It can mean so many different things to different people. For some, its a battle against their own inner daemons. For some, it means fighting your now fear and cowardice. For it means fighting ones own laziness and getting to class and the gym. So many aspects of this philosophy to explore, so many levels of truth for this one simple phrase.
  24. What does "you don't fight your opponent, you fight yourself" mean to you? What do you fight when you step on the mat?
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