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Everything posted by Bulltahr

  1. Looking forward to it, it's been a long time between drinks!!!! I hope Johnnies luck improves, but I doubt it some how! Daniel's wife leaves and hooks up with bad boy Johnnie would be my dream story!!!
  2. Ask you CI , it differs between dojos and assoc...........
  3. I visited Shanghai and Shanxi province. There is a Wushu Museum in Shanghai, which unfortunately I did not get to visit, I did have good luck in Shanxi, visiting the ancient financial capital of Pingyao (Qing empire) there were several "escort" compaines based there to provide security for the movement of gold and silver around the empire and the buildings, training courtyards and weapons are still there. Swords, Staves, even a type of Sai were some of the weapons I saw there. Seems to me that pretty much everywhere in China has Wushu, the people w ere very friendly and courteous in general. I went up twice and will go again when COVID is sorted out. Making contacts up there helps alot, and I now have some. No chinese language tho, so you need a translator.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pingyao
  4. Jesse in small doses..............
  5. Congratulations SLK59 great effort!
  6. Yes indeed Welcome! A great idea to find the roots of all these kata. Sensei Patrick McCarthy has done alot of this type of study and has translated the Bubishi mentioned above. Please keep us posted on your research, I found the Bubishi fascinating as well as some of the historic martial arts sites I visited in China. It is a very interesting topic, good luck!
  7. Merry Christmas to everybody, and I hope we all have a great 2021!!!!!!
  8. Great results from all that effort!!!!!!! The journey continues with new syllabus to go with it. Enjoy!!
  9. Thanks Tallgeese for all you have done in our community.
  10. Might be of interest, there's a bit of karate history here, Hanshi Renzie is featured in one of Mas Oyama's early books. Very modest guy who walks the walk. JR, you will probably enjoy this. Shibu is 2 hours drive from me. https://www.facebook.com/canstaffsport/videos/388233529147632
  11. Congratulations to everyone! JR, I didn't realize that you had a sense of humour!!! Have a great Christmas everybody!
  12. Thanks for that piece from the heart Bob, it is indeed a rare beast in 2020, that does not lower itself into personal attacks, ego and crude language, especially a forum that discusses martial arts! Thank you Patrick for providing us with this pleasant corner of the internet, a bit of a refuge from the mad world out there, somewhere where we can discuss pretty much anything martial arts related, without fear of ridicule or abuse. Big thanks also to the staff and Moderators, a bit of a thankless task at times, so I'm thanking you now!
  13. The same as always, try to drink less beer and keep my joints working, i.e. keep going! I want to find time to ride my bike regularly, but we already in the lead up to Xmas rush period......
  14. Very interesting, so it brings on the next question, why did Judo have 10 dans/levels? Is it because it's a nice round number? Or some other reason? Why not 12 levels or 6? In these modern days there seems to be a bit of an obsession about 10th dan, and I don't know why. Obsession oftentimes are fueled by ego, and ego promotes wants over needs. I was the main proponent within our Governing Body as its Kaicho to remove any and all Soke types, and with that, Judan was removed from our ranking system. Gone forever. Agree 100% Bob, if syllabus is all learnt by say 6th or 7th dan and you have a few more dan grades for time etc, I don't see how may of those would be required......Except for Master Ken of course............
  15. Very interesting, so it brings on the next question, why did Judo have 10 dans/levels? Is it because it's a nice round number? Or some other reason? Why not 12 levels or 6? In these modern days there seems to be a bit of an obsession about 10th dan, and I don't know why.
  16. I’m pretty sure we technically have 10. Kaicho has reportedly stated he’ll never accept a 10th dan because he’ll never stop learning. He’s allegedly been offered it a few times by various budo organizations. I’d imagine he’ll be promoted to 10th dan posthumously when the time comes (I hate saying that). Yes, I thought of putting something like that in my original post. I wonder what everyone's obsession is with having 10 dans, maybe it's a special number in Japanese culture, but I doubt it.
  17. Great Handle and Congratulations!!
  18. Every Sunday US something time.......... 2-3 fights
  19. I'm not a fan if the puzzle mats, but if you dont do a lot of throws I would just stick with the 2.5cm one, on the traditional wooden floor...
  20. Great milestone Bob!! Thank you so much for all you post, always words of wisdom, I always look forward to reading what you have to say.
  21. The last few shows have been pretty good, the cream starting to rise to the top................
  22. Yeap, don't leave it till the last minute. Do it now, straight after reading this post, or you'll forget!
  23. Lifetime membership if you can get us a signed pic of Master Ken!!!!
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