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Everything posted by darksoul

  1. Hi guys, So I've noticed this type of mentality in a lot of martial arts, and I, for one, think it's ridiculous. I believe that even at 4th Kyu, your knowledge of the martial arts is highly advanced and worthy of its place in discussions. Before reaching Shodan, I remember talking with black belts of other style and it usually went well until one of them asked "Which Dan are you?" to which (at the time) I replied "2nd kyu." Almost immediately their demeanor towards me changed and my opinion was invalid. Now that I am Shodan, I want to make sure that this doesn't happen with me. To me - it doesn't matter whether you're Godan or 10th kyu. I don't care. You have an opinion as a practitioner of the martial arts and that opinion is valid. What are your opinions on this?
  2. This is iffy to say the least. Fred Villari (founder of Shaolin Kempo) promoted himself to 10th Dan. I don't agree with it, but that's the way it is. He is the founder of the North American Shaolin Kempo style so... I guess it makes sense? I wouldn't self-promote. I don't feel it's right. I do understand the reasoning behind founders of styles, or last/highest ranked members of the style doing it. If a grand master dies without training someone else to 10th dan, and there are no 10th dans in the style left, are we to lower the number of dans? I think it makes sense, for prosperity, that the highest rank in the style gets promoted to 10th dan as they are now the grand master of the style. Should it be done on a whim? No. I think it should be voted on by the surviving masters of the style. It's a touchy subject to say the least.
  3. My wife and I watch these shows religiously - DEXTER Game of Thrones True Blood Bones Grimm Supernatural Warehouse 13 American Horror Story Hell's Kitchen Top Chef Top Chef Canada Canada's Worst Driver Canada's Worst Handyman 2 Broke Girls How I Met Your Mother The Middle
  4. You play Sweater too? What server are you on? Empire or Republic? both... 3 empire toons and 4 republic On the shadowlands server Cool. I'm on the Pleasure Barge. I have a 50 Sorceror and a 40something Bounty Hunter.
  5. You play Sweater too? What server are you on? Empire or Republic?
  6. Baaaaaahahahahaha.
  7. Qui is also "who" in French Mine comes from a website I use to run.
  8. You can pick up all types of bugs from all types of food. I eat what I like because I refuse to live in fear.
  9. Hear hear!
  10. Most are old, but it alleviates boredom while at work Full Kung Fu Movies on YouTube
  11. Speaking of Mr. Miagi... anyone utterly p-o'ed that the new "Karate" Kid movie is taught Kung Fu yet is still called Karate Kid? I don't know, but it sure bothers me T_T
  12. Next time use a 20 sided die... if you roll a natural 20, kick him in the balls.
  13. When a student argues with me about a technique? If it's an adult, I tell him to punch in and I demonstrate with slightly less restraint
  14. We don't do board breaking per-se in Shaolin Kempo, but I have done it to prove to people I could. Not very humble, I know... but I kinda wanted to see if I could do it I've done 3 boards (2 inch separation between each) with a downward 2 knuckle punch, but I think I could have done 4. Here's what you do... strike PAST the board, DO NOT strike the board. If you let your mind think you're hitting the board, you'll subconsciously stop the strike and run a chance of not breaking it. So just keep thinking you're hitting a target behind the board and you need to get through the board. Hope that helps!
  15. In the 2010 Criminal Code of Canada, a weapon is defined at §2 as: "Weapon means any thing used, designed to be used or intended for use (a) in causing death or injury to any person, or (b) for the purpose of threatening or intimidating any person and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, includes a firearm." So in Canada, steel toed boots CAN NOT be considered as a weapon as it was not designed as such.
  16. ^that Mine is one of these Arawaza Emerald but with black 12oz pants from another brand.
  17. I have 2 - A really old 12oz black one from my USSD days and a Arawaza Emerald 14oz gi. I only use the jacket from the Arawaza and the pants from my old black one. I wear an undershirt with my jacket to avoid getting it too badly soaked and after every class, I put it on the ground and fold it. Same way every time. Lay it out on the floor, fold in the sleeves, fold it in half length wise, then fold it width wise 3 times. Then it goes into the duffel bag. For washing, cold machine wash then hang to dry.
  18. Welcome! Great posts so far!
  19. In my dojo's when you finish, you take off your belt kneeling. Since becoming a black belt I have taken on the habit of my old master of taking off my jacket, laying it on the floor and folding it. It's a ritual of sorts. Once perfectly folded, I put it away in my bag along with my belt, which is also folded.
  20. It's tricky when dealing with police. Even if you're completely in the rights, it just takes a nervous rookie, an uninformed officer, or a rogue cop to throw all that good-samaritanism in the mud. Thanks for sharing your story.
  21. I could have told you that Awesome that science is looking into this
  22. Funny thing about the martial arts is that, while your brain forgets, your muscles remember.
  23. Sounds like a pulled muscle to me, but I'm no doctor.
  24. I call my sensei "Maître" (Master in French) since he is a 7th dan. 1-3rd Dan - "Sensei" 4th Dan - Sir or Ma'am 5th Dan + - Master
  25. That is AWESOME! Great job, Qui!
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