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Everything posted by darksoul

  1. I've seen this as well, and luckily, 99% have become humbled by their abilities. I'm one of them. I used to be a pompous little bugger, but as I realized "Wait a second, I can actually really hurt or even kill someone with what I'm learning" I calmed down, became more patient, and lost a lot of that ego I had. Being beat on by 5th+ dans helps too
  2. Welcome! Looks like the martial arts are pumping in your veins! I wouldn't say it's "beginner's luck," but more of you being in a place you should be. You obviously have a talent for it and that's a great thing! I think you'll like KarateForums. The people here are absolutely fantastic and knowledgeable. Cheers!
  3. I really wanted to like Walking Dead, but after half of season 2, I found myself way too bored to continue. If you guys want to watch a fantastic zombie mini series, check out Dead Set (I believe it was done by the BBC)
  4. Found this and it made me giggle The wimp who made it through the eliminations on luck alone will suddenly turn into Bruce Lee when you're up against him. The referee will always be looking the other way when you score. You will have trouble with the ties on your dobok pants when members of the opposite sex are in class. The day you leave work early to make it to class on time, the instructor will be sick. The instructor will only use you during demonstrations for joint-locking techniques. If you have to use your training in self-defense, your attacker's father will be a lawyer. After a flawless demonstration, you will trip on your way back to your seat. After years of training without a single injury, you will pull a groin muscle the night before your black belt exam. In an otherwise vacant locker room, the only other person will have the locker right next to yours. No matter how many times you take care of it before your promotion exam, you will invariably have to go to the bathroom when it's your turn.
  5. Good luck. Try to go first. Unless one really screws up, the first ones are generally graded easier. Since they set the standard, they usually get the medium grade which is the passing grade. Only me grading at 1st Kyu Don't sweat it! Rock it!
  6. Fred Villari - Master Thomas Ingargliola - Master Claude Paquette - Me
  7. Let's share Martial Arts jokes! This is an old one, but I like it: How many karatekas does it take to change a light bulb? Just one, but then all the rest stand around and say "That's not how MY sensei said to do it!"
  8. Excellent post! Play to your strengths is absolutely paramount.
  9. I use head kicks in tournaments, but in a "street fight" I wouldn't. Reason: it's easier, faster, and usually more effective to strike low. I probably wouldn't unless I had a very clear opening for it. I have a very powerful side-blade kick but I would only use it if I saw a nice opening in the ribs. CRACK! Absolutely. I would like to mention that the philosophy of Kempo is to end a fight as fast as possible so an extended fight in the street will probably not happen with a Kempo stylist.
  10. Yep. You'll feel great after. Just not pleasant before and during
  11. I know that in my school the colour combination of Red top, black pants would not be allows unless you are 4th dan or above. White top with black pants is reserved for 1st dan and above.
  12. We actually get Plum Tree at 3rd kyu (I think, memory is hazy.) I'll try to find a 2 man video of it. It's quite effective.
  13. That's still great! Congratulations and good luck on your Shodan test! I remember mine... it was BRUTAL!
  14. Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great
  15. Welcome
  16. I've puked during a test, I've puked just after training, I've puked 30mins after training while driving home (had to pull over, hurl, then got back in the car and drove home) Yeah... it happens.
  17. Yes but you can't expect every instructor to be as active as they once were and able to do all the things they used to do. By the time you get to be a 4th or 5th dan, usually you're a bit older and so they won't be keeping up with their younger students and still doing all the rigorous training. Like you said, they still have the knowledge of strategy and techniques which they can pass on. Excellently said. I've been told that I should have my 5th Dan by the time I'm 45 (I'm 30 now.) 15 years for 4 more stripes... I think I'll probably gain some weight by then
  18. Exactly! One of the Kempo grandmasters Kimo Ferreira isn't exactly the picture of perfect physique, but he is FAST.
  19. Well I think that when your daughter does break a board, it'll make her self-confidence sky rocket, so that is a good thing. That's good that he is focusing on teaching things right and that he included the history and philosophy of the tameshigiri. The focus on Combat is tough to pull off. You have to make sure no one gets hurt. You have to make sure that they are not just going in wildly swinging. For kids, I don't think free sparring is really helpful. Not until they grasp the focus of calm, collected combat anyway. Taking it slow is definitely the best way. A smart fighter is a better fighter.
  20. Holy crap, I'm a green belt now... O_O 300+ posts already. Granted, it's easy when a board is as appealing, friendly, and as full of knowledgeable martial artists as this one. So much so that I stopped going to the other Martial Arts board I was a part of. KF is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better.
  21. Very well said. I agree with this 100%, that's why I tend to exaggerate some movements. Just practice and you'll find your comfort zone.
  22. That's the only thing that I'm nervous about really. My feet are super sensitive to hot and cold. Oh well, it's the pain that makes us stronger!
  23. I don't think any modern organization does bareknuckle. We do full contact at but we wear headgear, gloves, foot pads, cups for the males, and mouth guards.
  24. I actually haven't seen Shaolin Soccer. I'll have to check it out.
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