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Everything posted by andym

  1. Congratulations on passing your grading. When I passed my Dan grading I felt wonderful, like I knew everything. When I went back to the Dojo for my first class after it .... ! It felt like i was stood on the edge of a cliff ! The realization of what I didn't know.
  2. Congratulations on passing your grading.
  3. Hello and welcome to the forum, from a near neighbor.
  4. Hello shotokan bulldog, and welcome to the forum.
  5. First welcome to the forum and congratulations. At least you admit your difficulties. Most would not even face that and walk away from the martial arts. Here's my tale to help you. In 2003 no one expected to see me back in the Dojo. I had been hit by a van while cycling to work, damn near killed me. Right leg smashed : now held together by metal. I was in bed for a month. Couldn't walk for 5 months. On crutches for 6 months. Off work for 7 months. It was 6 months before I could do any form of training. I was 43 years old, I lost everything. I was out of Dojo training for 9 months. It was nearly a year before I could kick and 18 months before they'ed let be kick a pad ! But I did all that. The only thing I could not get back was my suppleness. Speed , strength, skill, stamina , all returned with time and effort. Remember - Time and fate break everything.
  6. Hello nookslist and welcome to the forum.
  7. Thanks for posting that DWx, I've not come across this before and as the others say, it's very interesting and relevant to the martial arts.
  8. Hello Hawkmoon and welcome to the forum.
  9. Well done the lot of you.
  10. I agree with cheesefrysamurai in this very good post. This is within the style, never mind the art of karate. So I repeat, I find it strange. I'll tell you what a ju-jitsu instructor said to me, when telling to wear my black belt and not a white belt. When one of his lower grades comes to train with me, I'm like a 'booby trap'. I might not know all that the lower (kyu) grades knows, but I know a load more about things that that lower grade hasn't learned yet. The belt is a warning. So I think GojuRyu Bahrain is with his rights to feel put out by this request to wear a white belt when visiting a Goju Ryu Dojo, when he is a Goju Ryu black belt.
  11. One of the biggest myths in Karate , is that of the unchanging kata ! Kata have always changed and we can never know what the original was like.
  12. Yes, sometimes we have to state the obvious. It obvious to us, but not to other !
  13. Striking with the Nunchaku must be done. It's how you learn to deal with the recoil. It's like purely punching and blocking fresh air, non contact. The first time anything impacts a target, the technique will just collapse !
  14. Hello Benjamin and welcome to the forum. There are differences, but more of approach and feel than principle. Goju Ryu, Shorin Ryu, Uechi Ryu, Shito Ryu etc, all share principles. The difference is that Goju Ryu and Uechi Ryu approach these principles through Sanchin. Sanchin is central to the 'feel' of Goju Ryu.
  15. An interesting and useful experiment, GojuRyu Bahrain, congratulations. I regard Sesan as the ultimate kata of karate. And had an article to that effect published in the UK magazine Martial Arts Illustrated, a couple of years ago.
  16. Which championship, which organisation , association etc etc ? Karate is massively fragmented in England - bad internal politics.
  17. I'm similar to you, I travel around a couple of times a year with work. Spending a week or so at a site. I take this as an opportunity to train with the best i can find in that location. Be it Karate, Kung Fu , MMA anything. I was in St Albans in November and visited a TKD club. I can honestly say I've never had any problems or trouble when visiting. Even coming from traditional Karate and going to an MMA club. I always carry a white belt with you and ring the club prior to visiting . I ask them would they like me to wear it. Very few do I have to say. I must say I find it strange that a Goju Ryu Dojo would tell you to wear one. So, I can understand your reaction.
  18. It just doesn't seem a correct out come to research, alright I'm biased. Anyone got a link to it ?
  19. Hello and welcome to the forum.
  20. I was pleased that karate did not get into the Olympics - the politics is to divisive and this may force changes. I also feel that karate would have been better pushing a knock-down format. That is different to TKD etc and a more realistic form of sparring. Plus, why were Kata not included ? Lastly, I hope wrestling is returned to it's rightful place within the Olympics. It should never have been threatened with removal.
  21. Don't try to understand the internal politics of Goju Ryu, it will 'do your head in'. I wrote the following elsewhere last year. My view on for this, is that Goju focuses on creating strong characters with a lot of self-belief who are prepared to go there own way, and do so on a regular basis.
  22. They don't call you Evil Dave for nothing ! LOL
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