Below is the tried and trusted , some would say old fashioned, grading time table. It was excepted by ALL Karate styles and organisations. We still use it, if you are studying Karate and your Dojo is no longer following it - ask yourself, why? To my understanding, it has never been repealed nor superseded. I firmly believe had this system by enforced, at all levels, local, national and internationally, Karate would not have most of the problems that currently afflict it. In 1971 the Federation of All Japan Karate-Do Organisations (F.A.J.K.O.) came up with an agreed formula for the minimum length of training time and minimum ages for all grades with-in Karate. It stated that Kyu (coloured belt) grades should be a MINIMUM of 3 months apart and that there must be an at least 6 month gap between the final 1st kyu gradings and the first Dan, black belt, grading. With 9 kyu grades and this 6 month gap, the minimum time anyone could receive their black belt would be after 30 months, two and a half years training. That’s a minimum, a bare minimum at that, not a recommended time scale, because F.A.J.K.O. also stated that a student had to have trained for a minuim of 4 years prior to a Dan grading ! F.A.J.K.O RANKING SYSTEM 1971 ON ENTERING THE DOJO YOU BECOME A 9 KYU ; WHITE BELT. A MINIMUM OF 3 MONTHS TRAINING BETWEEN GRADINGS GRADE 9th KYU 3months to 8th KYU 3months to 7th KYU 3months to 6th KYU 3months to 5th KYU 4th KYU 3months to 3rd KYU 3months to 2nd KYU 6months to 1st KYU MINIMUM OF 12 MONTHS GAP FROM FIRST KYU TO FIRSY DAN GRADING A CANDADATE FOR FIRST DAN MUST HAVE TRAINED FOR A MINIMUM OF FOUR YEARS BEFORE GRADING MINIMUM NUMBER OF YEARS BETWEEN DAN GRADES AND MINIMUM AGE FOR THAT GRADE FIRST 16 2 SECOUND 18 3 THIRD 21 4 FOURTH NONE 5 FIFTH NONE 6 SIXTH 35 7 SEVENTH 42 8 EIGHTH 50 9 NINETH 60 10 TENTH 70