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Everything posted by andym

  1. Hello and welcome to the forum.
  2. Hello and welcome to the forum. Word of mouth and personal recommendation are still very important ways to get the message out. Old fashioned but effective. more modern - FaceBook. Set a page for your class. Good luck.
  3. A martial arts instructor is not 'in loco parentis'. Which was the reasoning behind corporal punishment at school in the old days. If a child - and remember this is a child, both physically and legally - gets out of line in class. He is removed, perhaps warned and allowed back , or banned. No instructor can be that desperate for the money not to ban them.
  4. I repeat this , as it has been asked again.
  5. Hello and welcome to the forum.
  6. Hello and a belated welcome to the forum.
  7. Bloody hell , well done Harkon72.
  8. I can only echo the good advice offered above. Good luck on healing quickly.
  9. I've got to say I'm really suprized that in this day and age a sensei didn't think of the injury consequence of their training.
  10. Hello and welcome to the forum.
  11. Well done, keep up the good work.
  12. This is so wrong and needed to be reported.
  13. Work !! It's that bad, I've involved in running a strike, running the night crew of pickets. An amazing experience. Win or loose, we've made a stand.
  14. Try contacting the Shikon group in Kent, headed by Steve Rowe. A highly experienced martial artist and teacher. Especially of close combat principles and applications. Or one of the Goju Ryu groups in that area ?
  15. Hello and welcome to the site.
  16. Congratulation, keep up the good work.
  17. Great news, but it should never have been removed. PS Glad Karate didn't get in. May force all the political issues with in to get sorted. But I'm not holding my breath.
  18. Hello and welcome to the forum.
  19. Key question, over what time scale are we talking, that these changes have been made ?
  20. Hello and welcome to the forum.
  21. The ground work we've always done and i don't see others doing. Not the MMA inspired ground grappling, which yes must be covered. But when you are on the floor and the other(s) are to kick you in ! Covering up, countering, getting up. I don't see this as common practice, even in some RBSD.
  22. The only predictive system that works is in engineering !
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