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Everything posted by rb

  1. I'd say judo. On your feet it has excellent techniques to throw and offbalance an opponent. Groundwise it has good controlling holds, chokes and submissions. You also learn how to fall properly. Striking is also learned in the advanced stages. However many schools place empahsis on the sport where no striking is allowed. Also practice is done primarily in the judogi which is considerably stronger than t-shirts, sweaters, and jackets. Some gi-less practice would probably be a good idea.
  2. Think it's also called Ude Garami in judo.
  3. Aram Khachaturian - sabre dance
  4. I'm an 8. I share attributes with Streisan and Picasso, that's a scary thought.
  5. I don't practice Muay Thai. However, did you happen to see this post? Apparently the guy juggernaut45's talking about has only been practicing for half a year and he won his first 2 fights. I've also heard Muay Thai isn't hard to learn but is very effective. I think the guy he's refering to (reyes) has previous martial arts experience.
  6. I'm a little confused. Where does this tradition come from ? My teacher will always learn from his teacher. Why would these people take on the title of sifu in wc if they don't know the system?
  7. risk, hands down
  8. http://www.realultimatepower.net/
  9. some of the stuff on newgrounds. You have to sift through alot of wacko junk. The cheat is the best.
  10. Lol, They had and still have punching bags. There are body hardening exercises and of course plenty of practice.
  11. In my books it's automatically a good movie when they kill off lucy liu.
  12. I consider myself a geek and proud of it !
  13. Mariah Carey?! Barf Seriously at your age anything will be attractive.
  14. i liked the first one better. The second one just felt boring.
  15. Question - why are you going to university? Do you have a reason or are you just going because it's something to do?
  16. "Besides, while they're kissing, they can't be singing! " Yeah that's definitely a side benefit.
  17. Sano, Jackie has said many times that he doesn't want to emulate traditional martial arts heros where they fight for hours on end without a scratch. Those hits are scripted. He doesn't want the audience to think he is invincible. He will therefore make a face when he takes a hit or go down instead of standing there stonefaced. I actually find it less entertaining to see the hero standing and one arm techniquing his foes like he all that much superior ex. jet li cradle to the grave.
  18. that white hair shamu guy. This reminds me so much of highschool programming class.
  19. hmm, why mech disc? If you're going XT components you'd get a better deal buying an XT hydro kit. As for the study, it's not just the hours, it's the way you spend the hours on the bike. If you're constantly going over rough terrain without standing up you are bashing your seat into your groin. Much like punching yourself repeatedly down south. Also the research used subjects that have been mtn biking long before rear suspension, improved saddles, seat post absorbers had been cheaply and widely available. Basically you just need to listen to your body. Going numb down there is should not be part of a regular ride.
  20. pretty gross. between the three of them they probably have every disease known to man.
  21. I've been reading posts where the belts you wear allow the instructor to better cater to your skill. If you have spent any time with your instructor, he/she will know where you stand.
  22. I don't wear a sash unless we get cleaned up for a demo. Perhaps because of that i don't care what colour it is. As for tournaments or street fights i treat everyone as a threat and will attempt to defeat them as quickly as possible regarless of belt colour.
  23. For me it's about 60/40 back/front
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