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Everything posted by rb

  1. That could get boring. Part of the fun of first dating someone is finding out about them.
  2. you can't. That's why Kano took it and modified it to the judo form so that it could be practiced safely.
  3. Rarely as judo schools are dominated by sport training. Striking techniques are learned in kata altough I've seen some schools actually practice them in a restrained form in randori. Also Judo draws its strength on the principle of mutual benefit. Kano wanted judo to be for everyone including women and children. Therefore techniques had to be safe and repeatable. Certain joint locks and strikes were not seen as such-therefore they are not permitted in free practice or competition. Because strikes are pretty much ignored, judokas tend to be sloppy strikers. However, nothing a little cross training can't fix...
  4. ducky, this shoulder throw is used in jujutsu and judo. The jujutsu variant has the palm up and the hip rotation is stopped short so the person being thrown lands on their head. The judo version has the palm turned in or down and there is follow through so that the person thrown lands on their back.
  5. you use the attackers arm against the throat.
  6. rb


    Hmm, no tattoos yet. Maybe i'll tattoo on a fourth nipple er... I mean I heart betty or something.
  7. What is jodo- is it stick fighting?
  8. rb


    what!? no polka? A lot of the music i listen is more intrumental (easier to study to) which favours classical, movie tracks, big band etc. I also like to compare how the general sound of popular music in the 20th century has changed up to today - and freedom of lyrics too.
  9. If it's written in kanji then they are chinese characters.
  10. there is a big thread on this already. scroll down.
  11. rb


    and the bagpipes are said to be modeled after the sound of their mating call.
  12. Perhaps for the british 4 C is unbearable. Try a canadian -50C for a few days.
  13. you guys do write the same.
  14. i think track and field also includes discus, javelin and hammer throw.
  15. any judo/jujutsu gi will do. I don't think you wear a hakama until later and even then i think the jacket is still the same.
  16. You could buy a dummy. Two dummies http://www.bubbadummy.com/index.htm http://www.gomass.com/imass/simulaids.html They cost around 500 bucks. I've also looked around department stores for dummies but most don't fully articulate in the joints. We also have throwing dummies at the wrestling club but those are fairly expensive and I am tempted to try making my own. From practicing with a throwing dummy for newaza it is good for practicing holds, practicing transitions, and doesn't complain when you choke it or bend it's arms in funny ways. All in all i find it helps a little but nothing beats the real thing. For throwing you can put your belt or jacket around a tree, pole even wavemaster and practice the pulls, footwork (ichikomi). Kimura was reported to practice his osotogari against trees. I've read that his osoto was so powerful it was not unusual for people to recieve concussions. Once again though nothing beats the real thing. Keep in mind I use these when getting a partner is impractical. For instance I'll be pretty fed up with studying late at night and will take an hour of fustration out doing ichikomi. Otherwise I'll just call up ppl and see if they want to randori for a while. Some people randori with their dogs. Sibblings do in a pinch too although i'd be hesistant to try anything on a spouse or significant other. Ukemi you can practice by yourself.
  17. Recess should be replaced with 20 min straight of randori. That'll drain most of them.
  18. i once tricked my friend into eating beef...tongue. I once took a swig of milk that i poured from one of the dispensers in the mess. After a good gulp i felt a slimy glob in my mouth and spit it out. It looked like a big ball of mucous. Didn't drink milk for the rest of the stay there.
  19. Ok seriously for me this time. Combos with knees and elbows which is very prevelant in mantis. Harai goshi and taiotoshi which are strong throws for me.
  20. The gi is white because it is made of cotton. Also the japenese belive it to be a colour (or lack of) of purity and cleanliness. That's why I roll my eyes when people spout off stories of how your gi must be immaculate while you never wash your obi (belt)
  21. rb


    haggis is not just sheep intestine or stomach. It also has lung, heart, liver pretty much all the sweetbreads.
  22. I only wear a gi for judo which is either white or blue. Blue was instituted for competition to allow easier judging of matches as two judoka can quickly turn into a intertwined blob of arms and legs. Thankfully a judoka must wear a gi of one colour, never mixing the top and bottom.
  23. I have yet to encounter a judo club that will not let you learn judo because you can't compete. It was kano's intention that judo be for everyone. Competition is not all that judo is. Tomiki aikido is an interesting annomaly. Tomiki was a student of kano (founder of judo) and a very proficient judoka. He was taken on by ueshiba at kano's urging and went on to learn what is now known as aikido. He took the principals of randori and competition of judo and applied it to his knowledge in aikido. This allowed aikido techniques to be practiced full force repeatedly.
  24. We have a guy that started judo at 39. Alot of the instructors are in their late sixties. Dependant on the jujutsu that you are studying there might be quite a bit of overlap with aikido in terms of techniques. This is also true with judo as both creators of aikido and judo were students of various forms of jujutsu.
  25. How about rest and a doctor ? Bones and joints can be injured from repetitive stresses without proper rest intervals and training. I'd say scale back to light training and build slower up to your current level of exercise.
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