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Everything posted by unknown

  1. in the jiu jitsu class...its mostly guys the kickboxing classes have mostly women but the women never spar or do any real competitive training that i or the rest of the people on our team does
  2. VERY WELL PUT SPECIAL K.... AMONG THOSE EXCELLENT ARTISTS YOU'VE NAMED THERE ARE ALSO: THE ROOTS KRS-ONE PUBLIC ENEMY A TRIBE CALLED QUEST WU-TANG CLAN BEASTIE BOYS AND THE LIST GOES ON AND ON I get pretty frustrated with the stuff that is played on the radio and TV these days. The whole *bling* *bling* cash money deal is extremely weak. Like I understand if they have a couple songs like that - but when every video you have starts off with rims spinning and ends with rims spinning its only a matter of time before people are gonna get sick of that. I've defended rap music on this board before and others have fired back and told me that if I want to listen to music about the grind and social injustice then I should listen to punk. Then they went off on rap music again....the funny thing was that they completely contridicted everything I had said. Anyway even though I love rap music its not the only type of music that I listen to that is socially concious. I also listen to Rage Against the Machine which I believe are the most hardcore socially concious artists out there.
  3. K1 does showcase many good fights. However, the reason why it is becoming such a farce is due to the fact that the Japanese are just infatuated with western culture - that being said, they get clowns like Bob Sapp and soon Mike Tyson in there to act like complete morons because they think it is "cool". Like I said before, they still showcase some excellent fighting. Ernesto Hoost, Stephen Leko and Masata Masata to name a few......
  4. i was really looking forward to seeing kill bill....i rented it the other day and i was extremely dissapointed nor was i very impressed by it either.
  5. i would rather fight for a knockout...and i do fight that way because i am a full contact kickboxer. i really cannot stand point fighting....for training purposes its ok but it doesnt give a person a sense of what it feels like to actually being hit. a good kickboxer or boxer would destroy a point fighter. plus alot of point fighters who turn kickboxers have a hard time making the adjustment because of all the bad habits they get. that being said im glad i never did point fighting! listen, if you wanna fight then you gotta accept the injuries that come along with it. ive been fighting full contact for quite a while now and luckily i have a good chin for it because i've been hit hard quite a few times. the trick is "LETTING YOURSELF HEAL" many people dont do that after getting injured and then they develop glass jaws.
  6. the west has pretty much butchered the martial arts in many ways! everything from musical katas to point sparring is just americanized * as far as i am concerned. there are alot of so called "masters" of many arts within canada and the united states but very few truly are. there is one gentleman at my dojo who is a fifth degree black belt in aiki-jiu jitsu. he is an older guy and he has trained in japan in jiu jitsu and iaido. anyway about a year ago he travelled back to japan to grade for his 5th degree. anyway he was telling me that the east looks at the martial arts in the west as one big joke. from the musical katas with the movements that look more like a gymnastics competition, to the coloured gi's and worst of all point sparring.
  7. the best thing to do in this situation is to grow your own vegetables. thats what my mom does in the summertime. as for all the other packeged foods with all the chemicals in them, you cannot really get away from that. so the best thing to do is drink plenty of water to flush your system clean of all the toxins
  8. i am currently in school and security is a practical way of making money while having a tight school and training scheduale. i just book the shifts whenever i want and if i dont wanna work a certain weekend then i take it off. that is the plus side of security. the downside is that i am a floater.....meaning i go to a different site almost every day that i work and i never have the slightest clue of what im doing. the pay is crap. people treat me like crap. my managers and the people at head office treat me worse. i am almost done school and i am awaiting the results of my police written test and if i passed then im applying to the police force and im gonna tell my security job to go '*" themselves
  9. yeah i like bikes once im outta college and i have a good job making good money im gonna buy myself a nice Yamaha R1 and if I ever hit the lotto or get rich some other way im gonna have a whole fleet of exotic cars, sport bikes and a nice Jesse James chopper straight outta the LBC
  10. do yourself a favour man....dont work security! it is a boring job with pretty crappy pay!
  11. everybody trashing rap.......well there are good and bad forms of rap. i am a very avid hip hop/rap listener however i only listen to the hard core "gansta" rap. i like to listen to rap that talks about the struggle or "the grind". alot of the rap out there today is extremely commericial which is generally geared towards rich white kids living in suburban neighborhoods. after all that is the majority of the viewership on MTV raps. the whole *bling* *bling* cash money, in your face richboy attitude is weak *cough* *cough* p. diddy to name one. true rap artists are mc's like the wu-tang clan (especially redman and method man), xzibit, DMX to name a few. alot of the rap from back in the day is great too! NWA, Public Enemy, KRS- 1 LL Cool J's earlier stuff etc. that is true rap in its purest and rawest form. they talk about social injustice and many other political issues. early rap is education! i understand why people think rap sucks is due to the fact that they always see the mainstream stuff like Eminem, 50-cent, jay-z, ja rule and that annoying little bastard chingy. truth of the matter is i think it sucks too. if you want to have a true appreciation for rap then you gotta dig beneath the surface to see what is really out there!
  12. i dont think tyson would be able to take a kick to the leg....lets be real about that....
  13. i personally think that 50 is a joke. i am not really into his music at all. i do love rap music but not the mainstream stuff that you hear on the radio. i listen to the real hardcore rap music not those cheap * *bling* *bling* artists. my favourite rappers have got to be redman and method man. those guys are rich but they dont flaunt it and even though they got more money then i will ever see in my life, they still live in the ghetto
  14. i'VE SEEN HIM fight before. he was an amazing fighter. too bad he had to go out like this.+
  15. one word HONDA!
  16. as a really avid listener of rap music in my opinion i do not like 50 cent. way too commercialized. plus it doesnt help hearing his songs every single minute of the day
  17. one more thing TEENAGE MUTANT HERO TURTLES???????/?? ITS NINJA TURTLES!!!!!!!!!
  18. Leo was the best.........Leo was everything that i wanted to be while i was growing up.......he is a leader, plus blue is my favourite colour, he has an awesome weapon and is simply the best. Michealangleo is kool too but too juvenile Donetello - too much of a geek Rapheal - too much of a hot head
  19. i am 18 but i've been told i like like im in my 20's. i started drinking when i was about 12 or 13. i'd be at family parties and i'd be offered some booze. i think it is ok that way because you learn about moderation and about how not to get too crazy. anyway up untill last year i used to party and drink alot but i never did anything really dumb. now that i am gonna be 19 in december the novelty of drinking alcohol has worn off. like my dad offers me booze at home all the time so its not "forbidden" anymore so drinking isnt much of a thrill anymore.
  20. yeah Scarborogh (suburb of Toronto) isnt the nicest place. my sister moved there after getting married and she hates it alot! we like to call it "scarberia"
  21. just eat something really light before you train if you are in a rush. like fruit or some juice.
  22. a few questions: who is the card sanctioned under? do you have licensing? do you have all the legal documents available? waivers and so on?
  23. take a leg kick at full force from a muay thai fighter and then you will know what they are talking about. muay thai fighters have proved their skills time and time again! i've seen many tapes of different styles going up against muay thai and many of the time the MT fighters punish their opponants
  24. i know of a man who at the time was a blue belt in jiu jitsu ended up shoulder throwing a cop when he grabbed him.
  25. there is a man in japan who trains people in ninjutsu. i forget his name but he is a 34th grandmaster in the art and the only person who has a direct lineage to the ninjas of feudal japan. anyway he trains alot of foriegners in the art and if i were ever to train in ninjutsu i would only do it from him in japan. i would never train ninjutsu from anybody in canada or the united states - too many frauds!
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