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Everything posted by unknown

  1. not sure if i beleive in true love. at first people interpret infatuation into love and then as time progresses people end up loving the person they are infatuated with after the infatuation wears off.......in simpler terms: You can fall in love with anybody.
  2. There is nothing to be ashamed about missing your ex. I have gotten over my ex a long time ago. i hate my ex's guts with a passion but i do miss her at times...no no scratch that....i dont miss my ex as much as i miss the good times that i had with her. from time to time i do catch myself thinking about my ex and the time we spent together but if she were to come back to me one day i would tell her to go away. i am a completely different person now. i dont regret ever meeting her because i live my life with no regrets. everything that has happened to me has happend for a reason and has shaped me into the person i am today. so i have no regrets at all. i've done things that are stupid and so forth however i've learned from those mistakes and they've made me a better person not all relationships working out but its too bad so sad and you move on. i'm seeing another girl now and she is everything i ever wanted in a girl. we fight from time to time but who doesnt fight? i just keep in check all the reasons why my previous relationship failed and i make sure i dont get too into the girl im with now. rambled enough...dont wanna start sounding like Dr. Phil
  3. gotta be 21 to rent a car in Ontario....u r SOL!
  4. I am 19. Turning 20 sounds a bit scary to me but its better than turning 30 or 40 hahahaha
  5. didn't know what to use as a nickname so i used unknown....i know im not very creative
  6. I don't spend time reading books...I would rather spend my time doing things that people will write books about.
  7. the hulk! i've seen some bad movies but the hulk stands out the most
  8. Screw the moon! With a million bucks I could do anything or go anywhere on Earth! People seem to forget that there is alot to explore on planet earth!
  9. My fave is the Bourne Supremacy....what a kick * movie!
  10. The mullet has to be the worst hairstyle on the face of this planet. No wonder the rest of the world hates the west..cuz we got these jagoff's running around with those dirty looking hick hairstyles. It is true however that people who achieve the rank of black belt have mullets. We have alot of other jiu jitsuka from other clubs coming to the dojo I train at and they are rocking the "sho-lo", "kentucky waterfall" "business in the front, party in the back" type hairstyles. it is quite sad.. You cannot tell me there is nobody on this forum who doesnt have a mullet.
  11. Lewis is a punk! He isnt anything special at all. I read an article a while ago about Lewis and he said that he ranks himself up there with Ali, Foreman and other big heavyweights. I highly disagree with that. He needs to fight some real fighters and he did (Klitchko sp?) but the fight was stopped due to a cut that he inflicted upon Klitchko while he himself was getting his A$$ kicked royaly!!!! Another thing about Lewis that I hate is the fact that he is a sellout! He fought on the Canadian Olympic Boxing team and got the gold however he said that he actually won the gold for Jamaica and then he goes over to England and takes up British Citizenship and denying having anything to do with Canada.......him and his fake British accent.....pfft!
  12. Sounds like somebody walks everyday lol!!!!
  13. I'm rockin' a Black 1996 2 Door Honda Civic...manual transmission of course because automatics are for wussies and soccer moms! Anyway its in great condition and zero rust! i waxed it today and it looks sweet! I love my ride...she has been good to me. A lot of people hate civics because of the classic stereotype of guys the drive civics but you know what? I'm riding! I dont use the bus, or a bicycle....
  14. i pay around $60 CDN a month for jiu jitsu classes and use of the weights and kickboxing equipment at my club. Its not bad. my kickboxing coach doesnt charge us for training at all. he just trains us because its what he loves to do. not many people have coaches like that!
  15. preventing fights can be as simple as the way you carry yourself, your body language etc. if you walk down the street very slowly looking down towards the ground you are obviously gonna be a prime target because you look vulnerable. on the contrary, if you hold you head up high and look people in their eyes and walk at a good pace people will most likely not mess with you all because you look confident. works for me! but when you talk about verbal de-escalation...that is an entirely different dynamic that can be argued and critiqued for days. my own rule for myself is: walk away if you can, if you cant try and use words to de-esculate the situation, if they still wanna fight you....knock em' out
  16. im from canada
  17. women are welcome in the jiu jitsu classes at my dojo but few take part. mainly because of the grappling and the stuff.....makes them a bit uncomfortable
  18. Canadian Jiu Jitsu Association White Yellow Orange Green Purple Red Blue Brown Black
  19. i do jiu jitsu along side my kickboxing training and we do extensive grappling from throws to the ground. ground fighting is extremely important to learn if you want to learn how to fight/defend yourself because your jump spinning hook kick isnt gonna help you when sombody has you in a top mount and is punching you in the face repeatedly.
  20. i do not think there is a brotherhood amoung martial arts schools. i never wear any apparel saying that i kickbox or do jiu jitsu but when people find out that i train (martial artist or average joe) they start going on about how they could kick my * or something.......
  21. nah i dont carry any sort of weapon.....i am confident enough in my skills that i do not have to carry anything
  22. hip hop goes a long way back my brother in law and my cousin who are both in their 30's still listening to hip hop from way back in the day. mind you they were teens in the 80's and thats when some of the best hip hop was first coming out. as special K says the people who out grow hip hop later in life werent lisetning to real hip hop the music that i believe people will out grow is stuff like marylon manson and all that crazy gothic evil "I'm from hell" satanic type stuff. the fans of that music love it now but i think they'll be laughing at themselves when they are in their 70's looking back............ one word of advice for anyone out there trying to trash hip hop THERE IS REAL HIP HOP.......THEN THERE IS 'WEAK'/POP HIP HOP! and THEDEVILASIDE.....YOU DECIDING TO KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT WAS THE BEST IDEA YOU CAME UP WITH YET!
  23. well those lyrics are from the beastie boys' earlier days......they were young like all of us at one time over the past little while they've been coming out with some pretty good stuff. they talk about the chinese occupation of Tibet and their song Bodhivista Now is an excellent dipiction of that situation. one set of lyrics which is my favourite from the beastie boys is from "Alive" "I'd like to have a say on the income tax, dont wanna help build bombs and thats the fact, no money for health care so whats the catch?"
  24. sweet! im really into hip-hop lyrics myself...alot of the time i will just sit there and play a rap cd just to pick up the lyrics... i can truly say that socially concious rap music speaks to me in ways that others will not understand
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