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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Me too. But, Kevin wouldn't do that to us. No, not at all!
  2. Yeah, he had a good game, but he hasn't been happy, losing games he feels they should win. I thought they were set this year, with that offense ready to go. They kind of remind me of the Chiefs of a few years back.
  3. Do you do the hogu drills with white belts? Also, what kicks do you have the white belts do? I was primarily thinking of footwork with roundkicks, front and back leg.
  4. Thanks for the tip, but for these quicker sparring kicks, turning over the hips completely makes it very hard to recover for the second kick. When I do a traditional style kick, for forms and breaking/knockout , I turn the hips over all the way.
  5. Thanks, PAL. The links are great. I have seen that form a few times, but I will have to watch them a few more times to become really familiar with it. We really don't have a TKD equivalent to it.
  6. I do the close to full 180 degree pivot. I have found that if you don't pivot the base foot, you can cause some damage to the knee. If I were to do a snapping side kick, I would still pivot the foot.
  7. You are most welcome. I'm glad you could interpret my ramblings. Sometimes I can get too wordy, and sometimes not specific enough. If you have any more questions, keep them coming!
  8. Yep, I go through the same things as well from time to time. We know what we would say to someone else, but we are never as likely to tell ourselves the same thing, and it always helps to hear it from someone else. It makes you feel good when you know that someone else cares.
  9. The way that I relate to any activity is that the level of fun and excitement that it gives has a direct correlation to the risk factor involved. MA can be pretty high on the scale, but I don't think you see nearly as many serious injuries in the world of MA as you do in sports like professional football or baseball.
  10. Reference this thread that ps1 mentioned: http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=29198 The MMA discussion starts on page 2, and goes through to page 3.
  11. Yeah, you have an interesting concept there. Many people think that there is a sixth sense: intuition. This could be similar to what you are relating to as the "gut feeling."
  12. I can understand how you feel about the mixed classes, Kez. Ours are mixed now a well, and in class tonight there were 2 adults, including me, and 3 kids; and it was sparring/kicking class. The important thing is to find creative ways to still learn and improve from working with the younger ones. As for your instructor's comments, they are kind of out of line, but sometimes with instructors, it comes down to tough love. Don't let it discourage you; isn't that what studying the arts is about? Preservering and overcoming yourself. You NEVER fail until you STOP trying.
  13. Nice article. Your experiences are very easy to relate to!
  14. Great article, and points relevant to all! It all starts with the basics, and we when we all get older, and can't move as fast, jump as high, or spar as long, we will still be able to perform the basic moves.
  15. Very interesting article. I have never seen the "zone" broken down and explained like this. A very well-written approach, and I like it very much!
  16. Nice arcticle. I enjoyed it very much. Some of it really hits home.
  17. Another bad time is while stretching. Incidentally, I have learned to make it a point not to ever eat anything for an hour or two before I go to class.
  18. I raise my arms in victory!!!!!
  19. Welcome to KF, kain!
  20. Ah, so maybe I should feel so bad then?
  21. Hah hah hah.....I have the ultimate weapon. I'll eat leftover turkey from Thanksgiving, and make it a turkey and cheese sandwich. I will then FART, and I WILL THEN BE THE SUPREME VICTOR!!!!!!!! (Just ask my wife, family, friends, and even animals, they will all agree!)
  22. That is cool!
  23. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dan ranks all have a recommended and then a decided rank to them. Once I get to 4th dan, there is no other rec/decided thing. However, I am not very excited about this at all. The 4th dan testing probably goes for around $500 or $600.
  24. Bah! Bearich made some good stabs at this scenario (pardon the pun!); however, this is always difficult, when you face a weapon. The first concern should be controlling the weapon arm, and getting into position to do that. Also, get it in your head that you will get cut.
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