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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Use some verbal cues to help increase his speed. Hold out a pad for a backfist or punch, and have him wait in fighting stance. When you kiai, he goes, and has to go fast. Mix up the rythm, so he doesn't start to time your kiais. Also, try flashing the pads, and flash them at different heights and angles for different techniques. Hold a target pad at your side. Flash it high and sideways, and he has to do a backfist. Hold stomach level and facing him, and he does a reverse punch. The key is to flash the pad, hold it for a couple of seconds, and then pull it back. If he misses, then he knows that he needs to pick up the pace a little. One more thing you could do is pick out a 3 move combination, like backfist, rev. punch, roundkick with back leg. He should do each technique at a different level, like hi, then mid, then high with the kick. The idea is that the varying levels cause openings in the opponent's defense. Also, it gives him a combination that is his own, that he can get down, and do without thought. I wish him the best of luck, Kez! Most important, tell him to have fun!
  2. Ok, I consulted my bro, and he had a real good one in mind from the start. Here it is: If they grab you with the left, and have the knife in the right, you begin by stepping behind them with your right leg, and trap their left hand with your left hand at the same time (setting up for wrist lock). As you step out (this is a very quick step), you bend at the waist and get your head under their armpit, and slip it out behind their back, essentially swithing places with them. You must be fast, so that they don't get you in a headlock at the point where you get your head under their arm. When you end up behind them, you will essentially have them placed in a chicken-wing. Secure the chicken-wing by placing the free right hand on the opponent's elbow, and apply pressure accordingly. Another suggestion he made was that if they tell you to give them your wallet, move your hand toward the knife wielding hand, stating that is the side your wallet is on. As your hand goes that way, you could go for the knife wielding hand, much like bearich said. More chance to get cut, and the body doesn't get away as fast. Hope these help you out, Shawn!
  3. Hey, guess what! This weekend is round 2 of my Thanksgiving dinners! I can't wait!!! Turkey, stuffing, tators and gravy, sweet potatoes, and cake to top it off! Yummy! I am also taking some weapons and shields with me, so me and my brother can work off some of those pounds.
  4. I will try to watch it tomorrow. I will be on the road in the morning, recovering from working all night tonight. I don't have a favorite, I am just going to watch to see if it is going to be the game of the century. My focus: Chiefs-Raiders..............I........AM..........FOCUSED!!
  5. Oh, no, not really. The clock runs quite a bit, but they get in a lot of action. Each game lasts on average of 3 hours.
  6. Don't spit on me Llama or I'll knock you out like I did that Camel and I'll be back!
  7. You might check to see if there are any medieval re-enactment groups or medieval weapons groups in your area as well. The quarterstaff was a very popular weapon in medieval Europe.
  8. If I were to use one, I would use it in both of the ways that you described. TV has helped its populartiy, but I have heard of it being used on vehicles by angry people before.
  9. I am pretty sure I know what the fees cover......the inside of his pockets! I had heard that once, a while back (before my time with the organization) that the GM had a fall-out with one of his students. This student was an instructor, and had a lot of students. Well, he left the organization, and took all of his students with him. After that happened, I heard that the testing fees all went up. I'll tell you, I have learned a lot about organized martial arts.
  10. That's one of those moments that make you feel tingly as an instructor.
  11. Yes, we love the updates!
  12. Yep, this really is the best thing you can do. Just get right into it! I would like to do kyokushin karate as well, but I would have to move to do it.
  13. Great! What kind of set sparring drills do you do? Also, do you have any select paddle drills that you do, with movement, or flashing the paddle, or anything like that. I have a few, but I am always wanting more!
  14. I feel that both ways can bring about proper form. It is just a minor difference, much like whether you chamber your hand at your ribs or at your hip.
  15. I agree with this concept as well. I don't feel that it is the responsibility of a fighting style to teach these things...I feel that this responsibility belongs to peers, parents, guardians, etc. The point I was making was in relation to a previous point about a style/art teaching culture or ideals, and I feel that in many activities one can receive such things as discipline, focus, etc.
  16. It is the typical concept of people fearing what they do not understand.
  17. I would have to change out of my dobok to get away with that!
  18. I think Ken and Ryu from Street Fighter used shotokan, E. Honda used sumo, and Chun Li used Kung Fu. Sagat was a Thai fighter, and Balrog was a boxer.
  19. I have done both, and I feel that the parallel chamber send the heel in a more direct line to the target. It is really more about shifting the hips into postition at a different time, I guess.
  20. Yes drinking coffee will interfere with proper hydration. I forget where I read it, but for every caffinated drink you consume, it increases the amount of water you must ingest. Caffeine tends to increase dehydration from what I understand. Yeah, coffee and sodas are diuretics; although you may go to the bathroom a lot drinking them, they are actually dehydrating you.
  21. Just a side note, but I have seen side kick chambers that are perpendicular to the ground, and some that pick the leg up parallel, or close to parallel, with the ground. Which do you think you like better?
  22. Wow, shogeri, that must have been some experience. Thanks for sharing.
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