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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Your welcome....let's both crack one open at midnight Saturday, and cheers to you!!!! Oh, wait, dang it, I have to work! Ok, maybe on Sunday night??
  2. Wow, very interesting. I wonder what all it will include. Maybe stages where you can re-enact Enter the Dragon scenes...that would be so cool!
  3. Keep at it, and maybe! I'll tell you a secret....I can't do the full splits. So if you get there, you will be one better than me!
  4. When seeing other schools at our testings at HQ, we notice that it seems that the other instructors don't focus on technique as much. I haven't been to a lot of other schools in our system, but I have been in other systems, and I would like to go back and work with them some, to see how things have come along.
  5. Pick something to work on each time you spar. Let's say you want to improve on your spin side kick counter. So, you focus on throwing that counter kick each time your partner throws a back leg round kick. Simple things like this can help you achieve some goals. Also, work on strategy. Strategy makes it fun.
  6. You make a good point. The fighters could just make it easy on me, and knock one or the other out!
  7. I agree, comepetition is a great way to go for getting experience.
  8. Man, I hate you.....you posted an exercise that really helps but hurts SO BAD.......(just kidding on the "hate" part )......seriously, I've been doing that exercise for about 2 weeks and I can REALLY tell a difference....Thank you for posting it...... Hey, no problem. You are welcome! I need to start doing it while I am at home again as well. It is great for burning those leg muscles.
  9. bushido_man96


    In 13 years of MA practice, I have never sat in this position.
  10. Sorry to hear that you fell out with your Ryu Te school, MizuRyu. Hey, live and learn, right? I think it is cool that you found a judo school...I envy you greatly! I imagine that you will be getting into a lot of randori later on, if not already. I don't think they do much grappling from the bottom, but I could be wrong. Elbows_and_knees has judo experience, so maybe he could help you out some. I have a book on Kodokan Judo, by Jigor Kano, and I love it. Me and my brother used to play around with some of the throws, and had a good time. I think it is a great book, and it explains things very well. Good pictures, too. Good luck in your training!
  11. Unfortunately, I think this how many feel it is going to be when they approach their instructors/masters, and it should not be that way at all. This is a very good point, and a good question.
  12. I answer both as a student and as an instructor. In the past I've cross-trained before so why would it be alright for me and not those I instruct? Even my instructor has trained in other styles in the past. You and I see eye to eye here, bearich. I think that this is one of the best things about cross-training. Also, you may get to be the one who helps out a master in another system with another aspect of his MA abilities. It is a wonderful way to network. That is another one of the many benefits to cross-training. Why some want to keep these opportunities from others, I cannot understand. That is awesome. I respect that a lot.
  13. Well actually no; but there were a few times latter in his life when he wanted to back down; but the opponent wouldn't let him. I recall when, it was either the emperors son or cousin, (I can't remember, its been awhile since I heard the story) challenged him and he refused; but the guy made him fight so Musashi only broke one of his legs instead of killing him. Sure he never lost a match; but there were some that he really didn't want to fight and would have avoided if he could have. Cool. I didn't know that. However, he did lose one challenge, to Jo master. I'll look at home tomorrow and get the name.
  14. She did look to have a bit more power in that one. Here is another, almost the same routine: Two things I have noticed: 1. She does most (if not all) of the standing kicks with her right leg. 2. The flipping windmill type axe kicks, she always does with her left leg. Unfortunately, now she is very predictable.
  15. No, push-ups is about arm strength, shoulder strength, and chest strength, or endurance, I should say, in general. Also, I don't think doing lots and lots of push-ups will make you tone up or bulk you up, either. I have heard that a lot of what doing push-ups is about it muscle memory and endurance.
  16. Unfortunately, this is the way I think many masters feel, and the excuse of upholding "tradition" leads to a narrow-mindedness that stagnates learning and growth.
  17. Quick question, Kerry, just to clarify if I understand right: are you saying that you should ask your instructor out of respect, or just tell them what you are doing out of respect?
  18. Here is a question: How many of us who are answering this question are answering as students, or as instructors/masters? I answer as a current student and as a former instructor.
  19. Cool article. You found very creative ways to keep martial arts high on the priority list in your life. When I can't do anything else, I like to keep an MA book handy to read for ideas, feedback, or just enjoyment. KF has been a boon to my MA life as well!
  20. Wow....good joke! Feel funny posting now, but I read it, and was humored as well! Forum humor....gotta love it! I will be leary when posts are made on April 1st from now on.
  21. I enjoyed this article. I like the order of the concepts that you used.
  22. Great article, Laurie! It seems like that rank can be the cause of a downfall for some stylists. I think that is one thing that practitioners of styles like wrestling, boxing, and Muay Thai have as an advantage over the more "traditional" stylists. They don't have to 'worry' about what rank they are, or when their next testing is. Their skills in the ring speak for themselves, and lets them know what they need to work on, and what they are comfortable with. I guess ignorance is bliss.
  23. yea!! let's do it!
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