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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Thanks, Sohan. I do have kind of a family history of bulk. Also, I have had thyroid problems in the past, and it was treated with medication, and got better. I went off of it, with no serious problems. However, docs have told me that the problem never goes away.
  2. I agree with Sohan. If you do a hard stretch routine one day, take it easy and let the muscles rest the next day. Instead, stretch another area.
  3. I hope it works our for you, Kerry. Let us know. Thinking of ya!!
  4. My wife is pretty good at the pop culture trivia type stuff, when it comes to all of the actors/actresses/singers/songwriters and all that stuff. Sometimes she quizzes me, and is appalled at some of the things that I don't know. I tell her to cut me some slack.....I played video games!
  5. Kind of a side note, an my wife's laptop, I have a screen-saver with words floating around saying "I love my wife!"
  6. Yeah, I hear ya, Sohan. I wondered about the cost of living there...sounds like it can be quite high!
  7. Nope, not anymore. I did some in school as a kid, and have some ok stuff hanging up at my folks' house. Nothing much since then, however. I am not too creative.
  8. You and me both!
  9. Good to see you found something you like. That is a good attitude you have towards the training as well. Worry about what you can do now, and not what you could have done if...
  10. I have a friend at TKD that is flat-footed, and he was also a Reserve. It didn't cause him any problems at all.
  11. So the mind is the greatest weapon...I'd better start working on those grades a bit more . Though I suppose you still gotta factor in MA training into that mindset unless you plan on usuing a dictionary as a blunt weapon.... Although I agree that the mind is very valuable, experience is also valuable, too.
  12. Sorry to hear that you are losing your teacher. I think the card is a good idea. I hope things work out with your next instructor.
  13. Nice article, Jiffy. I thought that it was well put together, and the different facets were explained very well. One spot that caught my eye, howerver, was this statement: I do feel that grappling has been very popular in the west for a very long time. It has been in the form of folk style wrestling, however, as opposed to what most would consider a "traditional" fighting style. Great job on the article, Jiffy.
  14. No, a kubotan is rarely longer than 4 inches, I would say, on the average. It is mainly used to apply additional pressure to the hand and wrist when attempting to lock up and detain someone until help arrives, or you get them restrained. My dad always referred to it as a "pain compliance tool."
  15. No, not really. The tassels were used more to absorb the blood on the blade, to stop it from running down the handle of the weapon, and affecting the wielder's grip.
  16. I have a book titled Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere. I enjoyed reading the book, but it was more informative as opposed to being an all-out instruction manual. Take a look at it if you find it, though.
  17. Nice post, cross. You hit the nail on the head, there. Thanks for that.
  18. Here is one that I used to do, but haven't in a while. While watching a football game, you do push-ups everytime a team scores a touchdown or a field goal equal to the team's current score. So, if a team scores, you do 7 push-ups. If the next team scores 3, then you do 3 push-ups. Then, the next team comes back and scores another 7, totaling 14....so you do 14. It really can add up quick, depending on the pace of the game. Also, if you are feeling particularly crazy, you can do push-ups every time the team scores the touchdown, and then wait, and do the push-ups for the extra point. So, you would do 6 for the touchdown, and then 7 more, after they kick the extra point. You can also do this with a basketball game, but I would doubt that a person could last the whole game, especially with all of the fast breaks and what not. However, if you do it until your arms are toasted, it will give you a good burn.
  19. Welcome to KF, Feathers Of Doom!
  20. I could do that, but I think she actually prefers the vinyl. I asked her tonight, and she said that she still has all of her records and the record player at her dad's house! I told her that we should bring them over, and set them up. Oh, and she mentioned that she has the Thriller album. I think she has some Def Leppard as well, and several others.
  21. Cool, thanks for the info, Patrick. I may have to check into it.
  22. It will never happen!!! Just playing! I hope to get my degree sometime soon; I am at a standstill at this point. I hope to get a little further along in the Law Enforcement area, as I am really enjoying what I am doing now. I will always stick with the martial arts, and maybe have a school someday...but it is so much fun to be learning. I've actually thought about being a cop here in Atlanta, as it is an honorable profession serving the public. But being a cop is a hard, tough job with lousy hours not to mention the fact that there are people out there pointing guns at you. Also, it'd be a bit of a pay cut (low 40's), though I'd get benefits. If I was a few years younger I'd try for OCS in the Army or Marines. I always regretted not joining the Marines for a few years after college, and now I'm too old to enter as an officer, unless I were a physician or nurse. With respect, Sohan I'm not sure how it would be there, but here, the shifts rotate, every two or three months. However, my job being up in the jail, the shifts do not rotate. Therefore, I am stuck working nights. However, I much prefer to work nights as opposed to working mid shifts, where I would miss out on training and my family. Mid 40's is better than the wages here! Heck, you may even be able to schedule your other interests around it. Or better yet, you could get the department involved in a package that you could set up. Keeping cops in good shape is always beneficial to them!
  23. I prefer the term "follically challenged", thank YOU. With respect, Sohan I'm sorry. I like the term "vertically challenged," but hey, who am I fooling?
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