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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. I have seen this toy before. It is kind of a joke, but hey, its a toy. I had not seen the one bearich spoke of, though. People will try to market anything that they can to make a buck. With the popularity of martial arts in cartoon characters and the like, it should come as no surprise that things like this have come about. I don't let it bother me all that much. To each their own. Sooner or later, they will find out what kind phooey it really is. Now, if the kids just play with it, and it doesn't cause any problems, like a video game, then it really is no big deal to me.
  2. I thought that all of these kata were done very nicely. It was fun to watch. It looks like a very interesting form.
  3. You just made his list. With respect, Sohan
  4. Does anyone here enjoying reading? I have done a lot of reading in the last few years, both fiction and non-fiction. My non-fiction interests include martial arts and ancient history. As for fiction, I love medieval fantasy, and also some of the classics. Currently, I am reading Secrets of the Samurai, the Martial Arts of Fuedal Japan. It is very interesting, and gives quite interesting information on the fuedal classes of Japan at the time, the fighting arts involved, and the like. I am learning a lot. How about everyone else? What are you reading now?
  5. Well, I'm glad to hear that you recovered your money, Kerry. Good deal.
  6. Same with me, Patrick. My wife and I went to see Deja Vu, with Denzel Washington, just a few weeks back. I also want to see Eragon. I have read the two books of the trilogy that are out, and I loved them. The movie looks great.
  7. Thanks, Mike. I definitely don't want surgery. I have also been told that they don't usually do knee replacements before the age of 30 around here.
  8. I have always wanted to be able to do pull-ups, but never have been able to. If you have suggestions, post away!
  9. You are welcome!
  10. Although I am not all that experienced in throwing or grappling, I do have something to add. I feel that it is important to train in shirts from time to time so that you can learn to adapt the grips from gi to, say, getting a grip on the body itself, like grasping around the back to cup your hand on the hip, or hooking your hand up through the armpit and around the shoulder, in order to secure a hold to throw. Just my two cents.
  11. I'm not sure that I buy into everyone having the "killer instinct" just because we are mammals. We are also by nature social creatures, and if we were that predatorial, the society thing would not work out well. And besides, not every animal in the animal kingdom is a killer. There are predators, and their are prey. I think it is important to be able to defend oneself to the best possible abiltiy achievable. However, training that killer instinct is not as easy as training physical ability. You can even see this in some professional athletes. There are those great athletes, who also have a great demeanor. Then, you can also see those athletes who are good, but are also nasty, and play without any regard to how others may be affected. Maybe it is unfair to say that not everyone has the instinct. However, not everyone ever develops it.
  12. Actually, I just ordered the Ashida Kim box set, and I will be starting my own kwoon soon!!!!
  13. Thanks, Sohan. I do have kind of a family history of bulk. Also, I have had thyroid problems in the past, and it was treated with medication, and got better. I went off of it, with no serious problems. However, docs have told me that the problem never goes away.
  14. I agree with Sohan. If you do a hard stretch routine one day, take it easy and let the muscles rest the next day. Instead, stretch another area.
  15. I hope it works our for you, Kerry. Let us know. Thinking of ya!!
  16. My wife is pretty good at the pop culture trivia type stuff, when it comes to all of the actors/actresses/singers/songwriters and all that stuff. Sometimes she quizzes me, and is appalled at some of the things that I don't know. I tell her to cut me some slack.....I played video games!
  17. Kind of a side note, an my wife's laptop, I have a screen-saver with words floating around saying "I love my wife!"
  18. Yeah, I hear ya, Sohan. I wondered about the cost of living there...sounds like it can be quite high!
  19. Nope, not anymore. I did some in school as a kid, and have some ok stuff hanging up at my folks' house. Nothing much since then, however. I am not too creative.
  20. You and me both!
  21. Good to see you found something you like. That is a good attitude you have towards the training as well. Worry about what you can do now, and not what you could have done if...
  22. I have a friend at TKD that is flat-footed, and he was also a Reserve. It didn't cause him any problems at all.
  23. So the mind is the greatest weapon...I'd better start working on those grades a bit more . Though I suppose you still gotta factor in MA training into that mindset unless you plan on usuing a dictionary as a blunt weapon.... Although I agree that the mind is very valuable, experience is also valuable, too.
  24. Sorry to hear that you are losing your teacher. I think the card is a good idea. I hope things work out with your next instructor.
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