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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. Welcome to KF, johnboy!
  2. Welcome to the Forums, Power_J!
  3. We have 3 of the living room walls finished, with just one left. We have a nice suede finish going, and I like it. My wife loves it. We also have to get another coat of a lighter color of paint on the remaining walls in the hallway, kitchen, and stairwell. It should all look great when it is done. I think I laid 6 miles of tape just to get ready to paint! This is so true!
  4. Squirming?? Not my toddler. She stays perfectly still and does nothing but laugh whenever I raise her over my head. She thinks it's the greatest thing in the world. Though I must admit, I never thought about using her in my workout. Perhaps I will if the wife doesn't find out It worked quite well, much to my approval. Who needs weights? Just have kids!!
  5. I have worked out on the interlocking mats as well. Our black belt testings at HQ are on interlocking mats. I have not had any bad luck with them yet, but they tend to get dirty and slick.
  6. Well, I only ended up half right. The glass is half full! This should be a great Super Bowl. I hope it is good on both sides of the ball. I don't really care who wins. If the Colts win, I don't want it to be because Grossman has a bad game. This could be a high scoring game, or a defensive war of attrition. If I had to choose someone....my gut leans to Chicago. So, maybe it is Manning's year!
  7. Wow! A mini series! That is awesome! However, I think that there will be some things that they won't be able to touch on that the books do. However, it may be great! We'll have to see. I am surprised that you don't like Dany. I have grown to enjoy her chapters. She is very compassionate. Her and Jon would match well, I think. Do you think Jon will eventually take the name Stark? I think he would like to, because he truly loved Ned, however, I think he has become proud of his name Snow.
  8. I haven't watched it yet. I was just wondering if anyone had, and what they thought.
  9. 1-22-07: I couldn't make it to the gym or class today, because I had to stay home with a sick toddler. So, I improvised: Push-ups: 3 sets of 10; then 3 sets of 10 with a toddler (22 additional pounds) on my back! Shovelglove work with a 16 pound sledgehammer: "shovel" technique, 3x15; tricep extensions, 3x10; bicep curls, 3x10. Punches with dumbells (10 lbs.): jab-3x10, both sides; cross-3x10, both sides; jab-cross combo, 3x10, both sides. Standing overhead toddler raises (with a 22 lb. squirming toddler): 3x10 I finished up with about 15 minutes worth of cathal's close quarter hip exercise.
  10. I have trained on several different surfaces. I have trained on a hardwood floor, concrete floor, thin carpet, and even outside, all barefoot. My current school has a very nice gymnastic type of padded mat, with a carpet covering. I like it a lot, and is great for both sparring and ground fighting/throwing.
  11. Welcome back!
  12. Thanks for the info, ps1. Which you do you enjoy the most: gi, no-gi, or otherwise?
  13. You're welcome. Also, ps1 has some great advise as well. I have the book Kodokan Judo, and I highly recommend it as well. Very good details.
  14. That's interesting. I didn't really think about the Samurai using 3 weapons. However, there is probably more than one right answer to this question. I just got lucky!
  15. My wife started working on painting the living room today. I think we will be painting it one wall at a time, as the paint we are using is a bit pricey. To offset the work, we will be doing some of the other walls as well, in a different (cheaper) color.
  16. I just had another thought today. I noticed in the last book, there is talk about the last Queen with the Dragons that flew North, to the Wall, and stayed and visited there for a while. Perhaps when Dany's dragons are mature enough to carry her, she will do the same, and her and Jon will hook up in this way? A little foreshadowing, perhaps?
  17. I think this is part of the reason they have gotten farther this season...less pressure.
  18. I agree. I am not a big Brady fan either. However, there is no denying his level of success in the big games. He reminds me so much of Joe Montana.
  19. I always liked Lone Wolf McQuaid.
  20. Just keep plugging away, baron. Maybe something will come to you eventually.
  21. Thanks, Baron. I may be able to use some of that.
  22. The product that bearich shows probably works well. I have also heard of people using a towel to tie to a dumbell or plate, and doing that as well. Bridges with the neck can help as well, if you don't have any equipment to use.
  23. I wouldn't say that it is disrespectful; just different. If someone is really adamant about teaching a martial art, and is willing to get out there and sell himself to 30 kids in the hopes of gaining 2 good students, then good for him, I think.
  24. I would have to agree with you here. I think it just depends on the scenario.
  25. Do you think that the lighter material could end up tearing in the process, though? It might. But it might not. I think it would be more likely to just stretch alot and not be quite as effective, especially with a tank top. But in a bad situation, everything is worth trying. A very good point. Have you ever done any no-gi competitions, where you have to modify everything completely? And I don't mean no-gi, but with a tee shirt...I mean, like, only shorts on, I guess.
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