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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. I recall several years ago a Dillman story that a news station did on him. They started with him in his school, demonstrating things on his students, and then he went to a BJJ school and tried demonstrating everything. None of it worked on the BJJ students.
  2. 11/12/2021 Strength Training Bench Press: 45x5x2, 115x5, 155x3, 205x1, 230x5, 230x5, 230x5. Power Clean & Jerk: 115x2, 125x2, 140x2, 140x2, 140x2, 140x2, 140x2. Push Press: 135x3, 172.5x5, 172.5x5, 172.5x5. Lat Pull-downs: 140x10, 140x10, 140x10. Cold day, and I didn't warm up well. Bench press went pretty smoothly, but I felt I couldn't really warm up. Clean and jerk was smooth. Push press was heavy.
  3. 11/11/2021 Strength Training Squats: 45x5x2, 155x5, 225x3, 295x1, 325x5, 325x5, 325x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 115x3, 145x1, 160x5, 160x5, 160x5. Deadlifts: 225x3, 295x1, 330x5. Lat Pull-downs: 137.5x10, 137.5x10, 137.5x10. Squats are getting to that heavy point again. Press was heavy, but smooth. Added another deadlift day back in, and although my legs were pretty fatigued, I moved the weight well; good set. Pull-downs are slowing down now, too, and may be progressing to 4 sets of 8 here in a few weeks.
  4. I think this is spot-on. It's also why after the occupation was over, the Koreans who had learned Karate and where beginning to fashion their national style, mainly General Choi Hong Hi, started to change things and give it their own flair and style, elevating kicks and adding jumping and spinning techniques, in order to try to move away from that Japanese influence and try to make it more their own. Along with that, came the reverse-engineering of the history to the 5000 year martial history of TKD, and it's "roots" in arts like Subak and Taek Kyon.
  5. Great post, and I was going to recommend Gillis's book, as well. During the occupation, if the Koreans wanted to get university education, I believe they had to go to Japan. I think they often took Japanese names, too. At this point in history, with militaries that were mechanized for the most part and used firearms and various explosive devices as the main weapons, they probably weren't terribly concerned about a few Koreans wanting to learn Karate recreationally. Unarmed combatants, no matter how skilled, usually won't survive a volley from regiment of soldiers. Another consideration might be the idea of further inundating Koreans with Japanese culture, which Karate most definitely is.
  6. 11/9/2021 Strength Training Power Clean: 135x3, 150x3. Deadlifts: 185x5, 225x3, 295x1, 325x5. Bench Press: 45x5x2, 115x5, 155x3, 205x1, 227.5x5, 227.5x5, 227.5x5. Push Press: 135x3, 170x5, 170x5, 170x5. Lat Pull-downs: 135x10, 135x10, 135x10. Used power cleans to warm up the deadlifts. Bench press reps felt pretty smooth, but my shoulder was really clicking and popping today, too. I added three sets of push press to get a little more overload work overhead; this may be my plan going forwards on Tuesdays and Fridays, where I have more off time to recover. I'll monitor and see if it adds too much fatigue. I've got to start getting some TKD conditioning in, too. Evening - Range Training: got some good firearms work in during our annual department night shoot. Probably the best I've shot at night.
  7. 11/8/2021 Strength Training Squats: 45x5x2, 155x5, 225x3, 295x1, 322.5x5, 322.5x5, 322.5x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 95x3, 135x1, 157.5x5, 157.5x5, 157.5x5. Power Snatch: 75x2, 85x2, 85x2, 85x2, 85x2, 85x2. Lat Pull-downs: 132.5x10, 132.5x10, 132.5x10 Squats were super hard today. I think my weekend nutrition wasn't up to snuff.
  8. That is great news, Bob! Finding a support group like that is an amazing boon for you! So happy for you!
  9. e what the video is about is the use of force , not about an application. Ah, I see. Thank you for the clarification.
  10. 11/5/2021 Strength Training Bench Press: 45x5x2, 115x5, 155x3, 205x1, 225x5, 225x5, 225x5. Power Clean & Jerk: 115x2, 125x2, 135x2, 135x2, 135x2, 135x2, 135x2. Push Press: 135x3, 165x5, 165x5, 165x5. Lat Pull-downs: 130x10, 130x10, 130x10. Everything felt pretty smooth today. I'm going to try to add push presses in a couple of times a week to overload the top of the pressing movement.
  11. 11/4/2021 Strength Training Squats: 45x5x2, 155x5, 225x3, 295x1, 320x5, 320x5, 320x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 95x3, 135x1, 155x5, 155x5, 155x5. Lat Pull-downs: 127.5x10, 127.5x10, 127.5x10. Press started getting heavy, and I had to go back to more of the double layback to push the weight up. The last set was a real struggle; I got off balance on rep 4, and actually had to step back with my right foot to keep the weight, and that really sapped rep 5; it was about a 5 second grind to the top.
  12. I recall your training experiences in regards to TKDs kicks, and I recall that you spent a brief time training in TKD to learn from them, and gain a better understanding of dealing with TKD kicks. I'd propose a similar rout in a non-grappling style, by seeking out a grappling style to supplement training, and learn better how to deal with grappling.
  13. I think this sums it up best. Great post.
  14. 11/2/2021 Strength Training Power Clean: 135x3, 145x3. Deadlifts: 160x5, 225x3, 285x1, 320x5. Bench Press: 45x5x2, 115x5, 155x3, 205x1, 222.5x5, 222.5x5, 222.5x5. Lat Pull-downs: 125x10, 125x10, 125x10. Used power cleans as the first few warmups to the deadlift. Bench went very smoothly for all three sets.
  15. Again, the practitioner is that which is ineffective, and not the style. If a style doesn't have this or that, I'm quite sure that that said style has other means to skin the cat. Based on what you're saying here, means that I have to step outside my style to learn grappling, so that I can be effective. Because my style doesn't have a grappling focus....it's not ineffective, but I am, because I didn't learn grappling from my style that doesn't teach grappling...
  16. What makes you believe that the Okinawans didn't already have a "complete" system before their interactions with the Chinese? I don't think they needed Chinese influence to "complete" their systems. I think that they, like us today, liked to seek out others to see what they had to offer. I don't think the Chinese systems of the day would have been any more "complete" than the Okinawan systems of the day. tallgeese makes very good points about how the systems of those times evolved based on what kind of combat they had to face. Defenses against swords and spears differ greatly from those of today, where knives and firearms are commonplace.
  17. I see some good points here, but I also see some issues. Most of this style vs. style banter started during the first UFCs, when ground fighting came to the forefront as a most effective form of combat. I'll be the first to admit that my style, TKD, doesn't have an effective foundation for fighting from the ground. It is very limited, and most schools don't practice it much, if at all. There are other styles out there that don't have an effectual ground component at this time, either; styles like Muay Thai, Boxing, some Karate styles, etc. The Krav Maga that I've studied has some ground components in it, but they are mostly focused around improving position and getting off the ground, as opposed to staying on the ground and fighting. So a new question pops up. If my style does not have ground fighting, is it not effective? Or is it just not effective against ground fighting?
  18. That's a great analogy, Bob. Love it! I agree that it is important for us to share what we can with those who are willing to learn.
  19. 10/29/2021 Strength Training Bench Press: 45x5x2, 110x5, 150x3, 205x1, 220x5, 220x5, 220x5. Power Clean & Jerk: 115x2, 130x2, 130x2, 130x2, 130x2, 130x2. Lat Pull-downs: 117.5x10, 117.5x10, 117.5x10. The deload is really helping to smooth out technique issues on the bench. Clean and jerks were all pretty smooth, in both split and rack. 11/1/2021 Strength Training Squats: 45x5x2, 155x5, 225x3, 275x1, 317.5x5, 317.5x5, 317.5x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 95x3, 135x1, 152.5x5, 152.5x5, 152.5x5. Power Snatch: 65x2, 75x2, 80x2, 80x2, 80x2, 80x2, 80x2. Lat Pull-downs: 120x10, 120x10, 120x10. A little under the weather, and squat seemed heavy. But I pushed through it. I decided I wanted to start practicing the power snatch, and Monday seems to be the best day of the week to add it in. This way, I'll also be pulling from the floor three times per week. It wasn't a heavy snatch, but I need to work on the technique, and its such a long pull. I'm landing in a split, just like with the cleans. I look forward to pushing the weight up.
  20. I also noticed that it appeared that your partner just let go. But it also seems odd to grab both wrists, too. It seems more likely that one wrist would be grabbed, and the other hand used as a weapon to strike.
  21. 10/28/2021 Strength Training Squats: 45x5x2, 155x5, 225x3, 275x1, 315x5, 315x5, 315x5. Press: 45x5x2, 75x5, 95x3, 135x1, 150x5, 150x5, 150x5. Lat Pull-downs: 115x10, 115x10, 115x10. Squats were heavy today. Press felt good, but my right shoulder was aching a little.
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