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Everything posted by DragonMike

  1. Welcome to the forums!
  2. I was really out of shape as a kid, and I wasn't getting any physical activity. I was also recovering from surgery on my legs. My parents knew I loved anything to do with karate so they signed me up thinking I would do, but not really progress. I fell in love with it. I'm still practicing 19 years later with the same instructor/orginization. I feel very lucky.
  3. Yeah, I think we are going to see a prelude to the war that was hinted at last week.
  4. Welcome to the forums!
  5. Its all about moderation. There is no harm in having a drink or two with friends. Its when it is done to excess that it becomes a problem. Its self-discipline not self-denial.
  6. There also seems to be a lot of bias towards "name" competitors that have been on the circuit for a long time. Judges should evaluate that days performerance on its own merrit w/o giving much consideration to a persons reputation.
  7. Yes, I would definately recomend starching your gi. In my style it is still considered bad luck to wash your belt. I have only one gi. With proper care it should last a long time.
  8. I would recomend Tai Chi Xhun as well. Of course any style will be more or less physical bassed on the instructor, so that matters as well.
  9. Congratulations! Keep it up. You'll find the the nerves pass after awhile (for the most part). But as you go to more tournaments you will have a tougher time surprizing people and you will need to improve on your technique continuously.
  10. Yeah, I tend to avoid telling people that I study martial arts until they are true friends. I don't want to have to deal with the stupid stereotypes.
  11. Yeah, one of the most important thing that you can do to build muscle is to take time to let them rest. Overtraining is very counter-productive.
  12. I think that it's more like a surgeon is called "Doctor", and when a Ph.D. in Physics walks into a hospital, they are called "Doctor" too. The Ph.D. would inform someone of what his training is in if it comes up, not to mislead anyone to think that he is a medical doctor, but the symbol of accomplishment carries over from the university building to the clinic. I think you are absolutely right. It about respecting the level of training that the other person has gone through.
  13. I'm in Indianapolis. I train under Master Fred Page-he is Master Lee Harper's student.
  14. We also test in coming black belts. After they learn our forms and variations of techniques they are recognized as black belts.
  15. I'm kind of worried about the RSKC w/o Ken, but my regional Master says it should be ok. He is a promoter. (Master Lee Harper)
  16. I can't pick against Pittsburgh the way they are playing.
  17. If ou want to get larger you need to increase the resistance on your muscles. Try bench pressing and adding free weights to your sit ups.
  18. I compete in the RSKC ocasionally. I've never been to that tournament though. I usually go to the ones in Kentucky.
  19. Or say, "yes, they are very dificult to use when you can't feel your hands.
  20. I think it would be a good idea for you to take some time away from the martial arts and to evaluate what you want from them. Then really do your homework and find and instructor that meets your needs.
  21. Welcome to the forums!
  22. Welcome to the forums!
  23. I'm going to go with Carolina and Pittsburgh.
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