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Everything posted by DragonMike

  1. It really helps for brick breaking with your fists.
  2. When you gained the 15 lbs. did you feel like it slowed you down? When you slimmed down, did you feel weaker but faster, just as strong and as fast, any change at all? I did feel like it slowed me down-quiet abit actually. After I slimmed down I felt like I kept 90% of the power, but I gained speed and flexibility as well.
  3. I have always thought training is harder once you reach black belt.
  4. I would start with push ups, crunches, and a light run.
  5. Welcome!!!
  6. Good luck. Just remeber to relax.
  7. Theoretically, sure. realistically, that doesn't apply to humans very well. look at lighterweight boxers. de la hoya and mayorga are both faster than tyson and lewis, but can they punch faster? when comparing trucks and sports cars, it's very valid, but much less so amongst humans... Could Bruce Lee's famous 1 inch punch be an example of the power of speed? He was small, but could deliver incredible powerful punches due to the speed that he hit people.
  8. That is the toughest part. In college I was into heavy wieghtlifting. I did not pay much attention to my diet and before I knew it, I had put on abot 15lbs of muscle. It was tough to slim down again.
  9. I am going to have to disagree with that to an extent. On one hand, maturity comes with age, most okinawan masters werent able to achive that rank untill after 35, and it still is that way there. But to say that an 18 year old doesnt hold the maturity is wrong. You cant know that, that is a steriotype and it is wrong just to flat out say something like that. Not all 18 year olds are bumbling idiots who do only drink and smoke. There are some smart and mature ones out there, you just need to look. But as for the master thing, i wouldnt give it to someone unless they had a solid understanding of when to use and not to use karate. I can understand where yall are coming from with the comment, but you have to look past that for some people, or your just going to be one of those people that goes around thinking every teenager steals, smokes, and drinks. I agree completely. I think that martial artist, Masters in particular, need to set a good example by not stereotyping. This includes ageism as well. We should not under estimate anyone. No mater how good you are there is alawys somene better.
  10. Could you be more specific? In your original poat you said that either you or the class was lacking. If you could give us a better idea of what did not seem to work then we might be able to give you better insight. Basedon your body type I would suggest a Korean style such as Tang Soo Do, Tae Kwon Do, or Hapkido. And rember different schools have different "feels." So, if one TSD school doesn't feel right, it doesn't neccessarily mean the style isn't right for you.
  11. You should definately use fake weapons to train at least until you are proficent enough that injury is not a serious concern.
  12. If you continue to to train hard you will show them that you have earned it. If they do not eventually respect your abilities, then their respect is incosequential anyway.
  13. There are a lot of closings here as well. I think that some people who make great instructors do not have the business acuman to run a school.
  14. There is also the question of how to develop power. One can develop more power by increasing their speed not just by adding muscle mass. I know thats a little bit off topic, but I thought I would bring it up.
  15. In my style there is an age minimuim of 21 to be a Master. I was fortunate to be promoted to Master when I was 25. I have seen my instructor deny people who were older from testing to be a Master, because of their attitude. I think we need to judge people based on their character not on the year on their Drivers Liscence.
  16. I would have to disagree with the idea that age plays much in someone being a Master. We all know many people who are in their 40's or 50's who stilll act like spoilled children. And there are younger people who seem to have an inate respect for others and an understanding of what life is about.
  17. Great article. I love the topic.
  18. If you do less wheight with more reps you muscles will develop more strength over a prolonged period of time. This will help you gain strength. You should only begin to gain wheight if you lift heavier loads and if you eat a diet that is high in calories.
  19. I have been studying Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do for the last 18 years. I'm curious what other styles think it means to be a Master. In my school, a Master is expected to be an expert at the physical aspects of the style, but they are also supposed to be a leader in the community and use the skills/training/education to benefit the world. We spend some time taling about how a Master should act in the community (respectful, curteous, humble). Do other styles (particularly hard stlyles) put emphasis on this as well?
  20. The school should allow for a two week trial period. If it does you should definately do that to see the how the traing fits your goals. Since you do not have that much experience in the martial arts, experiencing the training first hand will have a much dfferent impact on you than just watching them.
  21. Mentally, I think that breaking boards is a lot like finding love. You have to know that you have what it takes, but if you force it it will never happen. Relax, do the technique the way that you have practiced and the bosrds will break.This test should be a great time in your life. Enjoy it!
  22. Sometimes missing training for good reasons can be a good thing as it gives you perspective on how valuable your training is to you. Also, a true martial artist is wall rounded. So, take up an additional hobby to broaden your horizons.
  23. Jade Empire is awesome. They created a huge back story that adds to the feeling that you are playing in a real world. I ggive it two thumbs up.
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