Agreed. People have the right not to test if they don't want to. Also, someone could achieve a black belt in two years, if they catch on qwuickly and begin with a good amount of athelticism, but I don't think it should be the norm.
It sounds like you are asfe. Its really up to you to decide. If you think that your training is good, and you are being charged a fair price-then it is not a McDojo.
I don't think you can deny the Japanese influnse, or the Chinese influence for that matter on Tang Soo Do. The hand techniques and the stances are very remenicent of shootokan, and the open handed circular hand motions of the knife hand blocks are very Chinese. Of course most styles have been influenced by others due to the geographic proximity and all of the wars.
Absolutely keep stretching. And let the training run its course. If you train regularly and stretch you will begin to notice a real difference in your flexibiliity.
If we assume that the martial artist is not particularly built and that the body builder is not particularly skilled then I think the martial artist will win.