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Everything posted by Menjo

  1. I hate when I take something like that seriously when its not, becuase then cant stop thinking about how I thought about it.
  2. Thats true when i first came on alos i had a posting spree, but i kinda ran out of topics to post on....
  3. But with proper conditioning and training and time, I think someone could be able to use spearhand miss a little bit and not have to much damage done to them selfs, as oppose to them breaking a finger or two.
  4. lol not likely, it was because my sister slammed the car door on my fingers. So theres a missing bone, and surgery would only cause intense joint pain for the rest of my life.
  5. Yea I admit myself I tend to be biased about shotokan.
  6. But I thought you said it doesnt belong to a nation?
  7. Jab with a purpose, when you want to get in. Always have both arms ready. Practice at home jabing and then following through with some other movements as if you would when you're fighting a real person.
  8. No, however i know a guy who takes it. Its crazy how martial arts are everywhere and how many people take them. Iam glad because i think everyone learns one way or another this way.
  9. I dont actually want to do this and iam way to young and I have other plans, but I wonder how often when someone starts a new dojo that it actually makes enough money and becomes sucessful or if its non-profit, gets alot of members?
  10. Thats an insane amount of posts, maybe you are obsessed.
  11. I think for some people it can just because of who they are and there body type. Also they may develop an ego, pick a fight that they wont actually walk away from as well as they think.
  12. I know ther is such thing as too much exercise and i was wondering what i should for my knees. This is whats happening, I would run everyday for 2 miles than another 4 aftmy training around 9pm and I have been feeling pain in both of my knees, and it is a dull pain right below the kneecap. I looked on google and it said rest would solve it, but i really cant stand not being able to run. Does anyone know any techniques to speed up the healing process? My plan now is just to rest then build up my running again slowly,
  13. Well I made sure to keep him at bay instead of trying to get close and take him from there. Also I waited for him to get tired of me kicking him and sneaking in punches and when he charged I kneed the jaw and elbowed the side of the head and went crazy punching. First time beating a grappler actually. I think ill watch some of the BJJ people across the street practice to help. Iam going to work more powerful hits so when I fight more scenarios like this, it might be easier to get the opponent down.
  14. I like to think that all the kata I do are never good enough so it always gets better but Iam mainly focusing right now on Bassai.
  15. Thanks for the tips, i won and sure enough i tried to kick him and left it out to long and he grabed it and tried to pin me so instead of furiously trying to escape i took the advice on how they try to wear you down and just started elbowing and later on attacked from angles.
  16. I have never heard of the martial art of Escrima(apparently knife fighting) can anyone elaborate on it?
  17. I dont know any BJJ techniques but maybe concentrating all of your energy on one spot on their body usualy makes them have to change to a more defense strategie. I dont think that would work at all on a trained professional though.
  18. I agree with most of the posts above saying no martial art is perfect. However I met a guy who takes one which is soley based on defense and it has no physical attack, I thought that was pretty interesting.
  19. I know for a fact tha some people heal faster than others, I find I do with cuts and stuff and I NEVER get bruises even if iam whacked with a stick. Iam sure your martial arts training has made you used to have to keep on going while in pain or fatique.
  20. Wow nice job, my fingers would just bend backwards if Id had attempted that.
  21. wow great article, I dont have any arguments agaisnt it. well said
  22. I agree, its all down to how you train but judo is exellent how it allows you to get the attacker down and you should be able to run away easily. Personaly I find Shotokan very effective, I recommend it.
  23. I find TKD is usualy more based on sport so some of the flashy moves that some people might think are flashy, are probabyl not practical at all in a real life situation.
  24. Yea boxing, and muay thai are good angry energy suckers.
  25. I would asume so, just depends on the school. I find(even though I dont take, so my word isnt very valid here) ninjitsu very fluent and using a whole whack of moves to pretty much dismantle an enemy. I spared agasint a guy who took it, he didn't try one hit one kill(maybe bacause he didn't want to kill me but) but used to get close and manipulate me, very hard to spar agasint. I can see why it would be so effective.
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