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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Welcome to KF. We can use your smarts about the world of MA on here
  2. Yes, very good site. Eventhough I do Korean martial art, this site is very helpful. Specially the bunkai. I'd would tell others to check it out regardless of style
  3. My TSD instructor started with TKD. He told me that he didn't test for his yellow belt for two years! And he said the same thing as you: "Id rather be the best white belt in the world than a black belt who can be easily defeated." Now (or when I trained with him) he has REALLY sharp technique and he prides himself on trying to make his students better than him. So I say, practice on your own. You have learned the basics, so drill them on your own. By the time you go back, you will be the best white belt there is
  4. Whoaa ... cool. There was one move in there that is in one of my forms. I thought it was useless .... not anymore Thanks major_motoko
  5. Any lead leg kick. It's fast and it keeps the other guy/gal at a distance, usually.
  6. A little prunning has been done to this thread. Please stay on topic.
  7. Keep it on topic, folks. Opinions are welcome, but flame wars aren't
  8. Good post, Sasori_Te. I think my instructor, who is a 5th dan, does the testing. But I think the certs come from Korea and/or the GM.
  9. I agree with you, CheekyMusician. You took the words out of my mouth again LOL.
  10. I totally agree. My instructor doesn't have contracts. He doesn't need them. Most of the students that sign up stay.
  11. This might help with the term: http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=6381 There's a lot of good sites to check out term in there
  12. I think we go through the GM for our BB's, which in turn goes through the WTF in Korea. I'm not sure how it works yet.
  13. I agree with Kyle. BUT I have done Tang Soo Do, and had a taste of Shotokan for a bit. They are all very effective arts. TSD and Shotokan are really similar. If you have a really good instructor, any of these arts are good, and will meet your goals. Like it was said already, check out a few classes, and see what you think. Let us know what you picked
  14. Angle I noticed in the messege board that you were asking about terminology. Here's a good thread for you to look at : http://www.karateforums.com/viewforum.php?f=2 Look for Japanese terms. I'm assuming that you do Japanese karate by your sig. Anyways, this should help By the way, welcome to KF
  15. Cool. Did you come from another style, or are you just a natural at it? By the sounds of it you will have no problem with your test.
  16. I goofed. There's 10 for my school.
  17. I like Proforce. They have all around good quality (to me anyways), and they don't shrink, like the Centery ones do.
  18. I like Jackie Chan. He's my fav. He puts two things I love together in his movies ....Martial Arts and comady. Good stuff
  19. Usually white belts don't do much at gradings. I do TKD, but usually white belts just go through the basics, one kata, and are asked a few questions. They are not allowed to spar yet. My school does breakfalls, basic jointlocks and one step techniques, also for white belts. But your school maybe different. It's normal to get nervous. I have tested many times, and I still get nervous. Just get in there, and do your best
  20. Radok answered the sempai question, but my school doesn't where patches. Our uniforms are plan white (except for black belts with the black trim). We do have the school logo on the back, if we buy our uniforms there. We don't have to, so I have two that are completely plan. I do have one with the logo, though. But it doesn't fit right, so I heardly wear it.
  21. Same with me. I spar with my right leg forward, and generally kick off that leg.
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