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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Hehehehe. Good thing we don't argue. Very rarely (We hate arguing), anyways. Even if we did, I'd win LOL.
  2. LOL. My boyfriend (he also does TKD) and I have sparring matches on a regular basis. Usually it starts by one of us just randomly kicking the other in the butt. It usually ends when I use a "illegal" move (joint lock or kicking low) or a "boot to the head." We also wrestle/grapple. As a kid he wrestled, so I get to work on my grappling. I told him the "rules" of grappling, and we went at it. He loves it, now.
  3. Thanks, Heidi. We do the first drill (the belt thing). We call it "belt tag." I am going to do that this saturday. But the other two I can add to my list
  4. I'd like to bring this topic up again. I teach at the YMCA now for my dojang on saturday mornings. I have a white belt class (I think the oldest is 10), and one color belt class (oldest is 13). No one above purple in this class. We are not allowed to teach sparring (or any hard contact activities) at the Y. But I'd like to know some sparring related drills that don't involve contact, but will still give them "sparring" knowledge, so to speak. Also more of the drills above will be useful for warm-ups or as a "closing" game just to end the class on a "fun" note
  5. OMG!!! I can just see his reaction .... oh boy. Too funny LOL. Can this be called what NOT to DO to the instructor while he is teaching? LOL. Resist a technique LOL. He will make it hurt. I did that once or twice (last time was a couple of weeks ago ..... ouch).
  6. Anyone learn kata/forms a head of time? I know taegeuk 7 now, and I'm not supposed to ...... ssshhhh. Hehehehe Actually my instructor doesn't mind if we learn our next form a head of time.
  7. I get one pretty good briuse, at least, once a month. Like three60roundhouse said, it's usually from grappling. Anyways, I've had two broken fingers, two broken toes, I pulled my hammy 4 times. Once on the right, three on the left. My left knee is week now because of it. I hurt my right knee by hyper extending (sp?) it. But that is the worst of them. I just have to be careful how I land when doing jump kicks, and I ware a knee support when doing throws or grappling.
  8. I've always learned different variations of one bunkai. Anyways, I wish there where less forms. Don't get me wrong. I like forms, but I just learn one, and it's time to learn another. Specially when I did the pyung ahn series (Pinan). There are on the hard side LOL. Plus I like to perfect my technique in forms, not "just know the moves."
  9. Tae Kwon Do = Taegeuk 1 thru 6 and half of 7 (One more of those to go) Tang Soo Do = Ki Cho Hyung Il Bu (I do this one for TKD, also) Ki Cho Hyung E Bu Ki Cho Hyung Sam Bu Pyung Ahn Cho Dan Pyung Ahn E Dan Pyung Ahn Sam Dan Did start learning Bong Hyung Il Bu in TSD before I moved, but don't remember how to do it.
  10. Cool trip, Chris. I'd love to take two weeks and train in Korea (I wish, no funds to do so). I enjoyed reading about it so far
  11. Hey, my old stomping grounds Well, I lived about 40 minutes from Cherry Hill, but I used to go to the Cherry Hill mall all the time.
  12. We learn all three also. It looks like pretty cool forms. I can't wait to learn them.
  13. I'm not a full blown instructor, but I'll take a stab at this anyway. I teach because I love it. When a student of mine learns something, and gets it right, the look on their face says it all I was teaching a kid a new form (to them) today, and when he got it right, he knew it. His face just lit up. He got so excited. That makes it worth it to me I knew when I first started MA that this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. My instructor, Master P, gave me that chance, eventhough I'm just a color belt, and I thank him very much Someday, I'll open a branch of his school My instructor is awsome, and that would be the way to repay him
  14. I'm Jealous! Bassai is a 2nd dan form for us. But in TSD, it was a cho dan bo (black balt canadaite form). I want to learn it soooooooo bad. But I get to learn Nahanchi first P.S. Sorry for the spelling, I'm in a hurry.
  15. <<>> I have done that before <<>> Close. My living room is filled with MA relted stuff. BOB, books, magazines, belt racks on the wall, ect. I have a "toy box" full of stuff. Targets, rebreakable board, wood boards, spacers, weapons, ect. Next I get a mat for throws to toss my man around a bit <<>> I bowed out of habit before entering rooms. <<>> I thought about it with people I don't like LOL <<>> I taught my dog how to spar. <<>> Done that a few times. <<>> Gotta be prepared, ya know I'm also crazy for being at my dojang 21 hours a week I work 16 hours, but train the rest. I also sneak in training sessions by myself when the training floor isn't occupied Or work on stuff with one of the other students/employees.
  16. Three that I'm aware of LOL. Nice hook kicks, though Anyways, I think self defense or more realistic training comes into play. At least, in my school, anyways. So sparring isn't a big deal to me. We do more realistic stuff in class. So when it comes to sparring, it's more fun than anything.
  17. AMEN Heidi! Good post. I still pay less LOL hehehehehehe. Just kiddin ya (except the price). I pay $67 a month, none for belt tests. BB tests, I have no clue. Never asked. I know you have to pay, though.
  18. Cool story, Heidi I saw you kick butt at your BB test (for the new school), so I know it's true. Keep up the good work
  19. I'm not much help since I don't do Isshinryu, but I did find this http://www.isja.com/iwka/newvideo.htm It has Sunsu in mpeg format (It is zipped. you'll need a program like winzip to unzip it). It's not the best quality, but it might be of some use. Hope this helps P.S. I'll move this to the Karate forum. You may get more help there
  20. tommarker, I came from an TSD background, so I learned the same way as you. Now that I do TKD, I still do the same. The hips generate the most power (to me anyways).
  21. It's about time! Na just kiddin ya Welcome and I enjoy your posts so keep on posting
  22. Both have their qualities. I like point sparring because of the variaty of techniques, but don't like the light contact. I don't like WTF rules (no hand techs to the head at all), but like the full contact. I've done both, so I put them together most of the time My school (luckily) does different types of sparring. So I get the best of both worlds, and grappling to boot
  23. miguksaram, I'm aware of that. I have done both. But the only difference I see is the forms for color belts. Well, and my school does grappling, but that's not part of MDK. Anyways, lets try to stay on topic
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