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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I love it when we spar with take downs Shoto, I am just like you. I'm not that quick, but if you let me get in on you, I'm going to leave a hurtin on you LOL. I'm flexible, so I can kick from close range, and most people are like "Wha.... Where the heck that come from????" As far as your buddy goes, be a counter attacker. Don't try to be him to the punch (no pun intended). Instead, wait and counter what he throws. You may have to still work on speed, but this should work after a while.
  2. Wow! I love it (sometimes) when old treads are brought up. I went through the whole thread again LOL. I just got my 3rd gup Brown belt last night. Total training three years.
  3. Bummer I hope you get better soon. When I hurt my hammy last year, I couldn't train for a while. So I know how you feel.
  4. I taught my dog how to spar. He is pretty good at it, too. Smart pooch. Now he tries to spar with the cat LOL. Anyways, I like anything from classic rock, metal, to alternative metal.
  5. Eventhough I don't do TSD anymore, my favorite is still Pyung ahn ee dan. It was difficult for me to learn, but once I got it, it turned out to be my fav. My fav to watch is Bassai and Nahanchi (all three), which I will learn eventually.
  6. In TSD, my first test took me 2 and a 1/2 months. Then I moved (after getting my 5th gup/kyu). TKD (the sport dojang) one and a 1/2. My dojang now ..... Never got a yellow LOL.
  7. Thanks I usually bounce back quick, so I hope I'll be ok by monday (my test date).
  8. Nov 30th, I believe. I could be wrong on that one. I'll watch the TLC (where the previews I saw aired) again to get the right date.
  9. I have to add private lessons now with my Master instructor, and Demo class (which I skipped tonight do to being sick. I barely got through work ).
  10. Yep. My man and I will tape it It sounds like a pretty good thing to watch. We can come back here and chat about it afterwards
  11. To be honest, that is not what MA is about. That is definitely not the martial spirit. Friendly competition and tournies are one thing, but to go out and do something like that gives martial arts a bad name. Just my opinion, though
  12. Congrads, to KF and Happy B-day to the Grand Poo Pah of KF Without you, it won't be what it is
  13. Good point, thenakedpage. Totally true. Most people are not happy for who they are. If they wanna lose weight, they either go about it wrong or they go to the extreme. Simply changing a few things in your diet, and increasing excerise is the most effective. If you eat pizza 6 days a week, simply cut that back to twice a week or what have you. Drop the soft drinks and beer (overload of carbs isn't good unless you are trying to increase weight/fat). Don't eat red meat LOL. When I stopped eating red meat I lost fat (not muscle). I love it. Lots more energy, too You have to learn to make up for it, though But you have to know what your body needs. Everyone is different. Learn to listen to your body.
  14. Work harder Get the blood flowing Actually, I don't need to. I'm female and I don't body build. My veins pop out after a good workout. Might be the way I am, but I can just hold my breath and my veins wanna show LOL. Gross hehehehehehe
  15. I started the "Y" program with the request of my instructor. That must mean I am doing something right, otherwise I wouldn't have done it. Am I right? Anyways, this is not about rank or who is teaching. This subject is about finding a good college program or what have you. Please stay on topic. Thanks
  16. I teach at a YMCA (besides helping at my dojang). They pay $45 for 8 weeks (8 lessons a session .... once a week). As an instructor, I try to give them their "money's worth" so to speak. Try to find a good YMCA program.
  17. Thanks ... I hope LOL. Dang! I got the jitters
  18. I train 5 days a week, but I donno if I will test for black when I'm supposed to. I think I'd chicken out LOL. I'm only testing for brown (3rd gup) next week and I'm full of jitters LOL.
  19. I've also been preparing for my next test for brown (3rd gup/kyu) next week. I'm just starting to get nevous .... eeekkkkkk !!!!!!! HELP LOL
  20. I wish I had more time on pyung ahn ee dan (Heian ni dan). I love that form. I got to pyung an sam dan and I was still refining pyung ahn ee dan
  21. I'll show ya! I just landed the 540 for the 4th time the other day No I didn't throw an extra side kick there, but if I can do it, you can Keep tryin. I know you can do it
  22. How about if we just all jump on ZR since he is the newbe staff guy, and tackle tickle him. If he can't take it, then Monkeygirl is the winner Sorry, I had a good grappling class tonight, and someone won by tickling LOL. No it wasn't fair, but it worked LOL. The other person laughed so hard, they had to tap out LOL. It was sooooo funny.
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