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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. martialartsresearcher, PM me your zip code and the name of your city and I'll do search for you. And how many miles are you willing to travel?
  2. Congratulations! Now your journey has just begun
  3. I totally agree there. There is no feeling like the one you get when one of the students you teach gets something right, and their face lights up. It's the greatest feeling in the world Specially when you taught them that technique It's hard to explain unless you teach, otherwise you wouldn't know (no offense to anyone).
  4. Just don't give up Give it your all, Ok. Let us know how you did
  5. If you need help finding a style, just ask. There are plenty of helpful people here. When it comes to searching for schools in your area, I'm good at that
  6. Welcome back Others don't post for a while then they come back, so you are not the only one.
  7. Good thread And I totally agree, Drunken Monkey. I started MA for self defense, but I really got into the mental aspect of martial arts. I have improved on character, and being a better person. It's all because of MA.
  8. Yes, you can. I have two bum knees, and CTS also in both wrists. I recently hurt my back and had to modify my training a bit (among other injuries in my MA career), but it doesn't stop me Maybe I'm just nuts LOL.
  9. I had something similar happen. My boyfriend and I wear the same size uniforms, BUT the logos on the back are different (we go to different schools). I was in a hurry. I was late for work (I also work at my dojang). I quickly grabbed my uniform (so I thought). Once I got to the dojang, I realized I accidentally grapped his top. I felt bad. I didn't want to wear it, so I ended up wearing my t-shirt for class. I felt out of place. I told my instructor, and of course, he busted my chops LOL (in a nice way, that is). Good thing about the after school program that I help teach is some of the kids don't have full uniforms (just a school t-shirt and dobok pants), so I just looked like one of them LOL. It doesn't sound very funny but ya had to be there.
  10. Doug is a good person to chat KSW with. There is a few KSW people here. I don't think they would mind questions Welcome
  11. I'm the other way around. I'm pretty good at sparring, but in grappling, I stink Well, I'm getting better. To answer your question, think of combos. Always throw more than one technique. And don't do the same thing twice. Keeps them guessing Sparring does take practice. No one is good at it at first, unless you are a street thug (and even they have to learn how to fight). Just keep at it, and practice.
  12. Welcome to the forum. Yes, there is many here that can help you. And meet some new friends as most of us have. Enjoy your stay.
  13. Thanks battousai16. My spelling stinks hehehehehe
  14. I thought Shotokan had full contact? G95 can clear that up. Anyways, if you want full contact, go for Muay Thai if there is a school that teaches it around your area. Some TKD schools are full contact (mine included), but most aren't. BJJ from what I understand/read is full contact grappling. Kickboxing is, also. I'd pick a hybrid style just because some hybrid styles mix in several different things (like my school teaches grappling with TKD and Kali). You would get more of a "well rounded" MA in one place
  15. I know what you mean. My instructor and talked about this after I posted in this thread. It's not about power, but leverage and/or "center of gravity." That made more sense to me.
  16. Sasori_Te, you are a little late, aren't ya? LOL Just kiddin I see that you enjoy KF already And yes, this forum is a great way to meet new people, or in my case, stay in contact with old friends.
  17. Welcome to KF
  18. No we have poeple from all over the world on this messege board. I'm in the USA, but I seen people from England, Alstralia (sp?), Cananda, ect.
  19. aefibird, no problem. I took the double post out Anyways, as far as style: Nick_14 you said you didn't like Shotokan. Ask yourself why. Then aviod that with the next schools you visit. Is there anything that you are looking for in a martial art? Self defense, sport, striking, grappling, ect?
  20. EEEkkkkk Monkeygirl. Wow! Anyways, like I said, I pay $67 a month (only $15 more if I wanted to take kali also). Unlimited classes (most go twice a week, but I'm there 5 days a week). No charge for tests. BB tests are $75 (as far as I know). No contracts, and we offer family discounts. That's why my tuition is cheap Normally it's $80 a month (Plus $20 for Kali if you decided to take that, also). The grappling we learn is part of our TKD training
  21. Cool site I'll move this to Game threads, so everyone who likes games can try it
  22. With the major outer reap (sweep), I keep my leg straight, but on other sweeps I snap my leg out, like you said.
  23. Ozaru, do what I do. Put a picture of the annoying little (BLEEP) on a bunching bag, and have at him/her. Kick and punch the bag as hard as you can for 1 minute. You get a workout, plus relieve from "that feeling." Anyways, since I started MA, I'm calmer. I used to be a person with a "chip on their shoulder." Now it's like I have nothing to prove. I know I can hurt that annoying little (BLEEP). That's enough for me I just snicker at them and walk away thinking I could kick his/her backside, but I won't *Evil grin* hehehehe
  24. My instructor mixes grappling with TKD (he teaches us both) and I really like it. I think a grappling art (Judo or Jujitsu of some kind) would work well with TKD.
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