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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I train in TKD 4 times per week (not including teaching). I'm about to get back into Judo (once a week for two hours).
  2. I drink on the weekends. Usually a 12 pack between my man and I.
  3. I think I would have started earlier, but I would have researched different arts before joining a school. Just so I would know more about each art that was available to me at the time. I prolly would have picked the same school, though. Just because they weren't a Mcdojang, like most of them were (in my area of NJ).
  4. I can't plan that far ahead LOL. But I would like to cross train in another art, other than TSD/TKD. Maybe Judo or jujitsu. And maybe take a weapons art. I wanna be a well rounded martial artist. Someday, I'd like to open my own school, but I donno about in the next ten years, though.
  5. This would fit good in General MA. You would definitely get more help there
  6. Same here. I like to return to Tang Soo Do, and yes I do miss it. But it doesn't interfer with my training now. I just consentrate on my training now. My TKD school does have a lot to offer, so I'm learning what I can, and training hard.
  7. Welcome. Feel free to ask questions about styles here.
  8. Welcome back Now get your behind back in the dojo
  9. I'm an assistant instructor. I was asked by my instructor to help teach. He needed an adult to fill an openning he had. I teach under him, but I plain on continuing with teaching, and (after reaching, at least, 4th dan) openning my own dojang. I'm not with my original style (because I moved). But hopefully, someday, I'll get back into it.
  10. Me too. My school is USTU affiliated. I was confused when I read about it, so I too need info.
  11. You can tell where I ripped off my nickname Or screenname, I should say. My nickname is a totally different story
  12. My boyfriend made one for me. I helped and it was fun It cost him about $4 to make it (he already had some stuff that was needed to make it).
  13. You can take three dojos and the same kata. But all three would have variations. Just like my boyfriend and I. We both do TKD and the same forms, BUT they are not the same in some places (can get confusing when we work on forms together). Anyways, as a judge, they should realize this. If they don't know the kata all together (different style), he/she should judge on technique, power, stances, and sharpness. Most judges don't do this. Which is really sad.
  14. It was a valid question, all. Be nice Tae Kwon Do, but I'm not a black belt.
  15. Don't underestimate someone smaller or bigger. They just might be better than you. They might just beat you at your own game. Like my nephew, I signed him up for lessons. When he got to green belt, he wanted to spar me. Because he is bigger, he thought he would win. That wasn't the case. I'm smaller and less stronger, but he was unaware of my previous training (before this school). Maybe it was an unfair advantage, but he lost. He knew it. Also, when people (outside of MA) run their mouth, let them. I just blow them off. I have good self control. They don't bother me. MA should have taught you that. I'm not saying you are a bad person, but you have to let people like that not bother you. They have something to prove, you shouldn't have (since you do MA). You know you can fight, but save it for when it is needed (self defense related situations).
  16. Not enough in my opinion (at my dojang). I teach kids classes, so I get to do them more. But in my actual training class, we don't do them much So I practice forms when I get a break in between teaching and my actual training class (45 minute break). And, of course, I practice them when I can at home. My TSD dojang we did forms twice a week or more. The whole class would do all the forms up to their rank, then go in the back and practice their forms till the rest were done. We would do forms 2 to 3 times each, plus what we did when we had to back off. Plus additional training at home.
  17. I had the flu a few weeks ago. I didn't train. I still had to work, though, except for two days when I called in sick. I couldn't even stand up. It's not good to train when you are sick. You should let your body recover properly first. When you are feeling better, then you can go train and sweat the rest of your illness out. But right now, from what you said, is not a good time to train. Your body won't last. Plus smr is right. If you get your fellow students sick, I don't think they will be very happy with you.
  18. Good post, Bretty. I do WTF style before BB then it's MDK. We spar WTF style. I've also done TSD (point sparring). I was always interested in ITF. I have a 15 minute mpeg of ITF people doing various things. They are sharp. Very good technique. The sparring is a bit different, but I'd like to try it. I also have mpegs of them doing one steps. Pretty cool stuff
  19. I live in Upstate New York, USA. Here, mostly TKD and Isshin Ryu are the popular ones. But there are a few others, but they are few and far between (jujitsu, Judo, Kung Fu, Taichi, kali).
  20. I was going to say that LOL. I never took dance, but Taichi or yoga would be good choices. You can get yoga videos everywhere, so you wouldn't have to spend extra money on classes.
  21. My TSD dojang used to do that. Not for 15 minutes, but long enough to make your legs hurt so bad that you couldn't stand, all for bad technique (other than 50 to 100 knuckle push-ups). For anyone above 5th gup/kyu, that is. By then, my instructor said that they should have a grip on some kind of technique quality. The black belts used to stand in horse stance with weights and/or a person on their back/shoulders.
  22. Some TKD dojangs, that is a fitting term. But you can't say that for all. Like my dojang, for instance. We are the cheapest in my area, but we teach a boat load more than most the sport places do. I don't know if it has to do with our style or for the fact that my instructor mixes what he has learned with it, and is really strict on top of it. That's just his way of teaching, and he isn't in it for money. This is what he loves doing. I have been in a sport place before this school. All I have to say, to each his own
  23. That's a hard question, because I was in three different dojangs. My TSD dojang, you look the person in the eyes. My first TKD dojang, we looked at the ground. My TKD dojang now, we bow on our knees (similar to Shotokan and Judo since my instructor did these and/or with TKD first). I would say it depends on the dojang/instructor/style or a combo of the three. In a social setting, I don't bow. Well, I can't say that either. Out of habit I do when I see a fellow student, but it's kind of a half hearted bow and a handshake. But they get the picture of what I'm getting at (respect).
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