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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. The nice thing about sparring is that you never actually lose. If you do better then your sparring partner you have the confirmation that your technique works, if you do worse you can learn from your mistakes. At the end is not much of a fight against somebody, it is a fight against your weaknesses. I totally agree with you. If we were actually "ring sparring," she would have hammered me, but she is a very nice and helpful friend/teacher.
  2. Don't know. It's not my site. Me not a master either LOL. Seriously though, some of the stuff was not that good, but it was useful when I first started out (when I had brain farts on pyung ahn e dan LOL).
  3. Leaving my TSD dojang I had to move, though. If it was possible to take your dojang with you (and all the members and instructor) I would have. Not that my TKD dojang is all that bad ...... I guess I'm still homesick (after three years) LOL.
  4. I was in a chat room for years with the same people that did that regularly. But for me, this year would be impossible (eventhough it's a great idea). I have to save up to go to Florida to keep a promise to my father. But if you decide on Destin Florida in October, that would be cool
  5. In my TSD dojang, I was very happy. I didn't have to go elsewhere to crosstrain (they taught Hapkido along side of TSD, and Jujtisu every Tuesday night). Great workouts, and the people and the instructors were great. My TKD school is good, excpet for two points. There isn't any ground work, and it's a bit pricey. But other than that, the people are great, the instructors are great, and we get a mean workout
  6. I was taught in TSD that you have to get their attention elsewhere first (loosen them up, so to speak). Hit a "soft" or vital area, then do a joint lock. It worked wonders (at least with the big and bad so-called "bullies" in class that though "joint-locks won't do nothing" LOL).
  7. I don't think I was either tonight. I sparred a buddy of mine for the first time (she teaches at a sister school), and nothing worked LOL. Of course she has almost 30 years experience over me LOL. It was a great workout, and she gave me lots of tips, though. Thanks Heidi
  8. http://mchenry.homeip.net/TangSooDo/forms/index.htm This one has a lot of the forms from all three (except Hapkido. It has two). http://www.martialartsresource.com/Hoshinsool-online/index.htm This one has TKD and Hapkido stuff. Problem is, sometimes the site works sometimes it doesn't
  9. Kicks, I saw that (I have that on tape ), but that was a sweet move Thanks, though.
  10. I am a counter fighter (which I'm good at), BUT I find myself being aggressive lately (which I kind of stink at). I train with the BB's in our school now, and I don't wanna seem like a wimp, so I go at them even if I get my butt whooped (I don't back down or give up .... I'm a sucker for punishment, I guess) LOL. So I would say, it's a mixer of both as of right now.
  11. Oops, I wrote that half asleep. Sorry for the bad spelling. He was just in a bad mood. I just gave him a reason to yell LOL. He does that once in a while. Normally he would just tell someone to get back in line or something. Or just do 20 push-ups. He don't normally yell like that.
  12. Nothing. My boyfriend does woodworking. He has all the tools and stuff to do it. He just needs to make a templet (sp?) before he burns it on there. TSDMGK_K40, thanks Can I see the others you have also?
  13. OMG!! I totally missed your question. Sorry about that. Better late then never, I guess. He talks about different things. Once it was him scolding a few of the younger advanced students for being sloppy (he got REALLY strict about technique lately). Then it was a chat with the new advanced students (intros, ect) coming into the advanced class. Then there was the time he chatted about competing (I was thinking ..... no thanks LOL). The other night was a good one .... well not so good, I should say. We were practicing forms. Well he was testing a few of us for a stripe. I did my form to the "T" but I "jumped" ahead on accident (we were doing our forms by command). He reemed me out for it! OMG!! I thought he was going to kill me. I was in a bad mood as it was (from work), and he is yelling at me. I didn't kihap when he asked me not to do that again, so he made me kihap again. My temper was about to blow LOL (I very rarely let my temper get to me), so I was thinking "Whatever" then let out a really loud, phyco kihap LOL. Needless to say, none of us got a stripe.
  14. I don't study Goju, but I live in upstate NY. Anyways, I have a warehouse/production job making various parts for big name printing companies, like Xerox. We make other stuff in other departments, also. Fun job. I get to tinker with tools, build stuff, take them apart when needed, and we have a great staff. Everyone is cool that I work with.
  15. I was wondering if any of you know where I can find Tang Soo Do in Korean hangul, not chinese? I just bought a bo staff and I'd like to get it "burned" onto the staff. Thanks in advance
  16. In our dojang, I think you have to fight 3 or so rounds of one opponent, then 2 on one for a couple of rounds. Not really sure (haven't got that far yet). But they do have a "power camp" (basically a day of the master instructor putting you through h ....) before the actual test. I heard it is full contact (no gear) that day. I could be wrong, though.
  17. Same here. My first test in TSD was actually hard. I started in October (2000). Stopped for a month do to illness, then went back after Christmas. I had to learn three forms, one step sparring, self defense techniques, all the basics, ect all in a month and a half. I did it, but it was nerve racking (I was very new to MA at the time). My first TKD grading was actuall easy. One form, one steps, and basics. That was it.
  18. I've been training a little over 4 years. I did Tang Soo Do for one year (5th gup), then moved I miss it very much. My TSD instructor was very open to other styles. He would actually learn stuff from other styles, make it his own (figured out the "why's" and "how's" of each technique), then taught them to us. He taught a bit of Thai boxing and Hapkido also. I dabbled a bit in Jujitsu (no rank, just for fun). I did a little bit of Judo (soon to start up again .... hopefully). Still a white belt there. Dabbled a bit in Shotokan (no rank). Too bad that dojo closed. I would have went back there Now I do TKD (3 years). I just tested for red (again LOL .... I attended two different TKD schools). I am very open-minded to other styles. That may have come from my first instructor. This one isn't very big on cross-training Anyways, someday I'd like to try Jujitsu again. This time actually get serious about it (no dojos here, though ..... bummer). I'd like to try some form of weapons art, also. As far as competing goes, I'm not big on competing. I have competed a few times, though. I got 3rd in forms twice. I'm not big on tournament sparring. I think of it as tag LOL. Not ment to offend the ones who do like tag .... I mean, sparring I like it for the conditioning (getting hit, the work out, ect), but the point system and "target" areas for those points stink.
  19. http://www.knox.com/ I found NutraJoint on the web after having hip and knee problems (see above link). I was loosing flexibility and all. I was wondering if anyone uses this stuff or has heard of it. Is it effective? Thanks in advance
  20. I had one when I was a brown belt. I was sparring. My dobok (gi) pants were a bit long. As I was moving, someone stepped on my pant leg as I went to move back (or kick ... one of the two). Needless to say, my butt was showing off to everyone behind me. I had undies on, but it still made me sooooooooo red ........... I grabbed my pants and yanked them up and continued sparring like nothing happened LOL .... NOT LOL
  21. I did something similar to that when I did security (bike patrol during the summer). It was part of my training. I learned everything they mentioned on that video. It did come in handy. But I don't know if it will catch on or not. It may be too specialized.
  22. I seen you spar. I would have to say that is (hook) is your fav Anyways, for sparring, anything off of the front leg. I learned front leg kicks in TSD, and most TKD people don't expect it Some of my sparring buddies are catching on, though .... ooops LOL For fun, I like the 360 roundhouse, roundhouse - jump hook combo, and a plan ol' simple side kick (my fav kick lately for some odd reason ).
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