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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Sasori_Te, good post. I have to agree. Some people pick the martial art that fits them, not what the history is. Heck, when I did TSD, I didn't know the history. I didn't care how old it was. I picked it, because the instructor was good (from a novice point of view, and I turned out to be right). I might do TKD now, but I picked it (or this school) because of the instructor, not the art. Just my opinion
  2. I think I saw the first one a while ago. I haven't seen the second, so I won't be much help
  3. Just stay focused. I have done many tests, and I still get the heebie jeebies. But if you stay focused and practice, you shouldn't have any problems.
  4. I was at the point once or twice (two schools), but I looked into my forms deeper. I found there was a lot to learn and "tweek" technique-wise. Even in sparring, there was some stuff to improve for me. Even now, my instructor found something I can work on. I have a "lazy" side kick. I don't straighten my leg all the way out, but I do it without realizing it. There is always something to work on. I like this part: "diagnoses. When you know what the problem is, you can set about rectifying it. It means change and change is scary." Good article, though
  5. We have basic comands in Korean always. But counting, hardly. My master instructor will call out techniques in Korean, though, once in a while. Most stuff is in english. My old TSD school had comands, counting, and techniques mostly in Korean (except for beginners).
  6. Both the schools I have been to (TKD and TSD) had a no belt start, but neither charged test fees for any rank till BB.
  7. In our dojang, the pooms and BB's wear the white uniforms with black trim. The rest of us wear plain white. So, I really don't know about the black/red trim. Like TKDthug said, it depends on each dojang.
  8. My instructor uses the "Bold" brand. They hold out pretty well, specially since the way my boyfriend wears his out. But he's had the Bold one for a little over a year. The Centery ones fall apart (at least in my experience). Anyways, back to sickwithit13's question. The best thing to do is to ask your instructor. Each school has their own policies (sp?). My old TSD dojang had their own uniforms, but they didn't care if you bought uniforms from elsewhere (as long as it was white). This dojang requires you to buy from them. So ask you instructor what he perfers.
  9. We have a certain number of techniques to learn (the numbered one above). We do the joint locks and stuff seperately (Chin Na stuff) and our teacher tells us to try it. They aren't numbered or anything. So I guess you can say we do both.
  10. My dojang teaches the Taegeuk forms. I think they are the more popular forms in this area.
  11. I'd like to see it, too. All the Judo matches were on late at night. I stayed up for a couple of nights to watch, but I missed a few (I work early in the morning and had to go to bed).
  12. I watched the one at 6am here while I was getting ready for work. Trock is right. It was kinda disappointing. But the second match was fairly good. I had to tape the one later in the day, cause I had to work. I'm about to watch it, though.
  13. I just have a dog (looks like a dingo LOL). My cat ran away this past week
  14. I like the outdoors I like camping, going to the beach, concerts, amusement parks, ect. Or Just having a bonfire in the yard and having a few cold ones with friends. In the winter, I don't do much other than MA. I hate cold weather.
  15. Hi KingBuddha. Welcome to KF You should start by looking to see what's in your area as far as martial art schools go (looking in the phone book is a good start). Make a list, and visit as many schools as you can. The UK usually has a good selection of schools (depending on where you are, that is). Once you pick a few, let us know, and we can help explain those styles for you Keep us posted.
  16. You just have to find a school you like and find someone willing to learn with you. I got into the tricks from my first school. Others did it, so I tried. Now I do TKD and, at the time, no one did any fancy kicks. I practiced them anyway. One person recently saw me, and asked me to teach her. Now we practice together before or after our saturday class. Now we have 5 people trying to learn tricks Gee, I think I started something LOL Oh, you might want to check out https://www.bilang.com (trick site)
  17. delta1, You beat me to it LOL. I will look up other styles as well, and post them later.
  18. Do you know if there's any studios in the Rochester area?
  19. We learn it at prov. black belt. I can't wait to learn it. It looks like a cool form. But I'm still stuck on Taegeuk 8.
  20. I moved this to getting started section. You may get a lot of help here. If you PM me your zip code, I can look up a school for you, if you'd like
  21. Mu Ryuk, My dojang was like that. They were picky as far as technique goes, and earning rank, BUT they used to be sport. I felt that I wasn't learning self defense. I decided to train elsewhere. But in my exit interview, they asked why I was quiting. I told them why. It is a good school, but it's not what I'm looking for out of MA. I trained somewhere else for a year. But since my boyfriend stayed at the first school, I would still go with him to watch him in class (when I wasn't training) and see old friends. The instructor didn't have a grudge against me or hold what I did/said against me, cause I was polite about it. But for that year, I saw people come and go. The instructor changed his curriculum, and he found that more people stuck around. I was having problems at my new school, so I went back to the old one. I really enjoy it now. So maybe you need to explore another school, then come back. It worked well for me. It's just a suggestion.
  22. My instructor just had a place built a year ago. It looks like a house on the outside, but it is huge on the inside. We used to train in a strip mall type place (little place). My TSD school was also in a strip mall, but that school was a good size.
  23. Starting at 2nd gup in our school, we are required to help clean. They have a cleaning schedule for all the red and black belts. 5 of them come each saturday to really scrub the place down good. And the schedule rotates. During the week, the ones who work there do some cleaning, and two students from the last class of each day sweeps and picks up after class is done.
  24. I like the old TSD uniforms from my old school (for BB's that is). They had black pants, white top with black trim. I thought that looked sharp. But other than that (since I'm still a color belt), I'd stick with the traditional white.
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