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Martial Art(s)
karate of some form
Newcastle, England
Strangly, Karate..
GrrrArg's Achievements

Black Belt (10/10)
Nice article, I happen to dis-agree with a fair bit of it, but it was well written and well constructed and a valid point of view. I used to train in a sports karate club, now I train in a realistic method of self defense which is very different to what I used to do. Is it still karate? Yes. Is the focus different? Yes. Does this mean that the other benefits have disappeared? No. Why do we care what other people are doing? To each there own I say, I personally feel that self-defense is needed just as much today as it ever was, but its not my place to demean others or what they choose to do. Sports karate gives you lots of benefits, they just happen to be different to some of the benefits of a more realistic form of Karate. Sports/Realistic karate can be substituted for style X vs Style Y and it is also worth bearing in mind that although two people may do the same style, the end result may be very different. I know some Shotokan clubs (using this as an example as it is mentioned above) that has students who couldn't fight there way out of a paper bag, but could score a few million points in a second. I also know one very small Shotokan Sandan who scares the living hell out of me even we are of similar grade and im twice his size.. Horses for courses.
Well, two years on since I wrote the article and how things have changed! Belts have all gone out the window and the Gi is neatly folded away under a bed somewhere I believe. As for the training itself, well the focus has gone from "Sports Karate" to something altogether more fulfilling (for me, at least). I have found that without the belts, the plateus still come along, but they are much less noticeable and they now just seem to be an opportunity, a glimpse in how much there still is "out-there" for me to learn. C'est la vie!
By god mike - you get around these forums almost as much as me Bunkai - is a process, a process of breaking down and exploring various parts of your Kata. Including various Applications (Oyo). Id say the two are intermingled and maybe inseperable in an ideal world. As Mike suggests, and others have alluded too, I believe its the principles behind what we are learning that are most important.
Approaching this from an Animal Behaviour P.o.V (which I some experience in) I agree with some of the article and disagree with some of the article. First off, facing off against a dog can work. BUT it is also just as likely to trigger an attack if he thinks he can be the Alpha. Don't assume that hitting a dog will cause it to stop and think, thats a bit niave. If you stun it, then, fair enough. Dog's are ruled by instinct and training. Both would tell it to fight harder if you retaliate, until the point that it knows its beaten or one of you dies. Don't think you are faster than it. A dog will out sprint you and EASILY out last any human on a long distance run. African Wild dogs are said to have two speeds, running and fast forward, they literally wear down their prey before tearing it to pieces. Normal dogs are the same, its how they hunt. You are spot on in saying don't turn your back. In a confrontation, this will trigger an instant attack that the dog will be almost unable to stop itself carrying out. Nice article.
GKR instructors graded Shodan-Ho or above wear their grade belts, not the Black and White.
GOKAN can also mean a number of different things - I would have thought anyone who considered themselves a Martial Artist would have a little more sense then to make offensive comments like that? And no I don't mean offensive to GKR, I have no love for the club, I mean offensive to the victims of that particular crime. The only person you succeeded in making look bad is yourself and to an extent your own club. There is simply no point in attacking ANY style of Martial Arte, wether it is good or bad or mediocre, the people who agree with you are the ones who already did and the fans of the club will use what you say and peg you down as a troll (not trying to say that you are a troll btw). Ramble over.
After 7.5 years with GKR I was a 3rd kyu....time means very little with regards to grade in GKR, not neccasarily a good OR a bad thing.
Indeed... Its half Goju-Kai and half Shotokan (actually a sub-style of Shoto I believe, although the name has just flown out my mind). I am wondering why there are about 3 topics on GKR all fairly similar....?
The white line means he isn't a dan grade. I taught for GKR for about a year, mostly in my grade belt, but if anyone asked I told them my grade. The idea of it being rude to ask his grade is just a mechanism used to hide grade. And not one particular only to GKR. In short....ask him his grade or better, ask how long he has been training..
lol not much...trying to convince myself to get back into some proper training
Hullo Terry - looks good!
*sniff* *sniff*
The best way I know to describe it is that Bunkai is a PROCESS...meaning to "break down and explore" and Oyo is an application of a segment of kata (generally). Its a similar arguement to the Uke = Block or Recieve (incidentally..its recieve )
Id be hesitant about doing any excersises without first consulting your Dr. I got crappy knees too and if I did the excersises mith mentioned id cripple myself! Case by case scenario.
Firstly, you only read it for the articles? Secondly, I agree Pretty amazing how much hes overcome.