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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Hey Hudson. I have no clue about the Shaolin Monk uniforms. Maybe one of the Kung Fu guys on this board can help with that. Anyway, I wear the typical v-neck (white) uniform for TKD. I have a traditional wrap around uniform from my TSD days (white also). And for Judo, which I didn't take for very long, I just wore uniform pants and a t-shirt (I thought it was going to rip a few times from doing throws LOL).
  2. I was the only one my family that trained. But when I met my boyfriend 4 years ago, he would watch me in class. When we moved up here, I looked for a school, and he joined with me He's loving it. Sometimes more than I do LOL.
  3. Hiya all. Here's the thing. I took Judo for a little while over the fall/winter months off and on. Do to lack of time and money (I couldn't afford both TKD and Judo at the time), I haven't trained in Judo in a few months. But I wanted to go back recently. There's a problem ..... the instructor no longer teaches here I kind of don't blame him. He drove three hours one way once a week to get here. I was wondering if any of you know of a Judo and/or jujistu (traditional) dojo in the Rochester area of NY? Or even a half way decent intructor that's not in it for the buck, like most schools in this area. Thanks in advance for your help
  4. We do some boxing related drills in our school also. I think it fits well with TKD, because it would be mostly feet with out it.
  5. There is a fellow named Chris that come in here from time to time. He has a school in CT. He does Hapkido, but I'm sure he can find out if there is any shorei schools for you.
  6. I'm not an assistant instructor (I was before I came back to this school), but several of us are asked to help out once in a while with lower ranks. At red belt, it's required to assist in class. So that just makes me a student
  7. I'm not sure why my school does it. It is kinda weird since we have a physical test every belt level (to see if we are physically better than the last, I think). It may be a good question to ask Heidi (ninjanurse). She is in the same system as me and also a 2nd dan. She would know. I'm still knew to all this (different curriculum since before I came back).
  8. Welcome to KF. Keep us updated on the school search.
  9. In our school, I think the black belt test would be harder. When you test for high red (same as your brown), you test with the black belts. They have to do everything the BB's do, except spar two on one and they don't go through hell .... I mean, power camp first. The power camp is basically 8 hours of hell. You have to run a mile and a half in 12 minutes. I heard that the warm up for the actual camp is hard (it's not just running). Spar a whole punch of times, do forms over and over and over, ect. If you don't make it through this camp, you don't test (they have the actual test a week later). I haven't got there yet. When I ask a BB about the power camp, I just get a ghostly look LOL. EDIT: Wap, that's weird. You can't watch the BB tests? My school you can, but we can't watch the power camb, so I guess it's basically the same thing.
  10. 1. How long have you been in the martial arts and what is your rank (no disrepect intended fellow Senseis!) I've been studying MA's for 4 years. I'm currently working on my red belt again LOL (one before black). 2. What style or styles do you practice? I started in Tang Soo Do (before I moved to NY). Now I do TKD, and dabble in Judo. 3. Does your style include forms, katas or some other simmilar exercise which involves preset routines of movements? Yes, both TKD and TSD does. Judo has two person forms. 4. If yes give a short 1 to 5 word explanation (IE Kata, short sets, puching drills etc) We have forms, one steps, and preset self defense drills. 5. If no, give a brief description of a typical class. I'll answer this one anyway We start out with warm-ups and stretching. Then we do basics. The last half hour or so depends on what the instructor has planned. It could be forms and one steps (like last night's class), or self defense and kicking drills, or sparring and/or sparring drills, ect. 6. Does your training include repetitive drills? Yes. Our classes typically start out with basics. 7. If yes, has your teacher ever explained why repetitive drilling is done? and if so, give a breif description. Muscle memory. See gheinisch's last answer. He sounded like my instructor LOL.
  11. This better for the Getting started section. You will get plenty of help there
  12. I really should get new pics in there. But I hate my picture taken.
  13. My technique would be .... change before you go home. I wear my dobak/gi home, but I don't walk or live in a bad area. I have used MA in self defense. I just re-acted. It just came to me (yes one tech was a backfist). I did that with only 9 months of training. If I remember right, you have been training long enough to have things come to you right away. Don't think about it, just re-act (God forbid) if anything should happen.
  14. I agree with TangSooGuy and TSDMGK_K40. I did TSD. Now I do TKD after moving to NY. I find that TKD is geared more toward kicks. TSD has more hand techs (at least my old dojang taught it that way).
  15. Slick is right. This is more the Health and fitness section. Anyway, I agree with the water part. I used to drink a lot of soda, but I drink only fitness water, green tea, and water (except for my beer binge on saturdays, and my coffee in the AM ).
  16. I totally agree, Wap. You touched on some great points. At first, I got into MA for self defense, because of a job I had at the time (campus cop). I actually really didn't need it for my job (or I didn't have to use it, except the verbal part). I ended up quiting that job, but I stuck with MA. I'm not the type to go out and pick fights, or get involved unless extremely necessary. I do learn self defense, which is a plus. But I'm also in it for more than self defense. Keeping fit and the character building. I have my bouts with low confidence (even now), but MA helps with that. I did have to use MA for self defense once. And it did work. But that was 3 years ago. I haven't had to use it since then.
  17. Agreed. I have used TSD in a self defense situation before moving and going to TKD. I'm not saying TKD won't work, but I haven't used it other than in the dojang.
  18. Nope. I don't miss my ex's at all. I finally found Mr. Right, so I don't need them LOL. But I do understand. I did miss one of them at one point.
  19. Same here. I had a fellow student try to guess my age. They said 19! Wow! I wish LOL.
  20. I agree. I don't eat two hours before class, because I will "see" it again if I did. I do get hungry before class, but once I start, the hunger goes away. I don't get hungry again till about two hours after class. It's weird ...
  21. I try to watch what I eat most of the time. No fried stuff (doesn't agree with me). I'm not really a sweet eater. I eat lean fish. I don't eat red meat (and I hate chicken). I behave during the week (lots of veggies, low fat cheeses, a good amount of protein including protein bars, ect). Then one day on the weekend, I pig out on junk food and beer, like Heidi My downfall is chips and dip, and my occasional ice cream binge. I dropped 20 pounds after curbing red meat, and I managed to keep an average weight at 145. I'm 5'8 1/2. I hope to drop another 5 pounds (off my gut that is LOL).
  22. The thing with me is I would NEVER do flashy moves in a form. Breaking, maybe, but not in forms. I am a forms geek, and I rather do it properly than mess it up with a non traditional move. Eventhough I know I can do some of those moves, I wouldn't when competing in forms. That's just me, though.
  23. I'm 29, but I don't think I aged past 21. I still get carded for beer LOL. This is more of a general question, so I will move it to General Chat
  24. My instructor has his on association (three schools in all). It's his own system with TKD and kung fu (chin na) mixed. But we are affiliated with the World TKD fed.
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