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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Hey, that happens in my dojang too! Right Laurie !!!! Not that I'm complaining or anything.....afterall it's not always about the physical training is it. Yes it does Specially when Master Kuek wants to get something into our heads! LOL
  2. I still have my dobok (gi) on Actually, I trained today at the school and I just got done doing a little training by myself at home. Just didn't bother taking my uniform off. Normally when I train at home, I just wear a t-shirt and gi bottoms or sweats. Or, like today, if I wanna train some more at home after class, I won't bother changing into sweats. Plus it's so dang comfy
  3. Congrads Anyways, my first test in TSD, I broke my middle finger. We were doing one steps or drills (don't really remember which), but I went to block a kick and my hand was open (bad idea). I blocked the kick too quick and jammed my finger against the other girl's leg. I felt my finger "snap" and it really hurt after that. But I finished the test and passed. Other than that, I felt like I was going to puke a few times, and I had a few jammed toes, and pulled hammies (all not during tests though).
  4. LOL Heidi and ChevyCowgirlRSG. I got a kick (no pun intended LOL) out of those. I'm glad to hear that Brian and I aren't so "weird" after all
  5. Cool I have Soh Daiko's album, my fav based out of NYC. Saw them live and they are fantastic. They actaully use stances that we use in martial arts to play those drums. It's almost like a mixure of MA, drums, and a theater show (high energy). Kind of like a Japanese version of "Stomp." And also Kodo's (actual name of a band based out of Japan) album. They are great to do forms to I'll bring them with me next time you come up for a test I also forgot to mention that my boyfriend and I go to a local Pow Wow every year and there is Native American bands (they play that big drum and sing Indian ceremony songs), and we like them also. The Silver Cloud Singers (see them once a year live) are the best in this area.
  6. Hehehehehe .... guilty. My boyfriend and I both train, so we are constantly doing moves on each other. We don't do it to hurt each other, but for fun and/or practice. We could be in the middle of cooking, and breakout into a one-step practice session or something LOL. Or just walk by each other and throw a technique and the other counters. I was sweeping the parking lot at work the other day, and I was using one of those push brooms that the handle screws off from the broom part. So I unscrewed it, and started practicing my bo form with the handle part in the parking lot LOL
  7. I had something simlar happen. How about when your instructor is in a funny mood, and he notices a "mess-up" that you did, and picks on you the rest of the class. He has been in a "relaxed" mood lately but yet harder on us about technique. So when we get a technique wrong, he picks on us. The whole class just cracks up laughing. He picks a "victim" every class it seems. But it's all in fun, though.
  8. Quoting Heidi (I've done that several times today LOL) Seriously, I have been interested in skateboarding and/or snowboarding lately (I watch FUEL TV ... a channel on Direct TV that has a lot of this type of stuff on it). Heidi has tried to talk me into it before, and I'm about to give in Heidi, PM me the prices, directions wear you teach, ect, and I'll see ya next winter there Other than that, I listen to music (mainly classic rock, metal, some punk, and Japanese drumming). I used to play drums, but MA got in the way of that. I still have a drum machine that I fiddle with, and a guitar that is collecting dust. I also love to cook. I cook all kinds of food. Usually it's Japanese, Korean, American, and Italian. Or a fusion of Japanese and Korean recipes. I don't eat red meat, but my boyfriend does, so it's usually a "fusion" recipe. I just leave out the meat for me, and add Tofu. My boyfriend and I pretty much like the same things. We garden, make stuff out of wood (I recently made a pot holder .... the ones you set a hot pot of soup on so you don't burn your table ...... out of a piece of a tree stump with Korean writing burned into it), cook together, work on our cars, do MA together, ect.
  9. I agree. When I warm up the class, we have a "plan" (written on a card) to follow, but we are allowed to "mix it up" a little. We don't have to follow whats on the card to a "T." We have room to add stuff, mix things up, or just do something we haven't done in ages (I made them do jack-knife crunches the other night. I got dirty looks LOL). As far as basics, our instructor as been skipping the basics in the beginning of class lately. But usually he would have us do blocks, strikes, kicks, ect. But what he has us do is not always the same techniques on any given night. That's what I like. It keeps it fresh.
  10. You should hear her at a test ... Man, she can be loud Big noise coming from that little body. First time I heard Heidi's kihap, I thought it came from a guy it was so loud. I about jumped outta my chair LOL. Anyways, I use the same kihap for everything. It depends on what I'm doing on "how" I use it, though. It could be louder, or softer, or just breathing out sharply. I'm a forms geek, and lately I have been getting louder with my kihaps in forms.
  11. My school has outings all the time. We have cookouts, gameday at a near by park, holiday parties, we go to Six Flags, ect. I'm the opposite of you. I go to almost all of them. Most of my friends that I have I met through the dojang, so I pretty much know every adult there (but I have three really good friends out of all of them). Anyways, if you don't feel comfortable going, don't. If you feel you are getting "bugged" about it, talk to your instructor.
  12. I forgot to mention one guy that doesn't like to hit women in my dojang. BUT we (women) don't mind being hit. It's conditioning right? Most of us want to get used to being hit and/or can take a pretty good whipping. But this one guy refuses to hit us (actually, there's two guys). I'm a "brute" for a female (as one guy put it LOL), and he knows it and he still refuses to hit me. I think that's too bad *shakes her head* This is martial arts ... no offense intended .... but get over it. If a female can give it, give it back, dude. Now if a female isn't used to being hit or a beginner, that's one thing, but if she can take it, go for it.
  13. GrrrArg, don't feel like you can't train. I've been through a lot since I started training (including moving, cancer, loss of family members, injuries, ect). I can see where you are coming from trying to find a decent place to train. I've been there. It's tough. But you have to have perseverance (sp?). Stay strong.
  14. Same here I'm a forms geek, so I'd be willing to learn it as well (specially if it involves kicking ... my other specialty ).
  15. It's the same in my dojang, thank goodness We never really had a problem with parents shouting like that, though (that I know of, that is).
  16. Quoting meself hehehehe. Anyways, the reason I did is that my master instructor picked on me the other night in class. We were doing sprints in class. We had to kiai right before we took off (after called our name). I've been doing the same kiai for years, and I guess he just decided that he didn't like it. Well, I don't think he will "make" me change it, but he laughed at my kiai, and said "Hey, how are ya doing" (heavy asian accent LOL). Everyone got a good laugh out of it
  17. Heidi is right (we train in the same system, different schools). But my school as a few that don't like to spar, so we go "light contact" with them (I usually match my partner's skill level. I never go over their level to purposely hurt my partner). But I know who likes to spar and who likes to go all out (I like sparring them hehehehehe). In this case, there will be no mercy Gender doesn't matter here either. Yea, I do remember that, Heidi. This guy was twice her size and kicked her out of the ring. But sheesh! She got right back in there and kicked some butt There was no stopping her. That was a good match to watch.
  18. There are some of us at our dojang that wear our stripes on the left. One of our instructors, Mr C, commented one day, while putting my stripe on, that he likes putting the stripes on the left. So I've been wearing them on the left since then. I don't know if it's an actual rule, but it kind of rubbed off on others as well.
  19. Heidi, you got the Taegeuk Ee Jang syndrome LOL! Not many people like it too much (at least in our school anyways).
  20. I'm kind of in between #1 and #2. When the dojang has an outing, we do not eat before our master instructor does, unless he says otherwise. And we follow ettiquite rules in the dojang to the fullest. But if I see him in the grocery store, I say hi, and give him a "half-baked" bow, give him a handshake, then act normally as I would treat a westerner. I don't mean any disrespect by it, though (not intentionally, anyways).
  21. I fight southpaw, and I'm American Like shotochem said, I put my power/quicker leg/hand forward. I don't really know why I started that, but it works for me. I don't telegraph, though. There's only two people who "read" me while I was in southpaw. Both were 3rd dans. Other than that, most don't see what I'm going to do, then Whack!
  22. My all time fav is Pyung ahn ee dan. I learned it in Tang Soo Do at 6th gup green belt (I didn't get past 5th gup before I moved). I still practice that form now and then. For TKD, I would say it's a toss-up between Taegeuk 7 and Taegeuk 8 (both learned at red belt, 2nd and 1st gup). But my boyfriend is learning Koryo (he's teaching me as well .... sssshhhhhh ), and I think it will be my new fav.
  23. Yes, my dojang teaches values. We have a "saying of the week." It can be anything from "How can I show respect" to "Teach and grow." And we talk about it at the end of class.
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