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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. It's a TKD tourny, but I'm pretty sure it's an open tourny. I'll ask tomorrow. Thanks folks. They were really cool stories you guys told (with your experiences, that is). I'm not really "affraid" to ask my instructor, but maybe I'm affraid that he will say no. I hope not. I'll keep ya posted on that. Anyone else?
  2. Hey all, I was going to put this in sport martial arts, but it's not tourny related (yet). Anyways, this is for those of you who have been in more than one style. I am going to a tourny in October. My dojang goes to this tourny every year. I finally decided to go (I turned it down before because it was too far ... Conneticut). Anyways, I wanted to do a form from my previous style at this tourny. To do that, I would have to practice it regularly till then (in and outside of the dojang). I just relearned it. I don't think my instructor cares if I practice forms that are not in the system. He knows a few of us are from different styles. But he may have a beef with me doing one from another style at the tourny, though (I'm affraid to ask LOL). Have you ever done this? Did your instructor allow it or have a beef with it? Any advice?
  3. Well, that's somewhat good news, Kicks. You still have a house (but a lot of work to do). I wish you well with finding a good place to train.
  4. I have been to open tournies (I'm going to one in Con on the 8th of Oct). My school does mainly closed tournies (just our three .. almost four .. schools), but this one is open. Anyways, in TSD, I was in one that the judges "favored" their student. The one kid got kicked in the ... urm, groin area ... and they didn't take a point, but the other kid got a point for contact ... whatever. That is one reason I don't spar at tournies. I know if I screw up my breaks (or do good) 90% of the time, it's good. The same goes for forms. But then again, it could happen in anything, not just sparring. But it, more than likely, happens in sparring.
  5. I agree with the last two posts. Let it fly. It would cause more problems if you reacted anyways, and the dope even isn't worth your time.
  6. Kicks, aren't you a 4th dan? Why would they drop you for something out of your control? That really sucks. I mean if you were truely looking to change styles, that's one thing, but dude, you lost your home. All they can think about is money?!?!?! I'd find another place to train.
  7. That I can't do, Caged. My instructor lives an hour away. He will be coming to my house from his job, and both of our schedules are pretty weird. But I wish I could.
  8. Thanks orion. But we do ab, arm and leg work in class, so I'm not too concerned about that. I have good muscle tone already (I don't want big muscles, just toned muscles ... I'm female). I just need more cardio. Jay, I'm a forms geek, so I do them whenever I have a free minute LOL (My TKD forms that is). But it's hard to do Jujitsu kata alone LOL (not that I know one yet hehehehehe).
  9. If someone said that about my instructor, I would just laugh it off. Because he still practices EVERYTHING. He trains almost everyday early in the morning at the dojang before anyone gets there. I wouldn't even think about saying something like that behind his back. He could rip me in two without trying. So, I would just blow it off. I am sure the guy is just having an ego trip. I'm sure your sensei is more than able to shred this guy.
  10. I see new people in the advance class (or even new BB's that "think" they can fight), and I'm thinking "fresh meat" LOL. Till one of our (good)BB's kick my butt. Then I think "OUCH! that hurt" LOL.
  11. Sorry, I thought you ment the stuff going on down south. Anyways, I do get "under the weather" when it rains. I just feel like taking a nap. I don't feel down, I just don't feel like doing anything when it rains, except cuddle on the couch and watch a good movie, or sleep. It rained for a bit today when I was at work, and I just wanted to come home and nap LOL. But I couldn't. I felt better after class, though.
  12. Hey all. I just wanted to know what you guys think of my workout routine. Since I love MA and music (and need cardio work) what do you think of this? Monday, (or tuesday ... depending on my work schedule) TKD Tuesday (again, depending on work) Wednsday, run and play drums for two hours (if you play drums, you know it's a great workout). Thursday, TKD Friday, run and jujitsu saturday, TKD Sunday, off Opinions?
  13. I can't do a full side split. But I have no problem kicking someone taller than me in the head with a side kick. I can do a full split with my right leg out, and almost with my left leg out. When I started, I couldn't even touch my toes, let alone do a split. I think I saw a slight difference in my flexibility in my third month of training (I touched my toes LOL). My front kicks got to my head level by then.
  14. I don't usually have a problem with my pants. I tie my draw string (like I tie my shoe laces), and it stays for me. I have problems with my belt LOL. It doesn't like to stay tied. But I found if I tie it tight the first time, and make sure it's tight before I start class, it's fine.
  15. My Tang Soo Do instructor told me that (I posted this in another thread somewhere) color belts learn the basics. Black belts learn how to use the basics. I also believe that black belt is just the beginning. I have been training 5 years (dabbling in other MA's other than TSD and TKD), and I'm just a 2nd gup/kyu (that's an advanced student in my dojang), but I feel I'm no where near ready for BB. I still have lots to learn. When I do get to BB, I still have WAY more to learn other than just technique (and forms, ect). It's about self discovery, also (actually the self discovery stuff started already, for me, anyways).
  16. Don't say .... "I am not as think as you drunk I am" hehehehehe ... doesn't work LOL
  17. I think "ouch" or "this is going to hurt" when my instructor wants to use me as a dummy. But I like it hehehehehe
  18. OMG!!! I started playing drums again. You gave me ideas for drum sticks LOL ... Ok, I don't need to think about using drum sticks as weapons .... think of other things, like learning this cool song I just heard ..... WHACK ... ouch, hit myself with a drum stick .......
  19. All I have to say is this .... live in Hurricane Katrina country and you will find out. I live in upstate New York, so we don't get much more than lots of snow, but I have lived through hurricanes and tornatos (sp?) in NJ alone. But it was no where near as bad as this (Hurricane Katrina). I'm not picking on you (I definitely like your attitude as a MA), but weather down there ( in Hurricane Katrina country) sucks They need all the help they can get.
  20. I moved after a year or so of TSD (I took a month off of training to find a dojang). Then I usually take a week or so off here and there to "refresh" myself (I get stuck in a "rut" sometimes, and a short break usually helps). Plus, I also had "injury" breaks. But I usually bounce back pretty quick once I start training again.
  21. KwicKixJ1, I agree. Not that TKD is bad (I do TKD), but I learn the "dirty fighting" in jujtisu. My instructor showed me on my first lesson how to use technique against force. No weapons yet, but he made me a total believer in whatever system I am learning, I can make it work.
  22. Good thread. I also need to learn Japanese terms (I'm used to Korean terms) for jujitsu. Anyone have a good website for them?
  23. I FINALLY got a drum kit again ... WHOOOHOOOO!!! So, yea. I'm playing drums again (both regular and Japanese Taiko drums).
  24. Yea, I'm kind of glad I failed. I have all my requirements (amount of classes, ect), so I just have to worry about improving on techniques. And not forgetting stuff LOL.
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