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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Cool story. I was just like you. I was in Tang Soo Do, then I moved. I'm now in TKD. I had a bit of an ego also. I had to start over at white belt. I was techniquly better than most of the beginners at the time. And I let it go to my head a bit. Well anyways, I remember this one class, when this lady (who was a 3rd gup/kyu at the time, I believe) was explaining to me how to do a turning kick (round kick) like I was a beginner (my partner was holding a kicking paddle). I "snorted" at her and did a high section turning kick whacking the pad hard. I mumbled under my breath that "I'm NOT a beginner. I was "humbled" by my instructor after that Now that same lady (now a 1st dan) and I are good dojang buds. Go figure.
  2. Wow! I think my instructor would have shown him the door for that. If he didn't want to learn your sensais way (or even the art), show him the door. He should have started with an open mind, not a hard-headed one LOL.
  3. Wow. This is an old thread. Anyways, when I posted, I was still at the McDojang ... sheesh LOL. I think I left there shortly after though. I went back to 5th gup and current dojang, and work my way back up to 1st gup (my current rank ... again LOL). I'm also a 7th kyu Jujitsu (Don't do Judo any more).
  4. My instructor talked to us once after a test (not mine, but others) about having an attitude. Not just at a test but in general. He said that he has failed people in the past for attitude, or not allowed people to test (I've seen that). I guess it would depend on what he did during the test and so forth as far as his attitude. Did he disrupt the test, have a control problem, ect. I'm not an instructor, so I can't really give you an opinion on that. But if he obviously goes to extremes, yea, I'd fail him if I were your Sensei. Just the little bit that you posted, is disresect on his part. So that would be grounds to dismiss him from the test.
  5. I got my Christmas gifts early. I got a drum kit a few months ago. And my senior (High) red ... FINALLY this month. I got the chance to spend Christmas with good friends since I couldn't go home (to NJ) this year. We had a blast. Oh, and we got a new Sake set from our buds on Christmas. It's the coolest looking one.
  6. My resolution is to train my butt off for my BB test in April Which means I have to start running .... gggrrrrr LOL
  7. Merry Christmas to all my fellow KF'ers Oh and don't drink too much while watching the game
  8. Sweet! Hendrix is cool. So is Zepplin, ect. I grew up on this music.
  9. I have always cross-trained. In TSD, they mixed Jujitsu (a little), Hapkido and Thai boxing in the mix. There was also a jujitsu intructor that shared space with us and I took that for a few months. I do TKD and Jujitsu now. At one point (before jujitsu) with one if my TKD dojangs, I studied Judo for a bit (and seperate). My current dojang mixes TKD, Shaolin Chuen Kung Fu, Thai boxing, and karate, if I'm remembering correctly. It's mostly TKD though.
  10. 80's rock LOL. No really, I like 80's metal also. I listen to everything from classic rock to todays metal. My favs lately are Metallica (old skool), Ozzy/Black Sabbith, Disturbed, S.O.D, Staind, ect. I was jamming to Ride The Lightning today.
  11. Congrads. I took a long time to test for my 1st gup/kyu (about a 8 month wait). I failed the first time. But passed this time (after a year). So you're not alone. Job well done.
  12. I'm 30 and a female. I got my permit when I was 18. OMG!!! That's like 12 years ago. I feel old .....
  13. I have always cross trained. In Tang Soo Do, I did a bit of Jujitsu, and our TSD class was mixed with Thai boxing and Hapikdo. My instructor didn't have a problem with it (the jujitsu instructor shared space with us). In TKD, I have done Judo seperately and together (at one TKD school, they mixed Judo with TKD). Now I do TKD and Jujitsu. My TKD instructor isn't happy with anyone cross training, but never stopped anyone from doing so. My Jujitsu sensei knows I do TKD. He doesn't care either way. He actually helped me with my last TKD test AND took pics of it. Thanks again Sensei Mike
  14. I don't invite people to fight, but I do invite my MA friends over for a good training session (usually jujitsu not TKD). But we don't rough each other up like that. There is pain involved, but not because we busted each other up. But I have had a "moment" in sparring (TKD) when this kid made me mad because he has no self control while sparring. He would beat on kids and girls (under 15). That's not right. So when I sparred him, he got rough once again. I let loose with a spinning hook kick (full force) to the head, and about knocked him out. I don't have a problem doing it again.
  15. I agree Heidi. Even the kung fu top is weird to me. I have one but I won't wear it. In my TSD school, once you reached 4th gup, you could wear a black dobok. I thought that was kinda cool. Once you reached cho dan, you could wear black pants with the white (black trim) top. Being a female, I loved the idea. But I still like the all white regaurdless of style.
  16. I'm with ya frightmaster. I'll be testing in April. I am also in BB training mode. So I'll think of ya when I'm training.
  17. Good idea. That may make this thread more interesting. Ok, I am looking for a good vegan style pasta dish (I eat real cheese if that makes it easier ). HEIDI hint LOL
  18. Yes, Superfoot. In the states, we can find the ingredients in our local market. But, like ovine king said, it may be under a different name in the UK. Or find a good asian market. And you are welcome If you want any more recipes, I started a thread called "Recipe Trading Post." Check it out.
  19. Maddwraph, it looked like it. I do a version of small circle jujitsu, so it didn't look like that. But cool, anyways.
  20. To tell you the truth, I hate colored gi's. I like the good ol' fashioned white gis. I don't get the colored gi thing either.
  21. This is a funny thing to find this thread after last night's class. There is this kid in class that has no self control (sparring), and he refused to warm up the class last night (most of the higher ranks are picked to warm up the class). He was called on to warm up the class, and he just flat out refused. I don't know why. All of us have done it. There's even a card to read off of (for the warm ups). How easy can it be? I just took it as disrespect. Even the ones who hate being in front of the class like that even try. None of us EVER refused to do so. He was sent out of the class, and another was picked. I wish it was me, because I would have given the class a good work out after that.
  22. Hey all. I was posting a recipe for Superfoot on my other thread. It gave me an idea for a recipe thread. If you wish to share your favorite recipes, post them here See this thread for my fav Kimchi recipe: http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?p=299570#299570 It can be any kind of recipe, not just Korean or asian, unless you have an asian recipe you wish to share
  23. Hey superfoot. No, I don't think it is. I have only made the radish one once, but it wasn't sour that I remember. Ok here's the recipe I use on a regular basis First off, you will need a couple of jars to store the kimchi in. You will need a big mixing bowl to soak the cabbage in. Ok, here goes. one 5lb head of Chinese cabbage (nappa) sea or kosher salt (roughly 2 tablespoons) Cut the cabbage into bite size squares, place it into the bowl, and sprinkle the salt on it and mix well. Fill the bowl with water, just enough to cover the cabbage. Let it sit for a minumum of 4 hours like this. Or overnight. The longer you let it sit, the softer the cabbage will be (I like mine a little on the "crisp" side, so 4 hours is enough for me). Then you will rinse the cabbage well in a pasta strainer, to remove the salt (if you don't, it will be WAY salty). Keep the cabbage in the strainer till you make the sauce, which is: 1 Daikon radish (about one third to one half the size of the cabbage), julienned 1 head of garlic minced 2 to 4 green onions, julienned 1 to 2 tbsp of ginger minced 1 to 2 tbsp of brown sugar 2 to 8 tbsp of Korean hot red pepper flakes, or fresh hot red pepper to taste (I use 6 tbsp of the flakes, and it's plenty hot). Some recipes call for fish or shrimp sauce. About 2 tbsp if you wish to use it, but it's not really needed. Anyways, mix the sauce well in that large bowl. Dump the cabbage back in and coat the cabbage well with the sauce. Now you have kimchi BUT if you want the real stuff, you have to let it marinate in the jars. Place the kimchi in the jars. Let the kimchi marinate in the jars on a self or counter for three days. Then three weeks in the frig. NOW you have good kimchi You can always cut the recipe in half to make a smaller batch if you wish. And the kimchi keeps for months in the frig.
  24. Cool story Superfoot. I did a bit of research myself, so I don't consider it "geeky." Yes, I do have plenty of recipes for Kimchi. BUT it also depends on how you like it. Most recipes I have are HOT (spicy). Some Kimchi is made with radish (Daikon), cucumber, ect not just cabbage. I do have recipes that are less hot, if you like that. Let me know which one you perfer, and I'll post it
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