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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Ummmm ..... should I tell hehehehe. Umm Ok. I do collections (from my house hehehehe .... home based business). I find da people that owe the doe
  2. I just noticed this forum while drinkin a cold one hehehehe Beer drinkin martial artists??? Why not? It's America. The Japanese have martial artist who drink Saki Seriously, I drink beer, but I don't mix the two, just like I don't drink and drive. I won't drive after drinkin a cold one, just like I won't pick a fight if I'm drinkin (I'm usually a mellow drinker anyways).
  3. OMG!!! I missed ISKA last night! How was it, Kickchick? I love the power or creative breaking. Yes, I'm the type who goes to tournies to compete in breaking ...... unfortunately last time I MISSED the board with the 540 last time .... AAARRRRGGGG!!! Anyway, I agree there should be some kind of MA channel. The very rare TLC specials and the once a week MA matches/ISKA thingies on ESPN is not enough. Eventhough I saw a really cool Shotokan full contact match that was pretty cool. I'm a MA addict (is there a such thing???), and I need MORE
  4. Hey Yoda, got any good Muay Thai sites? I know I just a girl (talking like a little girl), but I was thinking about trying Muay Thai. Is it common for girls? Anyway, you don't really have to be in Muay Thai to learn the kicks. I was in TSD and my instructor taught us a few Thai kicks, and I think they are awsome. My fav is the round kick to the inner thigh, or the Thai round kick in general. It generates A LOT of power from the hip. It's great. With that kick, I can kick full force and move a 250bl guy (which is excellent for me cause I'm only 135). I never thought I could do that. It shocked the hell outta me
  5. I agree with Shoto. I'd stay with the basics .... quick, easy, and they hurt. If ya try usin these fancy kicks (high kicks), you're just asking for someone to catch your leg and hit or throw you. Even an un-trained fighter catches a high kick. Keep the fancy stuff in the dojo/dojang. My favorite (for a real fight) would have to be fake a punch, front kick to the groin or low thai round kick to the inner thigh, and an elbow to the back of the head (when they come down after the kick). Maybe an axe kick to the back to make sure they stay down for good measure If they get me from behind, I'll kick in with a throw or joint lock, and follow up with a kick or two (depending on what tech I use).
  6. Hey, all. Anyone know of any good Hapkido sites? Or any Hapkido dojangs in upstate NY?
  7. Cool. I been there once when I was 14. I live near (about 45 minutes away) Rochester. An upstater hehehehe
  8. Me again. I know this is off topic. Sorry Kickchik. Shoto, I just noticed you were from NY. What part of NY?
  9. Hiya. I agree with Kickchick. I didn't like sparring at first because I didn't (still don't) like to be kicked in the head. I can take body shots all day, but not head shots. But I got used to telling my fellow students, "No head shots, please." They usually agree. Really early on, I was affraid to get hit anywhere, but I just got in there and tried not to think about it. I kept my mind on BLOCKING lol. I still got hit, but I got used to it after a while. As far as control goes, no I wasn't confident with my control at first. But I practiced at it. Now that I'm doin TKD, control is out the window lol. So you're not the only one
  10. Yea, Jack. But I was so winded with the flu, I couldn't even do a regular kick I used to hide tissues inside my uniform hehehehe.
  11. Hey, Kickchick. I like that site, also. Got any more like that?
  12. Hiya Bon. That was a little joke I said above. No, I don't tell people either. But in class, with fellow students, we go full force (with gear on, that is So, if someone were going to hit me, I'd be ready.
  13. Hiya Oldrookie. I agree. If I started a new style, it would have to be Hapkido. When I studied Tang Soo Do in my old dojang, we learned Hapkido self defense on top of TSD forms and one-step sparring. I thought it was the perfect combo of Arts. Unfortunitely, where I live now (Rochester area of NY) there aren't any Hapkido dojangs So I picked TKD because it's the closest Art to TSD. Plus, the people in this school played a big part in me choosing this school. Eventhough it's not a "traditional" version of TKD, the way they train is very traditional. And everyone is so friendly. So, if I did decide to take another art, the dojang itself would play a big part, too.
  14. Hiya Spin. I have trained with colds, and the flu. The problem training with the flu is, I couldn't breath! lol I was suckin wind with just simple techniques I wouldn't advise it. Not to mention (like you said) sharing-the-wealth. And the aches and pains, and lack of energy .... not a pretty sight. Colds for me, are just annoying. Their not the flu or anything. I do train with colds. Eventhough the breathing problem comes in to play again, I don't push myself when I train with a cold. I stick with the simple stuff, and take it slow. But that's just me
  15. Hiya TKD. What style TKD do you do (WTF, ITF, ATA, ect)? Some feds have different rules from another. But I can give you the addy for WTF TKD (the style I do). They have a good sparring section. http://www.wtf.org/main.htm Here's another one for good videos, but ya might wanna find them cheaper on Ebay http://www.aimaa.com/index.html
  16. I agree. In our TKD school, we fight full contact, so we are pretty much used to being "pounded" on. If someone outside the school hit us, we'd just look at them and laugh and say, "that's it???"
  17. Hiya, Muay. Martial Arts is not for violence. It's a means to protect yourself. Learning and knowing you can protect yourself, and fight if you have to, gives you a choice not to if you don't have to. Lemme past on one of my schools student oaths: I will use what I learn in class contructively and defensively, to help myself and my fellow man, and never be abusive and offensive. That speaks for itself.
  18. I have two. One on hotmail (for the virus scan) and one on Haiiyaa.com. You can also make your own web page on Haiiyaa for free. I did, but deleted it (I made it too cheezy lol).
  19. Coolness, Bon. The people I know (outside the dojang .... school) don't know I take martial arts at all. I don't even act like a "karate" type person. With my fellow students, that's different hehehehe. We have pretend duels all the time
  20. Smart thinking If it's just someone with a "muscle mouth", egnore'em. Because if you don't fight them, they'll get tired of flapping they're lips.
  21. I think anyone could learn a martial art from a video, but will it be good? That's the question. For a beginner, I would not recommend learning from a video or "home study" thingy. Because you will have so many questions that (without a qualified instructor) will go un-answered. And it could be dangerous if you learn something or do something wrong. You could hurt yourself. For an experienced martial artist, they can get away with it because he/she already knows the basics. But then again, they will also have questions that the "video instructor" can't answer. I recommend attending a dojo/dojang to learn a martial art. There you will find propper instruction under safer conditions. And there will be instructors and/or senior ranks to help you and answer questions.
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